"Everybody's Doing It"

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Just as they reached a bridge which spanned a river running into a rocky ravine, something alarmed the whole flock.
For a moment the sheep stood still in a state of panic. Then one of the number, bolder than the rest, took a big jump, cleared the bridge railing and disappeared.
In a flash another had done the same thing. Then another, and another, and another, and another. The shepherd did all he could to stop them, but it was too late. Each sheep seemed to be suddenly possessed with the idea that it must be a right thing to do since everybody was doing it.
Only a very few were restrained; and in a matter of seconds the rocks below were covered with dead and dying sheep.
At present it is fashionable to ignore the gospel. To be popular with the crowd you must live as though you had no soul to be lost or saved, no sins to account for, no eternity to spend. But let us remember that the biggest crowds cannot make the wrong thing right.
If you ignore your soul and its needs, you are wrong. If you shut God out of your life, you are wrong. If you regard the Lord Jesus Christ as a mere historic Person of no particular interest to you, you are wrong. If you just live for your own pleasure, thrusting your sins into some dark corner of forgetfulness, you are wrong. And it is not a valid excuse to say, "0, but everybody's doing it."