Hark! Ten Thousand Voices Crying

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 2
O the joy of the salvation
We possess around the throne,
Countless thoughts of admiration
Mingling leave that joy but one.
Hark! ten thousand voices crying,
“Lamb of God!” with one ‘accord;
Thousand thousand saints replying,
Bursts at once the echoing chord.
Long with free and glad devotion
Universal praise prevails,
Till, blest fruit of deep emotion,
Voice by voice in silence fails.
Now, in wondrous adoration,
Dwelling on His matchless love,
Sway’d with power of that salvation,
Silence fills the courts above.
Then their richest thoughts unfolding,
Each to each with joy divine,
Heavenly converse blissful holding,
Tells how bright His glories shine.
Some on God’s high glories dwelling,
Brightly beaming in His face;
Some His First-born greatness telling,
Ordering all things in their place.
These of Godhead’s counsels deep
Him th’ Accomplisher proclaim;
These how Jesu’s self could weep,
Of Godhead’s love the witness came.
All on love ‘surpassing rest,
That clothed in flesh the great I AM: —
Till from a heart divinely perst
Bursts forth at length the loud exclaim,
“Praise the Lamb! “—at once awaking
The gather’d hosts, their voices throng;
Loud and wide each tongue partaking,
Rolls renew’d the endless song.
Grateful incense this, ascending
Rises to the Father’s throne;
Every knee to Christ is bending,
All the mind in heaven is
All the Father’s counsels claiming
Equal honors to the Son,
All the Son’s effulgence beaming
Glory of His Father’s throne:
By the Spirit all pervading
Radiant hosts unnumber’d round,
Breathing glory never fading,
Echo back the blissful sound.
Joyful now the wide creation
Rests in undisturb’d repose;
Blest in Jesu’s full salvation,
Borrow now no thraldom knows.
Rich the streams of bounty flowing,
Common blessings from above,
Life and holy joy bestowing,
Tell of God’s unwearied love.
Hark the heavenly notes again!
Loudly swells the air-borne praise;
Throughout creation’s vault, “Amen,
“Amen!” responsive joy doth raise.
J. N. D.
The above is the original form of this well-known Hymn.