Messages of God's Love: 2008

Table of Contents

1. A Showdown in the Snow
2. The Wonders of God's Creation: Cheerful Dolphins - Part 1
3. What's a New Testament Worth?
4. Following Closely
5. The Wonders of God's Creation: Cheerful Dolphins - Part 2
6. Who Stopped the Fire? - Part 1
7. Protection
8. The Wonders of God's Creation: Cheerful Dolphins - Part 3
9. The Broken Eggs
10. Who Stopped the Fire? - Part 2
11. The Wonders of God's Creation - The Golden Eagle
12. Following Footsteps
13. Footprints
14. The Wonders of God's Creation: Fierce-Looking Moray Eels
15. Good Advice
16. A Kitten in Trouble
17. The Wonders of God's Creation - The Stately Moose
18. Max Finds a New Friend
19. The Wonders of God's Creation: Rockhoppers Are Tough! - Part 1
20. It Rained and It Rained
21. Something God Cannot See
22. The Wonders of God's Creation: Rockhoppers Are Tough! - Part 2
23. Trapped in a Coal Mine
24. The Runaway Tricycle
25. The Wonders of God's Creation: Spiders Aren't Popular
26. Zoey to the Rescue
27. The Wonders of God's Creation: Jumping Spiders
28. A Caring Bus Driver
29. Three Precious Promises
30. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Adorable Kit Fox
31. What Happened to Elijah
32. The Injured Crow
33. The Wonders of God's Creation: Well-Named Hornbills
34. Billy's Clean Heart
35. The Wonders of God's Creation: Your Amazing Body - Part 1
36. Grrrr … Woof!
37. "Ann, Come!"
38. The Wonders of God's Creation: Your Amazing Body - Part 2
39. More About Elijah
40. The Foggy Day
41. The Wonders of God's Creation: Your Amazing Body - Part 3
42. I Had No Fear
43. A Good Question
44. The Wonders of God's Creation: Beneficial Blackbirds
45. Do You Sing Lies?
46. God's Unusual Workers
47. The Wonders of God's Creation: Migrating Caribou - Part 1
48. Caught!
49. The Wonders of God's Creation: Migrating Caribou - Part 2
50. What About the Weeds?
51. Great Love
52. The Wonders of God's Creation: Body Snatchers and Driver Ants
53. The Rescued Baby Bird
54. A "Reversed" Bible
55. The Wonders of God's Creation: More Ants, Please
56. Look Before You Leap
57. The Wonders of God's Creation: Dandelions for Lunch
58. The Treasure Chest
59. Who Am I?
60. The Wonders of God's Creation: Amazing Sandhill Cranes - Part 1
61. A Fig Tree but No Figs
62. Mother Duck and Her Ducklings
63. The Wonders of God's Creation: Amazing Sandhill Cranes - Part 2
64. "Trucker" The Cat
65. Walking in the Dark
66. The Wonders of God's Creation: Unusual Tree Frogs
67. In the Jaws of Death!
68. The Wonders of God's Creation: We All Know the Crow
69. King Asa's Victory
70. The Pony Express
71. The Wonders of God's Creation: More About Elephants
72. Judy Goes Waterskiing
73. The Wonders of God's Creation: A Night Under the Stars
74. "Help! I'm Stuck!"
75. My Coat Is Not Me
76. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Strange Cobra Plant
77. Uncle Bob's Close Call
78. The Wonders of God's Creation: "Dogs" That Are Not Dogs
79. Who Cares for Baby Birds?
80. A Kernel of Corn
81. The Wonders of God's Creation: Attracting Wildlife
82. Another Story About King Asa
83. The Four-Year-Old Who Was Really One
84. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Adaptable Guanaco
85. Fall From the Garage!
86. Fearful Finches
87. The Wonders of God's Creation: Two Unusual Storks
88. Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits!
89. Too Late
90. The Wonders of God's Creation: The World Needs Insects
91. Saved From the Crashing Waves
92. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Muskrat
93. Tornado!
94. The Good Shepherd
95. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Interesting Least Tern
96. What's Inside?
97. Counterfeit Money
98. The Wonders of God's Creation: Some of Nature's Helpers
99. Does God Answer Prayer for Little Things?
100. Lost in a Store
101. The Wonders of God's Creation: Rubber From Trees
102. Street Signs
103. The Prisoner
104. The Wonders of God's Creation: Kaibab Squirrels Are Different
105. "Remember Lot's Wife"
106. One Lost Sheep
107. The Wonders of God's Creation: Ravens Are Smart
108. Coco and Lucy "Fly the Coop"
109. The Wonders of God's Creation: Two Unusual Wonders
110. Mysterious Mushrooms
111. One Warning Is Enough!
112. The Wonders of God's Creation: Birds on the Move - Part 1
113. A Surprise From Under the Sea
114. Prickers
115. The Wonders of God's Creation: Birds on the Move - Part 2
116. Agata Has Many Enemies
117. Isle Aux Morts
118. The Wonders of God's Creation: Birds on the Move - Part 3
119. Huddled Together
120. The Wonders of God's Creation: Birds on the Move - Part 4
121. Steve and His Bible
122. Grow a Garden in Your Heart
123. The Wonders of God's Creation: The World's Largest Snakes
124. Clean, Outside and Inside
125. Hamburger Buns
126. The Wonders of God's Creation: Pretty but Deadly!
127. Good Fish and Bad Fish
128. Ready or Not?
129. The Wonders of God's Creation: Turkeys - Wild and Tame
130. Joy Can Be Yours
131. Stop for Red Lights!
132. The Wonders of God's Creation: Glaciers and Icebergs - Part 1
133. The Friendly Stork
134. The Ring
135. The Wonders of God's Creation: Glaciers and Icebergs - Part 2
136. Ryan's Friend
137. The Sparrows' Rescue
138. The Wonders of God's Creation: What Goes on in a Compost Pile?
139. Who Shut the Door?
140. How Many Words in John 3:16?
141. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Clever Baboon
142. Sergeant Tibbs
143. Unwelcome Guests
144. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Cleanup Committee

