"He Is Our Peace."

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 9
Christ’s grave is vacant now,
Left for the throne above;
His cross asserts God’s right to bless
In His own boundless love.
‘Twas there the blood was shed,
‘Twas there the life was poured,
There mercy gained her diadem,
Whilst justice sheathed her sword.
And thence the child of faith
Sees judgment all gone by,
Perceives the sentence fully met,
The soul that sins shall die!
Learns how that God, in love,
Gave Christ the sins to bear
Of all who own Him Son of God,
That they His place might share;
And cries with wond’ring joy,
As He is so am I,
Pure, holy, loved as Christ Himself,
Who shall my peace destroy?
Reach my blest Saviour first,
Take Him from God’s esteem;
Prove Jesus bears one spot of sin,
Then tell me I’m unclean!
Nay! for He purged my guilt
By His own precious blood,
And such its value not a spot
E’er meets the eye of God.
W. N. T.