Accepting the Blessing

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
The butcher was busy cutting off bits of meat to put into his sausage mill. When the mail arrived he saw in it a letter from his old home in Germany. Hastily tearing it open, he read that he had, by the death of a relative, fallen heir to a considerable amount of money. After reading it again to make sure, he threw his butcher's knife on the block, tore off his dirty apron, and did not even stop to see that the pork was ground into sausage. Hurriedly he left the shop and rushed home to make preparations for going to Germany. There he would claim his inheritance.
Do you blame him? Would you have had him stay in his butcher's shop, with his block, and his cleaver, and his hog? Ah, no!
In him we see the operation of faith. The man believed what was told him, and acted on it.
Friend, God has sent His message to man, telling him the good news of salvation—infinite blessedness to be had on application. When a man believes the good news to be true, he accepts the blessing announced to him, and hastens to lay hold upon it. If he truly believes, he will at once take Christ with all He has to bestow. He will turn from his present evil ways, and set out for the heavenly city where the full source of the blessing is.