I Am Redeemed

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 22
Once a slave to sin and Satan,
Now redeemed and brought to God,
Heir of God, joint heir with Jesus,
Glorious triumph of His blood.
I’m redeemed, but not with silver,
I’m redeemed, but not with gold,
With the precious blood of Jesus—
Sweetest story ever told.
With the blood of Christ redeemed,
Precious price beyond compare;
With the blood of Calvary’s victim—
‘Twas for me He suffered there.
All my sins were laid upon Him,
Jesus bore them on the tree
I’m redeemed to God forever,
Through the work of Calvary.
Soon in scenes of brightest glory,
With the whole redeemed throng,
I will sing redemption’s story,
Which the ages will prolong.