A Present Savior

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 22
“Save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance: feed them also, and lift them up forever” (Psa. 28:99Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: feed them also, and lift them up for ever. (Psalm 28:9)).
In peaceful contemplation
Of God’s beloved One,
Our heart’s deep adoration
Flows out to Him, the Son.
We’d join the glad hosanna,
We’d gaze upon His face,
Drink in the blessed fullness,
Of mercy, love and grace.
Thou art the present Saviour
Of all Thy blood-bought ones,
Brought by Thy gracious favor
Into the place of sons.
In all the present conflict,
By might and power sustained,
We bless the One who saved us,
Who every victory gained.
Blest be the God and Father
Of Jesus Christ our Lord,
Who hath so richly blessed us
According to His word;
And every hour fresh mercies
Are graciously bestowed
From His unfathomed fullness
Along our pilgrim road.
Though Satan e’er is seeking
To capture or ensnare;
Our ever watchful Shepherd,
Unceasing in His care,
His sheep protects from danger,
He guides and feeds them too,
And never will He leave them
Till He has brought them through.
Thy saints in present weakness
Upborne by power divine,
From strength to strength press onward
Till all in glory shine.
Each will with glad hosannas
His worthiness acclaim,
And to eternal ages
Will magnify His name.