Consider the Lilies

 •  1 min. read
‘MIDST all the ruin sin lied brought,
Our blessed Lord in grace
Looked round upon the work God wrought,
And gave it all its place.
He shewed us by that beauteous flower,
The lily, clothed so fair,
That man with all his boasted power
Could naught with it compare.
He fully saw what was of God,
Because He dwelt with Him,
And well He knew, our blessed Lord!
Man’s heart so full of sin.
God on His work His seal had set,
But evil entered in.
He judged it by the cross; Christ met
The judgment due to sin.
Lifted above this evil scene,
Our place in Christ up there,
We trace, where God’s own has been
And give Him glory here.
Whatever bears the stamp of God
In this poor world, we prize;
We recognize creation’s Lord,
And naught of His despise.
His skill is seen express’d in power,
His heart, display’d to save;
We learn, not in the fruit of flower,
But in the One He gave.
With hearts entwined around the Son
We need no idol fear,
Affections flowing o’er will run
To those who love Him here.