A Showdown in the Snow

Dear Children,
Hello again from Grampa. I am writing this letter as I’m looking out our kitchen window at the four inches of brand-new, beautiful, white snow. All the while we were sleeping, the snow was gently coming down from the heavens and landing on the earth.
Gramma asked me what Bible verse I think about when I look at the snow. I answered, “Job chapter 38 and verse 22: ‘Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow?’” Yes, children, snow contains many treasures.
It is now 6:45 in the morning, and the birds are waiting for their food. So that means I must hurry and feed them. As I stand looking out the window at the snow, Chelsea, our dog, jumps up on the chair beside me to see what I’m looking at. So I put my arm around her neck and give her a playful hug and say, “Okay, we’ll put your coat on and you can help me feed the birds.” You see, children, Gramma has made a nice, warm coat for Chelsea to wear when it gets cold. So then I put on my boots, coat and hat and out we go!
Chelsea and I walk together into the barn and scoop up a pail of birdseed, along with some stale bread that we feed to the crows. We put seed into all the bird feeders, then walk down to the creek and put some bread on the ground for the crows. All the while we hear the crows cawing and the blue jays scolding. During this cold weather we feed the birds twice a day.
Now then, Chelsea and I get back to the house, and I brush off my boots and clean the snow off Chelsea’s paws and legs. Then we step into a nice, warm kitchen for breakfast.
While Gramma and I are eating, we love to look at all the different kinds of birds, and now we have five regular-visiting crows to watch too. Uh-oh, we see another bird zooming in  ... it’s the marsh hawk! He’s the number one enemy of these birds! Immediately all the birds explode into flight!
Mr. Hawk was a bit too slow today—he missed them all. So he lands in the big oak tree and sits on a branch. All the birds have flown away except the crows.
Gramma looked at me and asked, “What do you think will happen now?”
I replied, “It won’t take long to find out.” I had just spoken those words when the five crows took off right in the direction of the hawk! They flew straight for the hawk! When he realized that they were after him, he dove out of that tree just ahead of the crows  ... they just missed him!
You see, children, those crows would have killed that hawk, as hawks and crows are enemies of each other. Now that the hawk was gone, it wasn’t long until all the birds returned and went back to eating their breakfasts at the bird feeders.
Children, you and I have a very vicious enemy, and his name is Satan or the devil. He is working very hard to trap every one of us in our sins and keep us out of heaven. But just as the crows rescued those birds that day, we have a Saviour who will rescue us if we trust Him. Have you trusted Jesus as your very own Saviour? There is a very important verse in the Bible which says, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Another important verse says, “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts” (Hebrews 4:7). That means listen to Jesus, and don’t put it off! Those birds did not waste a second of time in getting away from their deadly enemy, and don’t you waste any time in coming to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation! Remember, God loves you!
We sing this little song in Sunday school:
He loves me too,
He loves me too,
I know He loves me too,
If God so loves these little birds,
I know He loves me too.
And Gramma and I love you too, and we end this story today with lots of love from both of us,
Grampa and Gramma
MEMORY VERSE: “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Hebrews 4:7

The Wonders of God's Creation: Cheerful Dolphins - Part 1

“Ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee ... and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.” Job 12:7-8
There are about forty varieties of dolphins (sometimes incorrectly called porpoises) throughout the world's warm ocean waters. These include some that are three feet long and others that are up to fifteen feet long and weigh one thousand pounds or more. They are all excellent swimmers, sometimes covering more than seventy miles a day and reaching speeds above thirty miles an hour.
Dolphins travel in large schools, enjoying each other's company and often leaping out of the water, individually or several together, apparently having a good time doing this and other playful things. They communicate with one another, sometimes when more than a mile apart, by whistles, squeaks and barks. Each dolphin has a distinctive tone, just as your voice is different from that of your brother or sister. They can communicate this way with each other even when it is too dark to see one another.
The Creator has streamlined their bodies, enabling unusually fast movements, and they are particularly designed for catching fish—their entire food supply. Their short snouts look like beaks, and their streamlined bodies taper off to large, flat tails, divided in the middle. These tails are used both as a rudder and as a contributor to their unusual speed.
Dolphins are so friendly with each other and with people that it almost seems as if the “smile” on the face of a newly born dolphin is only a starter, and as they grow bigger the smile does the same. An interesting fact: Babies are born underwater, and the mother immediately pushes the little one to the surface for its first breath of air, sometimes with a little help from another dolphin. If she were too slow in doing this, the little one would inhale water into its lungs and drown. Dolphins are not really fish; they are mammals, like seals and whales that also come to the surface regularly for that life-giving breath of air.
There are apparently no reports of these intelligent creatures ever purposely harming a swimmer. In the next article we will consider in more detail their relationship with humans, which you will find extremely interesting.
Perhaps the Creator has given us these delightful creatures as an illustration of a part of His creation that lives in peace and happiness, because they do not associate with cruel and evil things. Let's apply this to the opening Bible verse, for they are an example to us in their happy, peaceful lives.
The Saviour's words to those who trust in Him are these: “My peace I give unto you: not as the world [gives]” (John 14:27). If you trust Him and are obedient to His Word, you will have that promised peace.
(to be continued)

What's a New Testament Worth?

With my bag full of New Testaments, I walked toward a farmhouse in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. A watchful lady peered at me through the half-opened door of the farmhouse.
“Senhora,” I called, “I have here a very excellent book—the life of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Don’t want it!” she answered, as she tried to slam the door. But I shoved my foot in the doorway, blocking the door from closing.
“But you don’t know what it is,” I answered. “It is worth more than all your farm!”
“Don’t want it!” she answered again firmly. Somehow she had heard and believed the story that I was selling wicked books that would damage her soul. None of my best reasons could change her mind.
“You are wasting your time, senhor. My husband is out, and I have no money in the house to buy your book.”
“Not at all, senhora,” I replied. “Money is no problem. Give me a little corn for my horse, and you may keep the book.”
“No corn!” she answered rudely.
“A small amount of black beans then ... .” But she insisted that she did not have any of these basic foods that are in every home in Brazil  ... not even any cheese or a bit of sugar. I didn’t really want her money, but I knew if she didn’t pay at least a little something for the book, she would quickly destroy it after I left.
Just then I saw a dark, ugly-looking chunk of pork fat hanging from the rafters. “Give me a pound of that fat, and I’ll leave you this wonderful book,” I said eagerly.
With an unhappy look on her face, she hacked off a chunk with her knife and wrapped it in a banana leaf to give to me. She took the Testament grudgingly and threw it into the corner of the room. When her husband got home, she disgustedly told him how a stubborn Christian had made her waste good pork fat on that wretched book.
“There’s the book!” she exclaimed. “Have a look at it, and then throw it in the fire—the safest place,” and she left the room.
The man slowly picked up the book. When he finally opened it, a verse in Ephesians caught and held his attention. When his wife returned, nearly an hour later, she was surprised and afraid to find her husband was still reading the New Testament and tried to get it away from him.
“No, wife,” he insisted, “you don’t burn this book! It is just the kind of book I have always wanted to have. Just listen to this ... “ and he read her some verses. There was something in what he read that got her attention too. So she sat down, and they turned to the first page and began to read through the book.
Within a few weeks they had read the entire New Testament several times. Then one day I received a note from the man, Bellarmino, asking me to visit them.
On the way I wondered if they wanted to become Christians. I also thought about the idols they had all over the house and the big liquor still in the backyard. The liquor still was worth a lot of money. When I arrived and was greeted happily by Bellarmino, I immediately noticed that the idols were gone. Every one of them had been destroyed, along with the liquor still. When I started to talk about the Gospel message with them, I had another surprise. There seemed to be very little left to explain! They had already discovered it while reading their New Testament. I suggested prayer, and the wife was the first to kneel and to pray, and then the husband and one of the children also prayed.
Here was a changed family and a changed farm through the power of the living Word of God. And by their example and passing on the good news of God’s love and His offer of salvation, there eventually was a changed neighborhood. “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth” (Romans 1:16).
MEMORY VERSE: “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Romans 1:16

