Alone With God

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
Alone with God! what says that word to me?
It tells of sin confessed, of pardon free,
Of sweet communion, holy liberty,
Of shelter from the storms of life’s wild sea.
Alone with God! ‘tis there my soul finds rest
When weary, consolation when distrest;
Succor when tempted; nourishment when faint;
Comfort in sorrow, sustenance in want.
Alone with God! obtaining, day by day,
Strength for the journey, courage for the fray,
Light for my footsteps, pasture for my soul,
Hope to help onward to the heavenly goal.
Alone with God! learning my Father’s will,
Hearing His soothing whisper, “Peace, be still”
Blessed with the knowledge of His sympathy;
Bathed in the light of His all-seeing eye!
Alone with God! close to my Father’s breast,
Beyond earth’s care, sin’s woe, and life’s unrest:
Oh! holy happy spot! oh! place of bliss!
Oh! grateful plenitude of heaven-born peace!
‘Tis only while on earth that I can be,
Father of holiness, alone with Thee!
Soon in your home of love, earth’s wanderings done,
I’ll be with Thee for aye—yet not alone!