Jesus My All in All

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 38
I LOVE when I am weary,
And faint, and worn, and sad,
To spend an hour with Jesus,
Whose presence makes me glad.
I love when tried and tempted,
Beset with doubts and fears,
To cast my care on Jesus,
He wipes away my tears.
And when, oppress’d with sorrow,
My heart within me dies,
When tempests round me gather,
And waves of trouble rise,
When all things seem against me
In this dark vale of tears,
Oh, how one glimpse of Jesus
Will dissipate my fears.
I love to walk with Jesus,
To lean upon His breast,
And hear Him sweetly whisper,
“I—I will give you rest.”
Oh, precious, precious Jesus,
No mortal tongue can tell
The rich surpassing beauties
That in my Saviour dwell.
His heart so full of pity,
His kind and fond embrace,
His voice so soft and gentle,
And oh, His lovely face.
Sometimes I hear Him whisper,
“Fear not for I am thine,”
And then I quickly answer,
“Dear Saviour, Thou art mine.”
Oh, what to me are trials,
With Jesus for my friend,
Though all things else are fleeting,
His love can never end.
Should earthly friends prove faithless,
And leave me one by one,
I know my precious Jesus
Will ne’er forsake His own;
But gently bear me onward
Through trials yet to come,
Until He lands me safely
In heaven, my promised home.
There, far from grief and sorrow,
I shall forever dwell,
And nestle in the bosom
Of Him I love so well.
Jesus, my sweetest portion,
My hope, my joy, my peace,
My rock, and my salvation,
My “Sun of Righteousness.”
Jesus, my only glory,
Low at Thy feet I fall,
My Saviour, Friend, and Brother,
Nay, more— my all in all.