Jesus in the Midst

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
“Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.”
-MATT. 18: 20.
JESUS, a few of Thine
Are gathered in Thy name:
Lift up Thy face, and on us shine,
For we Thy promise claim.
Are we not, Lord, Thine own,
The purchase of Thy blood?
By Thee we would approach His throne,
Our Father and our God.
In us the Spirit dwells,
The witness of Thy love;
Our hearts rejoice, while He reveals
The glorious things above.
Our Comforter and Guide,
While Thou art gone away,
May He among us now preside,
Help us to praise and pray.
Jesus, Thyself reveal,
Each cloud and veil remove;
Cause all our waiting hearts to feel
The kindlings of Thy love!