How God Used a Gospel Sign

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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Memory Verse: “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures ... He was buried ... He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” 1 Corinthians 15:3,4
Farmer Brown is a bright Christian and likes to witness to others of Jesus, the Saviour of sinners. He has put up a gospel sign on his barn for all to see, and it reads: “CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS.” Many passers-by read his sign and he prays that they might believe the message it brings. Scripture tells us that “believing” is “having” and “he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.” (John 3:36.
One day Mr. Brown received a card in the mail advertising a vacuum cleaner, and a salesman requested an opportunity to come out and demonstrate his product. Here was an opportunity, thought the farmer, to speak to this man about his soul and need of salvation, so he was not long in getting in touch with the man by phone and making an appointment.
The salesman that came out had recently come from India and was trying to get a start in business as he hoped to bring his wife over here also. This Indian man, a lawyer, was anxious to know what the words on the gospel sign meant:
He said he had recently heard some one mention the name of Jesus. Was He a good man?
“O yes,” replied Farmer Brown. “He is my Saviour.”
After some conversation the salesman said, “I don’t understand, but there is something so different about you and your family, so sweet, calm and relaxed.”
“Well,” explained the farmer, “the Lord Jesus makes the difference. He saves, He keeps, He satisfies. Since I accepted Him as my Saviour, I have perfect peace.”
“Can you tell me more about this man, Jesus?” asked the Indian.
“If I don’t take your time in making this demonstration, I would be happy to tell you more!” replied Farmer Brown. And for some time he read him out of the Scriptures how that Christ died on the cross for our sins and that God raised Him from the dead for our justification. He explained to his friend that if he believed that Jesus died for him, too, God was just in forgiving all his sins, taking him out of his old state of condemnation, and putting him in a new position before Him where all his sins and guilt were gone forever.
The Indian man gladly knelt down and asked the Lord Jesus to save him that night, and He did, so that the peace of God filled his soul. Furthermore, he asked Farmer Brown if, when his wife came, would he mind if she, too, could hear the wonderful words of life.
Several weeks later the phone rang. It was the Indian salesman calling to say his wife had arrived and Farmer Brown was not long in inviting them both for dinner. At the table Mr. Brown read from the Scriptures and pointed out the way of salvation, liberty and glory. The time came when this dear soul followed her husband in accepting the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, too.
How often the Word of God works quietly and yet with power!
“My word... shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isa. 55:11.
“I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions for Mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.” Isa. 43:25