Jesus Is Mine

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Now I have found a Friend,
Jesus is mine;
His love shall never end,
Jesus is mine.
Though earthly joys decrease,
Though human friendships cease.
Now I have lasting peace:
Jesus is mine.
When earth shall pass away,
Jesus is mine;
In the great judgment day,
Jesus is mine.
Oh! what a glorious thing,
Then to behold my King,
On tuneful harp to sing,
Jesus is mine!
Farewell, mortality!
Jesus is mine;
Welcome eternity!
Jesus is mine.
He my Redemption is,
Wisdom and Righteousness,
Life, Light, and Holiness,
Jesus is mine.
Father, thy name I bless,
Jesus is mine;
Thine was the sovereign grace,
Jesus is mine.
Spirit of holiness,
Sealing the Father’s grace,
Thou mad’st my soul embrace
Jesus as mine.