How the Jailer Was Caught

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While holding a meeting in the city of St. Louis, D. L. Moody preached on Acts 16, the story of the Philippian jailer. The following day the "Globe Democrat" reported the sermon under the sensational headline: "How the Jailer at Philippi was Caught.”
A copy of this issue found its way into the City Prison: There it fell into the hands of one of the most notorious criminals of that day, a man known as "Valentine Burke." He was one of the worst characters then on police records. When he was forty years old he had spent twenty years behind' the bars. At the time of Mr. Moody's visit to St Louis; Burke was awaiting trial on a burglary charge: As he glanced over the 'paper, the headline' caught his eye. Thinking it was some jail news, he began to read; anxious to know how a jailer was caught! He had once passed through a town in Illinois called Philippi 'and concluded that that 'was where the' capture took places. As he read, again arid' again he came across the words "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved," It was quoted nine and Burke began to wonder what had happened to the "Globe Democrat. He looked at the date, found it was that morning paper, and was disgusted to read such "stuff;" as he 'their deemed it.
However, he could not 'get the words out of his mind. They repeated themselves with persistent 'force: "Believe on the Lord Jests Christ and thou shalt be saved." He could not sleep. The whole of his guilty past was mirrored before him; and the hardened' criminal quailed at the thought of coming judgment. Like the Philippian Burke in his cell at midnight cried to God for mercy, and had the consciousness of being heard. Grace and pardoning love saved him.
He told his story to the jail warden in the morning, who for the first time saw this hardened sinner subdued. After serving his sentence, Valentine. Burke was released, and he tried hard to find honest work; but on account of his past record he was unsuccessful. He left for New York and tried there with the same result. Finally he landed back in St. Louis.
One day Burke received a message that he was wanted at the Sheriff's office. He went with a heavy heart, thinking it was some old case they had dug up. But he said, "I'm done with lying." To his surprise, however, the Sheriff greeted him kindly and said, "Burke, where have you been?”
He replied, "In New York.”
"What were you doing there?”
"Trying to make an honest living," was his response. The Sheriff asked, "Have you kept a good grip on your religion?”
He replied that he had experienced a hard time but had been kept.
"Well, Burke," said the Sheriff. "I have had you shadowed ever since you left this jail. I feared you were lying to me; but I am convinced you are sincere. I have sent for you to offer you a job as my deputy. You can begin at once.”
There Valentine Burke remained as long as he lived. Constantly he testified to others of that grace which is able to save and keep those who, in all their need, come to the Savior of sinners.
You may be different from Burke the burglar. You may be the very antithesis of the man. You may never have gone to the depths of sin as he did! Yet you have sinned, for "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Rom. 3:2323For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23).
You need the Savior! To you, reader, is the word of this salvation sent: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and THOU shalt be saved." Acts 16:3131And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:31).
Will you, like Burke, own your need and trust Christ as your Savior, TODAY?