Following Closely

One windy day I was driving down the highway in a 10-wheeled truck full of sugar beets when something unusual happened. The wind was so strong that my heavy truck could not go above 35 miles per hour, and I had the gas pedal pressed to the floor! In my rearview mirrors I could see a man in a little pickup truck following closely behind me. He soon got tired of my slow speed and pulled out to pass. As he came alongside my truck, the wind hit his pickup full force, and he did not have enough power to pass. He had to pull back behind me and follow again. While he was driving along in my wind protection he had lots of power, but when he had to face the wind alone he could not do it.
If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Saviour, you need to follow Him closely every day. Read the Bible, talk to Him in prayer, try to do your daily activities to please Him, and make your decisions with His Word in mind. As long as you follow Jesus closely, you will have power to live your life to please Him. But if you try to go a day or two in your own strength, without His help, without reading His Word and talking to Him, you will find you have little strength to handle the decisions and troubles of this life. Quickly pull back, and “follow [in] His steps” (1 Peter 2:21)! “I can do all things through Christ [who strengthens] me” (Philippians 4:13).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Cheerful Dolphins - Part 2

“I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.” Jeremiah 31:3
Last week we commented on the friendly nature of dolphins, not only among themselves, but also with people. For instance, people who are friendly with the dolphins often swim at the same spot at certain times of the year, and the dolphins seem to sense when they will be there. Swimming among the people, they are as friendly as pet dogs, even with some people they have not seen before, but definitely remembering others and swimming up close to them for a friendly pat or hug.
A group of tourists in the Bahamas also told how they found dolphins swimming around them, some even coming alongside and welcoming their gentle strokes over their smooth bodies. One of the ladies, swimming among them, tossed her bright red scarf into the water and then promptly snatched it up and swam a short distance with it. Sure enough, the dolphins immediately showed an interest, and the next time she tossed the scarf one of them immediately grabbed it, and from then on they all joined in the fun. They never tried to take the scarf away from another dolphin, but in a short time it would drop it and, quick as a wink, several would go after it. They seemed to enjoy playing this game, and the swimmers and dolphins stayed with it for four hours. Actually it seemed to give them something new to do, and some were seen later playing the game with pieces of seaweed.
These pleasant experiences are becoming more and more common at beaches in the Bahamas, along the Atlantic Coast from North Carolina to the southern tip of Florida, and probably along South American shores as well.
The most amazing thing that has happened numerous times is the help these kind creatures have given to people in danger of drowning. A sailor who had to abandon a sinking ship related a typical instance. Jumping fully clothed into the ocean quite a distance from shore, he found the water rough and soon gave up hope of making it to shore. Suddenly he felt a gentle but strong support underneath him. To his amazement, it stayed with him all the way to shallow water where he could stand. Then he finally saw his rescuer—a large dolphin—heading back to deep water.
The manner of life and kindness of dolphins is remarkable and perhaps makes some of us ashamed that we do not show more of it to others. But there is a kindness that far outshines all others, expressed by our loving Lord in our opening Bible verse. That love took Him, the Creator of all, to Calvary's cross, where, through a cruel death, He became the Saviour of all who put their trust in Him. Can you claim Him as your Saviour?
(to be continued)

Who Stopped the Fire? - Part 1

Take a deep breath and then blow. That’s the way to put out the fire on a candle or on a dozen candles at one time. But not all fires are put out that easily. There are times when a forest fire gets out of control, and all the planes dumping water, trucks hauling water, and firefighters and volunteers cannot put it out. But here is one of God’s wonderful stories that is different from any you have read before. And when you finish reading this story, you may read it in the Bible for yourself in 1 Kings, chapter 18.
Build an altar, said Elijah, a man of God. Place some wood on top and then your slaughtered animal. Then pray to your god to send fire from the sky to burn it up.
And the people who worshipped the god Baal did what Elijah said. Hundreds of them were all praying to Baal to send fire from the sky to burn up their sacrifice. They kept praying for hours, and they prayed louder and louder, but there was no answer from their god. They jumped up and down in a frenzy as they prayed. They even tried cutting themselves till they bled. But there was no fire and no answer. Was Baal not listening?
The truth is that they were praying to a god who really had no power to save them. Of course there was no answer. Our God had silenced him.
Do you pray too? Are you praying to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ? Or do your prayers go to a god who cannot save you? Our God hears the prayers and cries of His children, and He gives good things to those who ask Him. And He gives better than what we ask or think to ask for. He knows exactly what we need, and He knows you need Him.
Then it was Elijah’s turn. He built an altar of twelve stones. Then he laid wood on the altar, and on top of that he placed a slaughtered bull that was cut in pieces. Around the altar he dug a trench, and then he asked for four barrels of water to be poured all over the sacrifice. Then he told them to pour more water on it the second time and then the third. Twelve barrels of water were poured over the sacrifice, and everything was soaking wet and the trench all around the altar was full of water too.
Now Elijah’s prayer was surprising. There was no doubt about the God he was praying to: “Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel, let it be known this day that Thou art God in Israel, and that I am Thy servant, and I have done all these things at Thy word.”
That was a good beginning, wasn’t it? He was not trying to be a famous man, but just to let God’s power shine out. Listen to what else he prayed: “Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that Thou art the Lord God, and that Thou hast turned their heart back again.”
It burned up the sacrifice and the wood! But it didn’t stop there. It burned up the stones and licked up all the water that was in the trench! And when the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, “The Lord, He is the God; the Lord, He is the God.”
Now here is the question: What stopped the fire? Why didn’t it burn up those people who worshipped Baal too? It was not burned out. It must be that God stopped the fire. He loved those people who worshipped Baal, and He was willing to turn their hearts to Himself. But would they listen? Would they turn to the only true God? Elijah said to all the people, “How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him” (1 Kings 18:21).
What about you? The Lord loves you too. There is time for you to turn to Him  ... right now  ... today. Will you listen? Will you turn?
MEMORY VERSE: “How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him.” 1 Kings 18:21


