July 4: The Searcher of Hearts

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Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? John 4:2929Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? (John 4:29)
OH 4:29{Yes! it is not merely a vague general belief in Christ as the Teacher who "will tell us all things" which suffices for heart conviction of "the reality of Jesus Christ," but the individual knowledge of Him as the Searcher who "told me all things that ever I did." This was what led the woman of Samaria to exclaim, "Is not this the Christ?" This was to her the irresistible proof of His Messiahship. What about ourselves? If we know anything of true intercourse with the Lord Jesus, our experience will not be unlike hers. When He who "searches Jerusalem with candles" turns the keen flame of His eyes upon the dark corners of our hearts, and flashes their far-reaching, all-revealing beam upon even the far-off and long-forgotten windings of our lives, when in His light we see the darkness, and in His purity we see the sin that has been, or that is; when He "declareth unto man what is his thought," and then convinces that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," then we know for ourselves that He "with whom we have to do" is indeed the Christ.
O happy end of every weary quest!
He told me all I needed graciously—
Enough for guidance and for victory
O'er doubts and fears, enough for quiet rest;
And when some veiled response I could not read.
It was not hid from Him—this was enough Indeed.