Did You Hear What Happened?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Time for mid-morning coffee! I joined my usual coffee pal in the cafeteria of the big corporation for which we worked. It was Monday morning, and the talk turned to a weekend drowning in a neighboring river.
"I can't understand how anyone can drown in that little old river!" exclaimed my friend.
He was well acquainted with this river, as he spent most of his weekends in its recreation area. He was a likeable chap; athletic, and a good swimmer. He should know whether it was safe or not.
A week later Monday rolled around again. My friend was missing when I went for coffee. Another worker joined me. "Did you hear what happened?"
My heart sank. Yes, my fears proved true. Our friend, who liked to swim in that "little old river," had drowned in it the day before!
It could not have been because the river was either deep or swift. It was not. Nor could anyone say our friend couldn't swim. He had won many swimming and diving contests. Then why had he drowned? An autopsy showed he had been stricken with sudden cramps while in the water. That "little old river" had claimed another victim.
In principle, the same thing could happen to you or to me! We may laugh at a hazard one day, only to have it claim us as a victim the next. And what about the long eternity into which our souls would be thrust so suddenly? Are we prepared?
God's Word tells us of only two places for the soul in eternity: heaven or hell. Heaven is a place of purity, and holiness, and light. "And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth." Rev. 21:27. Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Or do you stand before God in your sins?
"Christ died for our sins." He stands offering you peace and pardon, if you will only receive it. He never turned away anyone in need who came to Him, but He could not heal those who refused to come, bringing their need. He stands with outstretched hands today saying: "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37.