Since we had always lived in the eastern part of the United States, we thought that the high boots and broad-brimmed hats of the southwest were just a fancy way to dress. We didn't know that cowboys and others wore these for good reasons. But we changed our minds after we had walked for a while under a blazing sun through the knee-high grasses of a Texas meadow. We had to keep close watch for scorpions, rattlesnakes and other poisonous critters. Then we understood the very real advantage of those high boots—to protect the legs from poisonous bites. And those big hats acted as umbrellas, not only to keep the eyes shielded from the bright sun, but to protect the head and neck from sunburn and sunstroke.
But we need protection from something even more dangerous—the penalty of our sins. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can protect us from the penalty that we each deserve. “[Jesus] was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement [penalty] of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed [protected]” (Isaiah 53:5). Have you told the Lord Jesus that you know you deserve the punishment for your sins and that you want Him to save you? Have you thanked Him for loving you and dying for you? If you haven't done those things yet, please do them right now. You will always be happy that you did, and so will He. “Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance” (Luke 15:7).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Cheerful Dolphins - Part 3

“Thou ... art Lord alone; Thou hast made ... the seas, and all that is therein, and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6
In the two preceding issues we looked at the activities of dolphins found throughout the world. There are about forty species, ranging from three to fifteen feet long, some weighing one thousand pounds or more. Following is a partial listing of some of the more common ones.
The bottle-nosed dolphins are large, up to twelve feet long and weighing as much as twelve hundred pounds. Their name comes from their long, round snouts that look like they would fit in a bottle. Many of these dolphins are found in the warm waters off the coasts of Georgia and Florida, where they enjoy swimming with large groups of people who swim and play in the water there.
They get along well with other dolphin species, but don't let them intrude into their community. The bottle-nosed are the ones usually performing at aquariums and water shows.
The spotted are well-named and familiar to swimmers in the Bahamas where they share the water with them. They are an outstanding variety with bodies completely covered from nose tip to tail with a pattern of small black and white spots. On some the spots are just in certain areas, and with others the spots are in long rows between narrow coal-black stripes. When swimming near the surface, they leave long white patches of air bubbles behind them.
The spinners are among those that prefer Hawaiian waters and are a great attraction to tourists. Some make their homes in the Gulf of Mexico. They usually swim in groups of from five to ten and make an attractive display of their graceful ways.
The Indus River dolphins are most unusual, living in the waters of India. These are nearly blind, their pinhole-like eyes not seeing much more than darkness and light. They range from four to eight feet in length and have long, bony snouts lined with sharp teeth. They sweep their long snouts from side to side along river bottoms, using their “echo systems” to direct them to their meals of fish in the dark waters.
Just to name a few others, there are the humpbacked, dalls, soto, vaquites, beiji, and many more. Each represents another display of the wonders of God's creation and a reminder of the way in which He cares for them all, as the above Bible verse tells us.
There is another verse that invites us to trust in Him: “[Cast] all your care upon Him, for He [cares] for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
When we think of His loving care, we should follow what another verse tells us: “[Give] thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). He would delight to hear that you are thankful for His loving care.

The Broken Eggs

Chris hadn't quite learned to walk yet when we went to visit our friends on the farm. It was an interesting place. They had a yard full of clucking chickens, hungry cows and curious turkeys, all trying unsuccessfully to get fat on desert grass.
The turkeys were funny. They seemed interested in everything around them and came over as a flock to look us over as we got out of the car. They were probably hungry and thought we might have something for them to eat.
Arnold, the farmer, brought the eggs he had gathered into the house and set them on the kitchen table. We were all talking and laughing about the curious turkeys when we heard a CRASH! Chris had crawled over to the table and pulled himself up onto his feet by grabbing the tablecloth. Of course, the cloth slid off the table and with it all the eggs. Now they were all a gooey yellow-and-white mess on the floor.
Our laughter stopped in a hurry. It wasn’t just a big mess on the floor to clean up; it meant our farming friends had no eggs to sell. It was a sad situation. We didn’t have enough money with us to pay for the eggs, so all we could do was help clean up the mess.
We've all made a sinful mess of our lives. And in God's sight we are not just poor, we have no money at all and are in debt. There's not one thing we can do and no way to pay for our sins. That's why we are so glad to tell you that the Lord Jesus Christ saw our sad, sinful lives and took pity on us. He left the glory of heaven to come live in this world full of sin. He was born a tiny baby just as you and I were, but He never sinned. The Bible tells us in Luke 2:51-52 That He grew to be a fine young boy, obeyed His parents, and “increased in wisdom...and in favor with God and man.”
But the Lord Jesus was also the Son of God. First John 3:8 tells us, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested [came], that He might destroy the works of the devil.” He came to pay for our sins.
Later we were able to pay our friends for the broken eggs, but we'll never be able to pay the Lord Jesus for what He's done for us. All we can do is receive Him as our very own Saviour and thank Him from the bottom of our hearts. “Our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity [sins]” (Titus 2:13-14).
Have you accepted His work on the cross for your sins?
MEMORY VERSE: “Our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity.” Titus 2:13-14

Who Stopped the Fire? - Part 2

Did you read last week’s Sunday school paper? It was the story about when God saved the people by stopping the fire, because He loved them and wanted to win their hearts. And we have an even better story today.
This story is not about a bull that was killed as a sacrifice and laid on an altar of stones and then fire from heaven burned it all up. This story is about a much, much better sacrifice than that. Read on and see.
There was a time when Jesus Himself was nailed to a wooden cross as a sacrifice. In last week’s story there were twelve barrels of water, but there was no water here to make the fire any less. Jesus Himself was the Sacrifice, but He was not dead—He was alive on that cross. There were many there to watch Him die, but God did not allow them to see.
No one prayed and asked God to send this fire, as Elijah did in last week’s story. Jesus Himself, the sinless One, asked that the fire of God’s wrath against sin might pass from Him, but He added, “Thy will be done.” The fire of God’s judgment is far worse than any fire that your eyes can see. God brought darkness over all the earth at noon that day, so that no one saw that fire.
Do you remember that in last week’s story the sacrifice was burned and the stones and water were also burned up, and the people fell on their faces and admitted, “The Lord, He is the God”? But at the cross, when the fire of God’s judgment was over, Jesus Himself was still alive and was able to say, “It is finished!” The wooden cross was still there, and the Sacrifice was not consumed. The fire was not held back, but rather the judgment was FINISHED! Jesus bowed His head and gave up His spirit. No one else on earth ever died like that!
What judgment then is left for me? None at all! The work is finished. After Jesus died, the Roman soldier pierced His side, and the blood and water flowed and demonstrate that the work is finished. He died for me, and His blood has washed away all my sins.
Jesus rose from the dead the third day, and He lives forever to tell you that He died for you. That is why He has sent you this message today. No one but Jesus will ever offer you a full and free forgiveness, because His sacrifice is enough.
Will you come to Jesus now? He knows all about you and the wrong things you have done. But He loves you anyway, and He is listening for your answer. Right now is the time to say “Yes!” to Him. If Jesus is not your Saviour, then you don’t have a Saviour. He said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24). “Behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

