Communion and Service

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" He ordained twelve that they should be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach." Mark 3:1414And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, (Mark 3:14)
Chosen by their Lord and Savior,
Ever with Himself to be;
Listening to His gracious accents,
All His works of love to see.
But He would not only have them
With Him, learning at His feet;
He would have them telling others
Something of His lessons sweet.
They had seen Him; they had heard Him;
Thus His heart of love they knew; "
Go, tell others " was His message,
" What the Lord has done for you."
Down the ages comes the message,
From our risen Lord to me: "
I have chosen you, beloved,
Ever with Myself to be."
" Then to others would I send you,
There to tell what thus you've learned;
How your eyes have been delighted,
And your heart with rapture burned."
" Savior, I am Thine forever,
Thou hast bought me with Thy blood
Gladly would I live to serve Thee,
Gladly tell of Christ my Lord."
" Only in Thine own blest presence,
Can I strength and grace obtain;
Keep me then in close communion,
Savior, till Thou com'st again."