A Lamp without Oil

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
An old lady about eighty-three years of age gives the following account of how the Spirit of God aroused her to a sense of her need of a Savior. She was at the time about sixteen years old and was at a gospel meeting.
The preacher took for his text the parable of the ten virgins as told in Matthew twenty-five. Towards the end of his message he related this incident: having heard of a young man in the neighborhood who was very ill, he went to visit him. The sick man refused to see him.
Several days later the man of God received a call. This same young man was sinking and wanted him to come. He responded willingly to the request.
As he entered the sick-room the minister was greeted with these words: "Friend, give me a little of your oil, for my lamp is going out."
The preacher was beginning his reply, "Go to Him who sells and buy for yourself"—but he had hardly uttered words when the poor earthen vessel broke and the young man was in eternity. Slowly and solemnly the minister concluded the story: "AND THE DOOR WAS SHUT."
Dear young friends, let me press upon you your need to come to the Savior NOW, that you too may "have oil in your lamps."