The Wonders of God's Creation - The Golden Eagle

“Ye have I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto Myself.” Exodus 19:4
The national emblem of the United States is a beautiful bald eagle accompanied by the words, “IN GOD WE TRUST.” This conveys the message that the country is strong and “in good hands.” It would be wonderful if more people could honestly say, “IN GOD WE TRUST,” wouldn't it?
The golden eagle is just as impressive a bird, with its dark brown feathers and a patch of golden brown feathers on the back of its neck. It has a sharp, down-turned beak, as well as contrasting yellow feet on which long, sharp toes and claws provide fierce weapons. It is one of the largest birds of prey in North America, with a wingspread of 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 feet. They are generally found in northern Europe and Asia and in the western United States and Canada.
In contrast to the bald eagle that eats mostly dead animals, the golden eagle prefers live food. It is an excellent hunter of snakes, mice, squirrels, rabbits and other young animals, as well as fish and eels. It soars high in the air and with sharp eyes spots its victim moving about. Then it swoops down at terrific speed to capture it, the victim probably never knowing what caught it. An eagle will also rob ospreys and other birds flying with a fish or other food in their beaks, frightening them into dropping the food. The eagle then catches the falling food and takes it to its nest for its mate or eaglets.
These birds mate for life and are very affectionate to one another. They return year after year to the same nest, making necessary repairs and adding new sticks and soft grass and leaves for a fresh lining. A new nest may be only three feet across, whereas an old one may be eight, ten or even twenty feet across.
The two or three eggs laid each year are creamy colored, spotted with brown or gray marks and are incubated for more than a month, with both parents taking turns. After hatching, the little eaglets first get food popped into their mouths by the parents, but before long they learn how to feed themselves by tearing apart the captured prize. They also get lots of practice flapping their wings and jumping up and down before actually flying. They stay with the parents several months before being on their own.
This Bible verse tells us of the Lord's care over those who are weak: “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles” (Isaiah 40:31). The eagle's care over its young ones is good, but the Lord's care over boys and girls, as well as men and women, is far greater. Do you ever thank Him?

Following Footsteps

The Stanfords lived on a farm in Minnesota where it got very cold in the winter, and the snow piled up in deep drifts.
One morning after a blizzard had raged all night, Mrs. Stanford got up to fix breakfast. The sun was just beginning to peep through the bedroom window.
“There sure is lots of snow out there,” she said to her husband, as he was getting ready to go out for chores. “But I think the plow has already cleared the road at the end of our lane so the school bus can get through.”
Even though the sun was shining through the upstairs windows, when Mrs. Stanford came downstairs it was still dark. She had to turn the lights on just to see where she was going. Where was the sunshine? Looking at the kitchen window, she saw that snow had drifted so high during the night that it had covered the first floor windows!
“You had better waken the children,” she called to her husband. “There’s lots of shoveling to do to get out to the road.”
When the children saw all the snow, Ned, the oldest, said, “We’ll never be able to get through all that snow in the lane!” He smiled to himself as he added, “So I don’t think we can go to school today, can we, Dad?”
“I think you can,” Mr. Stanford answered, “but let’s eat breakfast first.”
Mr. Stanford knew that there wasn’t enough time to shovel his way out to the barn to get the tractor so he could plow out the lane before the bus came. He was wishing their snowmobile had been repaired so they could use it now. But since it wasn’t, he would have to come up with another plan.
When the children were ready for school, Mr. Stanford handed Ned a shovel while he got another one. “First we have to dig through the drift by the house, Ned.”
Working quickly, Ned and his dad cut through the drift that crossed the front yard. But now the quarter-mile lane out to the road looked like a sea of white.
“We can’t shovel through all of that,” complained Ned.
“We don’t have to,” replied Mr. Stanford.
The younger children were soon dressed warmly. As they started down the lane, Ned said, “We can’t walk on that snow. We’ll sink in up to our necks!”
“Wait and see,” said Mr. Stanford. “Now follow me. Put your feet exactly where I place mine, and you won’t have any trouble.” With that he started forward, his big boots sinking deep in the snow, packing down each step so there were footsteps which the children could use.
For each of us who knows the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, this story is a good example of how we should follow Him. He has walked through this world and marked out a path. His pathway is recorded in the Bible: “Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps” (1 Peter 2:21). If we follow His instructions carefully, He will guide us along the path.
The children put their little boots down into the deep holes made by their father’s boots. Gradually they trudged down the lane. It was very slow going because the holes were so deep that it was hard for them to lift their shorter legs out. But everyone kept moving forward, and soon they were out to the plowed road, just as the bus arrived.
Do you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour? He loves you and wants you to accept Him right now. On the cross He was punished for the sins of all who would accept Him as their own Saviour. Are you one of these? You can be if you’ll admit that you are a sinner and accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour. Then you will be able to say, “Thou [the Lord Jesus] wilt show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).
MEMORY VERSE: “Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps.” 1 Peter 2:21


Maybe you would like to try this. Unroll a few feet of aluminum foil on a carpeted floor and then walk on the foil. What do you see?
A Sunday school teacher asked Conner, one of his students, to shut his eyes. Then the teacher walked quietly to the back of the carpeted room and then up to the front again where he had started.
“Okay, Conner, open your eyes. Now see if you can walk exactly where I walked.”
“I can’t do that,” Conner said. “You told me to shut my eyes, and I couldn’t see where you went!”
Then the teacher said, “Some people say they can’t see Jesus, so they can’t follow Him. But now I want you to close your eyes again.”
As soon as Conner had closed his eyes, his teacher unrolled a long strip of aluminum foil on top of the carpet. Then he walked where he had walked before. When he was back at the front of the room, he told Conner to open his eyes. “Now can you walk exactly where I walked?”
“Yes,” said Conner. Jumping up, he placed his feet in his teacher’s footprints that were clearly marked in the foil. “It’s easy now!” he said.
Jesus didn’t leave His footprints on foil, but if we read our Bibles we can see very plainly what He was like and how He walked through this world. He says to us, “Follow Me” (Luke 9:23). Be sure to read your Bible prayerfully every day, and Jesus will help you to trust Him and walk in His steps. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Fierce-Looking Moray Eels

