A Thought on Suffering

I THINK suffering, though in itself so grievous and trying to nature, yet leads us to value more that love which has endured so much for us. I cannot be sustained under suffering save by Christ. I cannot lean on Him without feeling, in measure, the preciousness of His love. “He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.” A wonderful path for the Son of God to take! but one worthy of Himself. He who could choose what path He would, chose suffering in a world of sin. Not that even He could love suffering; but He loved obedience, and obedience led Him through suffering. “It became Him [God], for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.” (Heb. 2) God willed that His Son―His ever blessed and ever perfect Son, the Son of His love―should go through all that was needed to make Him the merciful and faithful High Priest that He is; the perfect Leader in a path of suffering that leads to heavenly glory. Not that He suffers now; but he looks back, and remembers, and with an infinite depth of compassion—a perfection of knowledge that has no parallel― regards each case among His beloved saints with an interest which, once apprehended, is the sweetest relief. For who, among the children of God―at any rate, the tried portion of them―does not understand the comfort of the thought, “He know it all”― “the Lord Jesus know it perfectly?”
“O Jesus! Lamb of God,
Who us to save from loss,
Didst taste the bitter cup of death
Upon the cross.
Most merciful High Priest,
Our Saviour, Shepherd, Friend;
‘Tis in Thy love done we trust,
Until the end.
Thou wilt our souls sustain,
Our Guide and Strength wilt be;
Until in glory, Lord, above,
Thy face we see.”
“THERE is no heart in the universe that has been so revealed as the heart of God. He gave His Son for us.”