June 11

Matthew 11:28‑30
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light”— Matthew 11:28.30.
THE rest that the Lord Jesus gives freely to all who come to Him is rest of conscience in regard to the sin question. The distressed soul, burdened with a sense of guilt, comes to Him and finds peace when he trusts Him as the great Sin-bearer. The second rest is rest of heart. Adverse circumstances may rise up to alarm and fill the heart with fear and anxiety, but he who takes Christ’s yoke and learns of Him is able to be calm in the midst of the storm. He finds perfect rest as he trusts all to Him who sitteth over the waterfloods and is Lord of all the elements.
“Jesus, I rest in Thee.
In Thee myself I hide;
Laden with guilt and misery,
Where can I rest beside?
‘Tis on Thy meek and lowly breast
My weary soul alone can rest.
Thou Holy One of God!
The Father rests in Thee,
And in the savor of that blood
Which speaks to Him for me;
The curse is gone—in Thee I’m blest;
God rests in Thee—in Thee I rest.
The slave of sin and fear,
Thy truth my bondage broke;
My happy spirit loves to wear
Thy light and easy yoke:
Thy love, which fills my grateful breast.
Makes duty joy, and labor rest.”
―J. G. Deck.