“They that go down to the sea ... these see the works of the Lord and His wonders in the deep.” Psalm 107:23-24
Over one hundred species of moray eels live among rocks and corals off the coasts of British Columbia, Canada, south to Mexico, all along the Atlantic coast of North America, as well as parts of Europe.
These eels generally do not exceed a length of five feet. Looking at you with their mouths open showing many long, razor-sharp teeth, they can frighten the bravest of men if they are not aware that moray eels aren't usually a threat, but some can be dangerous and aggressive. Their mouths are always open to breathe.
Moray eels are usually vividly marked or colored. They are an unusual combination of speckled, striped, and freckled, with a large range of colors—chocolate brown, off white, black, sandy yellow, scarlet and blue. One found off the coast of Florida is the green moray—a long, thin, round-bodied variety. Another is well-named speckled, for its whole body is covered with small white dots on a dark background.
Other unusual ones include a brown and white one named slender and another called ribbon, because its body is about the size and shape of a huge snake. It is primarily blue, but its head and a few other parts are orange. Still another, looking much like the speckled but in lighter white and brown shades, is known as the dragon.
Unless threatened or frightened, moray eels usually are not aggressive towards divers who are careful not to get too close or frighten them. One diver tells of a frighteningly close call when trying to spear one in the Pacific Ocean. The moray was coming too fast for him and swam right at him with its mouth wide open. He knew he couldn't outswim it, but surprisingly it didn't attack. Another diver accidentally disturbed a hidden one when swimming around a sunken ship, and his hand reached into an opening that happened to be the home of a small moray. Immediately one of his fingers was caught in its mouth, feeling like it was grabbed by a pair of pliers with needle points. The eel soon withdrew, but not before the sharp teeth left painful cuts the entire length of his finger. A wise swimmer knows that when a moray comes his way with its wide-open mouth showing those long, sharp teeth, it's time to get away.
The opening Bible verses remind us that many people familiar with ocean waters have been impressed with the wonders of God's creation. Another verse tells us, “Thou, art Lord alone; Thou hast made ... the seas, and all that is therein, and Thou preservest them all” (Nehemiah 9:6).
Do you know Him as more than the God of creation? If you have accepted His beloved Son as your Saviour, He is also your Father.

Good Advice

Have you ever had someone give you advice—good advice—and later you were glad you followed it? Have you taken the advice God gives you in His book, the Bible? There is much good and important advice there. “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7). “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts16:31). “Children, obey your parents” (Ephesians 6:1). “Rejoice in the Lord alway” (Philippians 4:4).
Karen and Mae, two sisters, were looking forward to a day of canoeing on the St. Croix River. They had been on another part of the river the year before and remembered the beautiful scenery. They rented a canoe from an outfitter, and the owner gave them some valuable advice: “Take extra clothes that you can change into if you get wet.” So they left on their outing with extra clothing in a sealed plastic bag. Following that good advice may have saved their lives.
Karen and Mae discovered that the section of the river they were now on had more rapids than where they had canoed the last time. They were enjoying the day until, suddenly, they hit some rocks and the canoe capsized! Thankfully, they both had their life vests on, but after trying several times they were unable to turn the canoe right side up. The river was swollen from rain, the current was swift, and the evening was cold, but they were able to make it to a small island in the river by swimming and using the canoe rope to pull the upside down canoe behind them.
What do you think was the first thing Karen and Mae did when they were safe on the island? On that cold evening, they quickly changed into their dry clothing. Those extra clothes in the plastic bag were a real “lifesaver.” Once they had dry clothes on, the two women gathered grass and leaves to cover themselves to try to keep warm, as they prepared for a night on the island.
Karen and Mae listened to and followed the good advice of the outfitter. Have you listened to what God tells you? Have you followed God’s advice? The Lord Jesus will be your “lifesaver” for now and eternity when you take Him as your Saviour.
Later that evening when Karen and Mae did not show up at their pick-up spot on the river, searchers started hunting for them. Mae said, “The helicopters were close, and we were very disappointed when they did not find us that night.” The next morning a rescue plane finally spotted the two sisters waving orange boat cushions.
It was a happy time of hugging and crying as the two sisters were taken to the nearby hospital. They were treated for exposure to the cold, cuts and bruises but no serious problems.
For those who do not take the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, their problem will be much more serious than a cold night on an island. Revelation 20:15 tells us the awful results of not having Jesus as your Saviour when your life here on earth is over: “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”
Won’t you follow the good advice of God’s Word right now while you can? “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
MEMORY VERSE: “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15

A Kitten in Trouble

When Don drove his car into the auto repair shop, the mechanic asked, “What's the matter? Need your brakes fixed?”
“No,” answered Don.
“Wheel alignment?”
“No,” answered Don again.
“Well, what's the matter?”
“I have a cat under my car and I can't get him out!” And just then they heard a “meow” coming from underneath the car.
“The cat's been under there ever since I left home earlier this morning. I tried getting him out with a stick, but I think he's too scared to come out,” remarked Don.
Yes, the little kitten was so scared he didn't know what to do, so he just cried, “MEOW!” This reminds us of Psalm 40:1: “I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry.”
Children, if you do not know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour your danger is far greater than this little kitten's. We have sinned against the Lord Jesus, and those sins will take us into a lost eternity, unless we cry to Him in faith to save us.
The mechanic raised Don's car up on the hoist so they could look up under it. Sure enough, there was the kitty wedged in on top of the gas tank. In no time at all the mechanic reached up there and rescued the little kitty from his place of danger and set him down on the ground.
And now we are reminded of Psalm 40:2. “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit  ...  and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” This is exactly what the Lord Jesus did for each one who will accept Him, when He suffered and died on Calvary's cross. Why? Because He loves us and wants to save us from our awful sinful condition.
Now the little kitty was running around on the garage floor. As they stood talking, the little kitten came and rubbed up against the mechanic's pant leg and purred as if to say, “Thank you for saving me.”
Boys and girls, have you let the Lord Jesus save you from your sins, and then have you thanked Him for saving you? Oh, how He loves to hear “thank-you” from you and me. “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15).

The Wonders of God's Creation - The Stately Moose

“God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind ... and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:24-25
Moose are often seen on roads and in towns of Alaska, but they keep more hidden in forests on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border. They can be found all the way from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast.
The moose is the largest American animal. A full-grown one will be about seven feet high and weigh 1500 pounds or more. Its antlers are immense, rising from the top of the head and spreading six feet wide or more. They look like two gigantic hands turned upward with an armor of spike-like “fingers.” They are a vicious weapon when a moose defends itself.
Because of its great size and strength, a healthy moose is not likely to be attacked by other animals. But if one is sick or weak from age, it is apt to become a victim of a hungry grizzly bear or pack of very hungry wolves.
The upper part of a moose's muzzle extends three or four inches over its chin. This muzzle has huge nostrils. A short coal-black triangular beard hangs from the neck. The ears are large and, in contrast, its tail is just a short stub. Its coat is a deep brown color.
Sadly, the young calves are often the victims of wolves and other creatures when the parents are not close by. Only about half of these younger ones make it through their first year. But the mothers try to keep them from wandering off and have been seen helping them cross ponds too deep for their short legs by giving them “piggy-back” rides all the way over.
Favorite foods include leaves and twigs of trees, as well as water lilies and other water plants. This is why they are often found wading in ponds or along lakeshores.
Unlike most wild animals, a moose crossing a road or railroad track (sometimes alone and at other times a large group) usually pays no attention to traffic. It may even stop in the middle of a road or railroad track to watch a truck, car or train approaching. Experienced drivers of trucks and private cars, as well as engineers of trains, are always alert to this when going through moose country, and many drive more slowly so they can stop in time to avoid a collision with them.
How interesting to look on these and other examples of the marvels of God's creation and have the assurance that He has pleasure in creating and watching over them. Psalm 36:6-7 tells us, “O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is Thy loving-kindness, O God!” Another verse tells us, “His eyes are upon the ways of man, and He [sees] all his goings” (Job 34:21). What does He see as He looks on you?

