Children Who Saw Jesus.

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
THERE was a little girl who saw Jesus when she was about twelve years old.
Just before this she had been taken very, very ill, so ill that she was dying. What was her father to do? Who could save his little daughter from death? Jesus only. So he went to Jesus, and entreated Him to come and heal his dying child.
“And Jesus went with him;” but before they reached the house, the child died. It may be before she died, she had asked for her father, and had been told that he was gone to ask Jesus to come. How her fond mother must have longed to see Jesus coming, and how she must have wept to see her daughter die.
There came in minstrels, who wept and screamed aloud, but the child did not hear them, for she was dead.
There was a loud tramping of many feet in the street, and a noise of the mingling of many voices, for a great multitude came with Jesus; but the little girl heard nothing of all this, for she was dead.
When Jesus came into the house, He did not let anyone go in, except “Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.” Luke 8:51.
Having put the minstrels out, He “took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid, arise.”
She had not heard the minstrels, she had not heard the multitude, but she heard the voice of Jesus; and at the sound of His loving voice, “her spirit came again:” and she arose, and walked, for He had made her strong and well.
How her heart must have beat with joy, when she opened her eyes and saw Jesus, there in the very room. She had died before Jesus came, and it was a time of sorrow; but she awoke when Jesus called, and it was a time of great joy and gladness.
So it will be at the resurrection of the just. Many little boys and girls have wept much, when one whom they loved fell asleep in Jesus; and when they saw the body laid in the silent grave. This is to all of us a time of sorrow, but when Jesus comes again from heaven, He will speak, and
The dead in Christ will hear
Their Savior’s loving voice;
Will rise to meet Him in the air,
And will each one rejoice.
There were many children who saw Jesus during the days of His ministry. There were thousands of men, women, and children assembled at one time, to listen to Jesus as He fed the souls of all who had “ears to hear,” with the Word of Life, for Jesus often spoke so simply, that even children were able to understand all that He said. And having fed the hungry souls, (see Matth. 5:6,) He thought with compassion of the hungry bodies.
The prophet had also said of Jesus “He shall gather the lambs with His arms, and carry them in His bosom.” Isa. 40:11.
Who has not heard of Jesus blessing little children? He that has blessed us, will surely bless our, dear little ones, so the mothers appear to have thought who “brought unto Him little children, that He should put His hands on them and pray.”
Why it was we do not know, but we are told that “the disciples rebuked those that brought them.” The fond parents might have turned back, sadly disappointed, but “Jesus saw it,” and “He was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the Kingdom of God. Verily, I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And He took them up in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them.” Mark 10:13, 16.