AL 3:24{This glorious justification by faith is sevenfold. We are justified: 1. "By His grace"—the grace of God the Father, one of whose most wonderful titles is "The Justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.”
2. "By His blood"—that precious blood which has to do with every stage of our redemption and effectuated salvation from the writing of our names in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, till the chorus of the "new song" is full in Heaven.
3. "By the righteousness of One" (of the One), "by the obedience of One"; by which the free gift, the unspeakable gift of eternal life—nay, of Christ Himself to be our life—"came upon all men unto justification of life.”
4. By the resurrection of Jesus our Lord who was raised again for our justification, the grand token that our Substitute had indeed fulfilled all righteousness for us.
5. "By His knowledge shall My righteous Servant justify many; for He shall bear their iniquities." For true faith is founded upon the knowledge of Him and "this is life eternal.”
6. "By faith"; just only believing God's Word and accepting God's way about it.
7. By works; because these are the necessary and inseparable evidence that faith is not mere fancy or talk.
By the grace of God the Father, thou art freely Justified,
Thro' the great redemption purchased by the blood of Him who died;
By His life, for thee fulfilling God's command exceeding broad,
By His glorious resurrection, seal and signet of our God.