How Jack Was Made Anew

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
It was the last day of the old year. A few of the men on board ship had met weekly for prayer, and of late they had prayed earnestly for one of their number, one who had carried his dissipation and recklessness beyond all limits. Just before this sailor's watch on the last night of the year, one of his comrades said to him kindly: "Jack, we meet tonight to see the old year out. Shall we pray for you?" Jack turned round in a rage.
“Make me your subject, if you dare, and I'll knock your brains out," was his answer.
Overhead shone the stars, and far away gleamed the lights of the city. Jack was at his post and the parting words of his comrade rang in his ears.
“I wonder what they'll say," he thought at length after his anger had died away. "Well, if they mention all my sins they'll have enough to keep them busy!" One after another many occasions of sinful debauchery came up before him, scenes from which many of the participants had been called away to judgment. Rousing himself he tried to shake off these memories, but in vain.
“We'll pray for you," rang in his ears. All at once brief scriptures learned at his mother's knee from her almost forgotten Bible came up before him. Vainly he whistled and sang, and tried to think of everything else.
“The soul that sinneth, it shall die," said memory. "The wrath of God abideth on him." "Shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy," came before him. At last he saw himself a sinner before an avenging, slighted God. Despairing and trembling, he realized his hopelessness.
“Oh, what a list of sins I've got scored against me! he groaned. "I can't ever get them chalked out.”
He saw himself lost and helpless, fast sinking in the waves of sin and shame. But as One of old appeared to Peter walking on the sea—the blessed "Son of man"—so across the cold waves of doubt, of anguish, and despair came the heavenly Comforter into the heart of this poor sailor. To his memory came the gentle words of the Savior: "Be not afraid; only believe.”
Alone at his post Jack fell upon his knees. He believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, he received Him into his heart, and was saved.
The far-off city bells tolled out the dying of the year, and merry chimes announced the advent of the new as Jack, a "new creature" in Christ, arose from his knees. Grasping the hand of a comrade who soon came to relieve him, he said, with tears of joy, "Ned, I'm a new man in Christ Jesus.”
His conversion was indeed sincere, and God's Spirit perfected the good work begun in him. As he contemplated the abyss from which he had been snatched, he could not sufficiently praise God's goodness. Jack was unwearied in his efforts to show his late companions the folly of their ways; and more than one had reason to hold in grateful memory Jack's new year.
Will you also believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be made anew?