How a Little Boy Found Salvation.

W. was a bright little fellow of eight, living at the time when my story begins, in a large seaside town. His great delight was to go down to the beach with his nurse, and dig in the sand or throw stones into the sea. Sometimes his father would take him out for a row, and this he greatly enjoyed.
Now, although W. was quite a little boy, he was old enough to know that he had done a great deal that was wrong. Often would he lie awake at night in terror. He feared that he might die, and knew that only those whom God had cleansed might go to heaven. So anxious was he to have his sins forgiven that every night he used to repeat over and over again very earnestly, “Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”
One evening his cousin took him on her knee and asked him if he was one of God’s little lambs. But W. could only hang his head and answer, “No.” That night he was more frightened than ever. He felt sure that he should die, and knew that he was not saved. The next day was Sunday, and W. went to church with his parents.
Suddenly, as he was coming home, he felt that his sins were forgiven. He could believe that Jesus had died even for him. Oh, what joy was his! With difficulty he restrained himself from calling out, and it was only shyness that prevented him from telling hip parents what had happened. But as soon as home was reached he exclaimed to his nurse, “You know that happy feeling that comes over you when your sins are forgiven; well, I feel that now.” Yes, W. was saved, and when he knelt by his bed that night, he could no longer ask God to wash him “whiter than snow,” as he had already praised Him for so doing. But he could ask for help in his new life, and this he did. Years have gone by since that eventful Sunday and W. is no longer a little fellow, but he can never forget the joy of that day, the happiest in his life.
Little readers, do you know that your sins are forgiven, or are you, as was W., afraid to die? If so, remember what God has said in His word, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” (John 3:3636He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. (John 3:36).) T. C.