Letter to the Editor

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Dear Brother,-It has only just now been my privilege to look over the 17th part of Present Testimony, and with reference to "No. 23 of that part, I venture to offer the following observations:-In the book of Revelations, which has been my study and delight for many years, I remarked the difficulty which occurs at the close of the book. But I have also found the difficulty entirely removed by placing ten verses in parenthesis-i.e., from the seventh of the twentieth chapter to the first of the twenty-first inclusive, I have long since marked these verses in my book as a " post-millennial parenthesis."-I believe the remaining part of the twenty-first and the whole of the twenty. second chapters to be purely millennial.-I had still some little difficulty respecting the fifth verse of the twenty-first chapter, which appears at first sight out of place, but nothing can be out of place in God's word, and I now see it quite otherwise, this verse (5), as I judge, contains prophecy-not action,-a proclamation made, it may be at the close of the coming age when symptoms of the falling away or final apostasy may " exhibit themselves," and then the promise, seventh verse, " Whosoever overcometh," comes in course suitably to the faithful of the earthly family. This is not a repetition of a similar promise to the seven churches; for here it would appear still more out of place, nor can it be understood as addressed to those who have passed into the new heavens or new earth: for what can there be to overcome there where "dwelleth righteousness;" (2 Peter 3:1313Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. (2 Peter 3:13))? That the future action (ver. 5) is spoken of in the present tense involves no difficulty,- for very many passages show that such is the style of the Spirit in the prophets; and in the second Psalm the future action is even spoken of in the past tense, " I have set," sixth verse. I may not be rightly dividing the word, but I am looking to the Lord for more light, and in the meantime that the saints may be daily living more in the power of future things. Waiting and longing first of all for Jesus, the " Son from heaven," is my humble desire.
I am truly yours in the Lord, J. M.