What shall I wish you, dear one,
As you enter another year?
A life all free from sorrow,
With never a pain or fear?
A path all strewn with roses
With never a prickly thorn
With all of joy to gladden
And naught to make you mourn?
No! then you would lose the blessing
That comes with sorrow's hour,
You then would lose the comfort
Of Christ's own mighty power;
Oft in the deepest trial
The richest blessing comes
And pain but leads us upward
Toward our heavenly home.
So I will leave your future
In His all-loving hand.
With Him will leave the mysteries
We cannot understand,
Content that He will lead you
The way that's always right,
The roughest path but brings you
To His own glory light.
I know that He will give you
His own deep joy and rest,
I know that He will send you
All that is wise and best;
So I will only wish you
Just His own perfect will,
His own sweet love and blessing
Your inmost soul to fill;
Yet, "more and more" of glory
Until the goal is won,
And in His Royal Presence
Eternity's begun.
Courtesy of BibleTruthPublishers.com. Most likely this text has not been proofread. Any suggestions for spelling or punctuation corrections would be warmly received. Please email them to: BTPmail@bibletruthpublishers.com.