Leave the Future

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
“Leave the future”—let it rest
Simply on thy Savior’s will.
“Leave the future”—they are blest
Who, confiding, hoping still,
Trust His mercy
To preserve them safe from ill.
Thus, like travelers in the dark,
Following the appointed way,
Though no beacon-fire they mark,
Still their faithful spirits say,
“We will follow—
Jesus leads to perfect day.”
Let the present moment pass,
With a blessing on its head;
And as Time metes out his glass,
While our sands are numbered,
Use the present—
Soon ‘twill sleep with ages fled.
When with mists thy joys are clouded,
And when darkness fills the air—
When with sin thy soul is shrouded—
Then to Calvary repair;
Jesus gives thee
Beams of pure refulgence there.