Little Johnnie's Last Words.

LITTLE Johnnie was suddenly taken ill. His age was six years and two months. The parents sent for their doctor. When he came, he found the dear child in a dying state, and told them that he could not live. The mother burst into tears, and said, “Oh! Johnnie my darling, where are you going?”
The little fellow looked earnestly at her, and said, “You are my earthly ma”; then turning to his father, said, “You are my earthly pa; but I am going to no, heavenly Father!” And then, as he lay back on his pillow, he said, “Ma, do not cry! do not cry for me!”
The doctor exclaimed, “You are a happy woman” And truly her heart was full of thankfulness to God, even although it seemed ready to break at parting with that sweet child, who in a few hours was taken to be “with the Lord.”
“Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise.” H. L. T.