Max Finds a New Friend

The big polar bear just sat and looked at his food and wouldn’t eat. He was so lonely.
You see, Max the polar bear had traveled for many years with a circus, and now they had moved him to the Bronx Zoo. The zookeepers gave him a nice, new home with a pool in the center where he could swim—everything a bear could wish for—but he was a very lonely bear. He was used to having other animals and circus people around, but in his new cage he was all alone and sad. After exploring his new home, he just howled. Max needed a friend.
Have you ever been lonely? Even when there are people around, sometimes we feel lonely, because not one of those people is a friend. But I have a friend who is always with me. His name is Jesus, and He never leaves me alone, no matter where I go. He has promised me, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). Is He your friend too?
Even though there were grizzly bears and brown bears in cages nearby, their noises only seemed to frighten Max. And there was the other problem too—because he was so lonely, the big polar bear hadn’t eaten since he had moved into the zoo. The zookeepers were worried and didn’t know what to do.
Early one morning before the zoo visitors began to arrive, a zookeeper had tried to tempt the bear to eat by giving him fresh meat for breakfast. But Max would have none of it. He sat with his snout held straight up in the air and just moaned. The keeper felt sorry for him and said to him, “Too bad they took you away from the circus, old fellow.”
Just then the keeper heard a scraping sound on the walkway behind him. When he turned, he saw a small, half-starved dog trying to get into the cage. The keeper clapped his hands and yelled to scare the dog, but it didn’t run away. The dog had smelled the meat the keeper had placed in the bear cage, and he wanted it.
Suddenly the dog sprang forward and squeezed between the bars and was inside the cage. The big polar bear had been watching them after hearing the keeper talk to the dog. The keeper expected to see the bear quickly crush the life out of the dog.
Max walked over to where the dog was sitting and chewing on the meat. The dog was watching the bear out of the corners of his eyes, but he didn’t run away. He either wasn’t afraid or he was too hungry. Max looked down at the dog, and then he lifted one paw and gently put it on the dog’s back. Then he began to lick the dog’s head. The dog kept right on eating. Then Max lay down and began to play with the dog, and his play was very gentle. The polar bear’s sharp claws never showed as he gently played with the dog.
Once the dog had eaten his fill, he scrambled to his feet and looked around. The keeper, who had been watching through the bars, thought the dog would run off, but instead, the dog began to play with the bear as though he had known him all his life. Soon the two animals were romping around the cage, and the dog was yelping with happiness and excitement. He not only had eaten a good meal for the first time in a long time, but now he had found a playfellow that did not snarl and bite him. This great big polar bear was now his friend, and the dog was now Max’s friend!
Jesus would like to be your friend, and He wants you to be His friend. He says, “Come unto Me” (Matthew 11:28), and He also says, “Suffer [let] the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). But most of all He would like to be your Saviour, because He loves you and died for you on the cross. He wants to wash away all your sins so that you can live with Him in His happy home in heaven someday. There won’t be any loneliness or unhappiness in His wonderful home that He has all ready for those who love Him and are washed clean from their sins. Have you let Him wash your sins away? “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
After a while the dog was tired of playing and sat down by the pool. Max was tired too, and the two very different animals lay down together. The keeper left them there to go find another breakfast for the polar bear. When he came back the dog was still there. The keeper tossed the meat inside the cage, and for the first time since his arrival, Max began to eat and ate every scrap of food, while the dog sat and watched. Then the two animal friends curled up and went to sleep, side by side.
Later in the day when the zoo visitors began to arrive, the dog woke up and left the cage. But he stayed around all day, going into Max’s cage every now and then to play with him. The keeper called the dog over to him and made friends with him. He plans to adopt the dog so Max will have a friend to play with and won’t be lonely anymore.
“There is a friend that [sticks] closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). Do you know who that friend is? It is Jesus, and He loves you. Will you let Him be your friend and Saviour?
MEMORY VERSE: “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14

The Wonders of God's Creation: Rockhoppers Are Tough! - Part 1

“Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done ... . They are more than can be numbered.” Psalm 40:5
There are many varieties of penguins, from the largest emperor species, which is about four feet tall, to the smallest species, which is about one foot tall. Rockhoppers are about two feet tall. They don't live on big ice fields; they live on the cliffs of islands in the Atlantic Ocean near the tip of South America.
These penguins have white bodies, but their heads, backs and flippers are black. Their heads have a row of yellow feathers below the scalp that stands out on each side. Their beaks, short legs and webbed feet are all pink.
These penguins avoid sheltered bays and beaches for nest sites and prefer bare shores exposed to the winds or bare areas atop rocky cliffs where the winds are even stronger. Nests are only shallow scrapings in the ground and extremely close together—thousands of them in colonies called rookeries. A colony sometimes makes an awful racket with their sharp shrieks. One visitor said they sounded like thousands of rusty wheelbarrows being pushed too fast.
These unique birds swim to more northerly islands as winter draws near. But they are not gone for long. The males return first to claim territories for their nests, and the females arrive two weeks later. Just one egg is laid in the simple nest, and both parents take turns incubating it until the little chick breaks out of its shell as a blackish and nearly blind baby. After three weeks, the chick can look out for itself while the parents are off getting food for it. It leaves the nest for good when about eight weeks old.
When the parents are both away, the baby penguins are particularly exposed to a vicious enemy—a big, dark gull called skua. These stay around the colony as continual threats, every once in a while swooping low with head stretched out to snatch up an unguarded egg or exposed chick. The giant petrel is also quick to capture an unattended chick. It stealthily makes its way into the colony and carries away a victim, accompanied by the shrieks of all nearby rockhoppers, which are unable to do anything about it.
Next week we will look closely at the adult rockhopper’s activities in the water and learn how it makes its way back home.
Isn't it nice to know that these unusual birds, so far away from people, are always under the watchful eye of their Creator? He has fitted them well for the peculiar kind of life they lead. They are part of His creation, in which He has great pleasure, but His greatest pleasure is in men and women, boys and girls, who have thanked Him for His loving and gracious care and know Him as their Saviour.
(to be continued)

