Leaning on Thee

 •  1 min. read
Leaning on Thee, my Guide, my Friend,
My gracious Savior! I am blest;
When weary, Thou dost condescend
To be my rest.
Leaning on Thee, this darken’d room
Is cheer’d by a celestial ray;
Thy loving smile dispels the gloom—
Turns night to day.
Leaning on Thee, my soul retires
From earthly thoughts and earthly things;
On Thee she fixes her desires;
To Thee she clings.
Leaning on Thee, with child-like faith,
To Thee the future I confide;
Each step of life’s untrodden path
Thy love will guide.
Leaning on Thee, though faint and weak—
Too weak another voice to hear—
Thy heavenly accents comfort speak;
“Be of good cheer.”
Leaning on Thee, no fear alarms;
Calmly I stand on death’s dark brink:
I feel “the everlasting arms;”
I cannot sink.