I Have It! I Have It!

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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AS the year 18— was drawing to its close I had a strange dream. I thought I was led up a long winding staircase, and found myself standing by the death-bed of a young man, whom I had never seen before. In the dream I felt God had sent me to deliver the message of salvation to the young man. I awoke, but could not forget the dream, and I wondered very much what its fulfillment would be.
On that same morning I took a walk along a pretty woodland path, close to our home. On my way I was stopped by a lady, whom I only knew by sight, and she, to my astonishment, asked me if I would without delay go and visit a young man who was dying of consumption.
I promised to do so, for the dream was still fresh in my mind. After some enquiries I found myself at the right house. The door was opened by the sick man's wife: she was glad to see me, and led the way to an inner room, in the corner of which lay the young man. He was the same I remembered seeing in my dream.
His once strong arms were wasted, and his pale cheeks and sparkling eyes told too plainly the rapid progress disease was making.
As I sat down by his side his wife told me the story of his sufferings. With another man he had been for two years employed in building a lighthouse, off the Cape of Good Hope. Exposure to the weather, together with insufficiency of food, had led to the disease, and he was brought home in a dying state to his sorrowing wife and little children.
Having narrated the sad story, the wife left the room, upon which I asked William G. how it was with his immortal soul.
He gasped out that it was not death he feared, but that within him there was no settled peace. He was in a most anxious state, and clung to every word that was said about the love of God towards sinners, as shown in His sending His only Son to be their substitute. I then read to him some portions from the word of God, but none seemed to help him until I was strongly impressed to give him this one verse, “He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (1 John 5:1212He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. (1 John 5:12).) I bent over the bed and read it to him slowly.
Never shall I forget the joy which lighted up the dying man's face as, raising his thin hands, and clasping them together, he cried from the depths of his soul, "I have it! I have it! "
God had caused the light to shine into his darkened heart. I could say nothing more to him, but fell on my knees by the bedside, and there poured out our thanks to God for revealing Jesus to this dear one as his Savior.
What a change had taken place in those few moments Out of darkness into light; out of bondage into liberty; out of self into Christ.
He lingered some little time longer, and the day he was called home, on hearing my voice, he stretched out his hand and clasped mine, and then, with his head resting on his wife's shoulder, William G. fell asleep in Christ, perfect peace being stamped upon his countenance. The next day while standing by his open coffin, his weeping widow told me what he had not liked to tell me himself. He had said to her, while we knelt by his bedside to return thanks for his conversion, that a glory illuminated the room.
May this simple and true story encourage many to go forth with fresh energy to win souls for Christ.
E. T. S.