
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 9
Look back, and trace the loving hand
That’s been thy guide and stay,
When fierce the trial pressed on thee,
Thy strength was as thy day.
Look up, there sits upon the throne
Thy Saviour, Lord and Friend,
The grace, that has sustained till now,
Shall keep unto the end.
Look off, from everything below,
Naught here can satisfy,
There’s One, who died thy soul to save,
Exalted now on high.
Look forward, but a little while,
And thou shalt reach the goal;
O, then, what joy unspeakable
Shall burst upon thy soul!
Look back, once more, and see by faith
The One who on the tree
Endured the judgment which by right
Had all been borne by thee.
For thee He drank the bitter cup,
Forsaken by His God,
When, as thy Substitute, He paid
Thy ransom with His blood.
Look up, and see Him on the throne,
Accepted there for thee,
God fully glorified, and thou
As spotless seen as He.
His presence there is God’s receipt
Of all thy mighty debt;
Behold His signature, and learn
How God can sins forget.
Look off, to Jesus then, for so
Will strength be hourly given,
To walk as pilgrims here below
Until we rest in heaven.
His love’s our banner, and His grace
Our joy and strength shall be,
Till in His presence we appear
And all His glory see.
Look forward, Christ will surely come
According to His word,
And in a moment we shall rise
To greet our Saviour Lord.
The destined hour cannot delay,
This year may see it come,
O! Jesus Lord, what joy to know!
That Thou wilt bring us home.