SA 9:11{In every thought connected with the King's table we see Jesus only. He prepares the feast—"Thou preparest a table before me." He gives the invitation—"Come thou over with Me, and I will feed thee with Me." He gives the qualifying position of adoption, receiving us as the King's sons. He brings us into His banqueting house. He bids us partake, saying, "Eat, O friends, drink, yea, drink abundantly, O Beloved." He is with us at the feast, for the King sitteth at His table. He Himself is the heavenly food, the bread and the meat of His table; for He says, "The bread that I will give is My flesh"; and "My flesh is meat indeed." He Himself! Nothing less is offered to us, for nothing less can truly satisfy.
His righteousness all glorious, thy festal robe shall be:
And love that passeth knowledge His banner over thee.
A little while, though parted, remember, wait, and love,
Until He comes in glory, until we meet above.
Till in the Father's kingdom the heavenly feast is spread.
And we behold His beauty, whose blood for us was shed!