An Arrow From the Almighty

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
ONE bright summer’s day a Christian gentleman was walking along a country road when he came upon a laboring man who was engaged in cracking stones. He began to talk with him, and soon found he was one of those who dare to doubt the truth of the Scriptures.
So the Christian said to the skeptic—
“Well, my man, just look up at the sun yonder.”
“I can’t, master,” replied the man.
“But why can’t you?”
“Because it is too bright for my eyes.”
“Now, my man, if you cannot look at the sun, however will you be able to look at its Maker?” rejoined the gentleman earnestly, as he passed on his way.
The last sentence arrested the man’s attention, and, by the blessing of God, was used to the arousing of his conscience, and, ultimately to his conversion. For, like an arrow shot at a venture, but winged by the Spirit of God, those words stayed in his mind, tearing to pieces all his former, self-confidence, until he found real, abiding, and eternal peace by bowing to God and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.
L. J. M.