There are some promises which we are apt to reserve for great occasions, and thus lose the continual comfort of them. Perhaps we read this one with a sigh, and say: "How beautiful this is for those whom the Lord is really chastening! I almost think I should not mind that, if such a promise might then be mine. But the things that try me are only the little things that turn up every day to trouble and depress me." Well, now, does the Lord specify what degree of trouble, or what kind of trouble is great enough to make up a claim to the promise? And if He does not, why should you? He only defines it as "not joyous, but grievous." Perhaps there have been a dozen different things today which were "not joyous, but grievous" to you. And though you feel ashamed of feeling them so much, and hardly like to own to their having been so trying, and would not think of dignifying them as "chastening," yet, if they come under the Lord's definition, He not only knows all about them, but they were, every one of them, chastenings from His hand; neither to be despised and called "just nothing," when all the while they did grieve you; nor to be wearied of; because they are working out blessing to you and glory to Him. Every one of them has been an unrecognized token of His love and interest in you; for "whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth.”
"There is no 'afterward' on earth for me!”
Beloved, 'Us not so!
That God's own "afterward" are pledged to thee,
Thy life shall show.
But living fruit of righteousness to
Him His chastening shall yield,
And constant "afterward," no longer dim,
Shall be revealed.
Is it no "afterward" that in thy heart
His love is shed abroad?
And that His Spirit breathes, while called apart,
The peace of God?