It Rained and It Rained

Elijah and his servant climbed to the top of Mount Carmel. Sometimes it’s fun to climb a mountain and stand up there on the top and look in every direction. As we look off into the distance, we wonder at the beautiful view, but all too soon we must come down again through the dark forest and over the sharp, gray rocks.
But I don’t think it was fun for Elijah up there on the mountaintop that day. He was probably a thin and very thirsty man. You see, more than three years earlier he had prayed earnestly to God that He would stop the rains. And it did not rain for three years, so the trees were all bare and the farms and gardens had no flowers or food.
Why did Elijah pray to have the rains stopped? Because God’s people, who should have known better, were worshipping false gods, and this is not only sin, but it brings other sins. God’s way for us is the only way that works. And God cares about us, because He loves us very much.
Elijah had already destroyed the evil prophets, and now he reached the mountaintop and sat down with his head between his knees. I think he was praying in this position, and it was a short prayer. It was simply, Send rain! And this is exactly what God was ready to do. But notice that the evil prophets were destroyed first.
Elijah said to his servant, Go and look toward the sea. This was the great Mediterranean Sea, and the sky above it was solid blue with no clouds, as it had been for more than three years.
There is nothing, reported the servant.
Go again, said Elijah, and he repeated this command six times. And every time the servant’s answer was the same. There is nothing.
Have you found it the same in your life too? Nothing you hope for comes true. You are ready to say that God doesn’t answer. Remember one thing—nobody can break God’s promises! If you come to Him, He has promised never, never to cast you out. Jesus has promised cleansing for your sins, peace for your conscience, and everlasting life now and in His home forever. Come to Him now and find yourself richer than all the gold in all the countries of the whole world combined. God gives His blessings freely and forever.
Elijah told his servant to go look toward the sea again—the seventh time—and there it was  ... a cloud the size of a man’s hand! That’s not very big in the great blue sky, but Elijah knew his God and what He could do with one small cloud.
Elijah said, Tell the king to get his chariot ready so the rain doesn’t stop him!
Then the sky was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. And it rained, and it rained.
Elijah’s prayer was answered. Then he did a surprising thing. He tucked the skirts of his robe (which the men wore in those days) into his belt so he could run, and he ran ahead of King Ahab’s chariot all the way to Jezreel.
That was a fast run, and it must have surprised the king. But the queen was not at all pleased  ... no, not at all! She did not want God to interfere with her life.
Are you like that too? Do you say, “I can handle my own problems”? You know, the biggest problem is that you are a sinner. Maybe the queen knew that too, but she still didn’t want God or anybody who brought a message from God  ... not even a good message, and she threatened to kill Elijah. She didn’t care about answered prayer and the love of God.
Do you? “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16). “In this was [shown] the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him” (1 John 4:9). That’s the best news anybody ever told. Do you stand with the wicked queen on that subject and say, “NO”? Then you will perish forever in hell. That’s where lost sinners will end up. Or will you receive God’s love and the gift of His Son and live?
There’s more to the story. You may read it in 1 Kings 18:40 to the end of the chapter to find out how Elijah escaped from the wicked queen.
MEMORY VERSE: “In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.” 1 John 4:9

Something God Cannot See

Timmy said to his mother, “Guess what my Sunday school teacher told me yesterday.”
“What did she tell you, Timmy?”
“She told us there is one thing God can't see!”
Mother asked with a surprised voice, “Are you sure your teacher told you that? Why, God sees everything!”
Timmy said with a smile on his face, “She said that God can't see our sins when they are all covered by the blood of Jesus!”
Mother quickly agreed, “That's exactly right, Timmy. God tells us that in the Bible. He says, ‘I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins’” (Isaiah 44:22). “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Is the blood of Jesus covering your sins?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Rockhoppers Are Tough! - Part 2

“O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is Thy loving-kindness, O God!” Psalm 36:6-7
How did these birds get the funny name of rockhopper? Let's imagine we're following one of these penguins around, and we'll soon learn the answer.
Leaving the female on the nest, caring for the little chick, the male hops along the edge of their high cliff to where there is a way down to the seashore below. It is rough and full of huge rocks, but these don't bother him. He just hops up and over them and soon is at the bottom where big waves are crashing in.
He immediately dives into a wave and is soon swimming in smooth water. Diving fairly deep, he spots a small fish that also spots him and tries to swim away. But a rockhopper can swim faster, and soon the fish's tail is in his mouth, and then ... good-bye fish!
He may do this a few more times until his stomach is full. But then he needs one more to take to their little chick. So the next catch, instead of going all the way to his stomach, is stored in his crop.
When he and several others decide to head back to their nests, they may find that a storm has brought immense waves which are pounding against the rocks they need to reach. Before they are able to get a foothold on the rocks, they may find themselves washed back out time after time, until they finally get a foothold and climb out of the water.
Now they have a tough climb ahead of them. Is a big rock in the way? Just hop to the top, and hop down the other side. This is done many times until they reach the top of the cliff and can scamper home, hopping over gullies and other things along the way. So you see it was only natural for these interesting penguins to be given the name “rockhopper.”
When the male gets back to the chick, he will bring up the partially digested fish from his crop into his open beak where the hungry chick can reach it. The little one drops off to sleep after its meal, while the parents stand guard over it. They sometimes lean against each other and doze off too, giving the male a well-earned rest.
The manner of life and needs of people and other creatures are often quite different. How happy it made the psalmist to think of the Creator's preserving care over all living things, as expressed in the opening Bible verse. The birds, of course, don't know He is caring for them, but we who do should always remember to thank Him, not only for His care, but also for His love and that He has provided a way for us to know Him as our Saviour. Have you thanked Him for this?

Trapped in a Coal Mine

The two Chinese brothers were down deep in the coal mine, but they were glad to hear the sound of digging above them. It was late August 2007, and the two men were trapped in one of China’s dangerous coal mines after the tunnels had broken down. They thought they would soon be rescued.
The little bit of light from a cell phone helped them to see for two days, but when the battery died, they were in complete darkness. At the same time, the sound of digging stopped! The men above ground thought that the two brothers must be dead by now. “There’s no use trying to rescue them any longer,” they decided.
The two brothers still needed a rescuer, but nobody was going to come. Their families thought they were dead too, and they cried. And down deep underground the two men cried as they thought about their danger. They were dirty, hungry, thirsty and anxious in the darkness.
I am so glad that in the darkness of our sinful condition, God does not give up on us. He knows where boys and girls are and what they are doing or have done. He has heard your quiet prayers for help. He remembers more of your sins than you do, but He wants to save you from your sins and bring you into the light of salvation.
The two brothers dug three tunnels but stopped digging, because they felt they were going in the wrong direction. Then they started digging a tunnel almost straight up. They dug their way through seventy feet (twenty meters) of rock and coal, working with a pick and their hands. They ate coal to make themselves feel full and take away their hunger.
After nearly six days underground, they finally got to the surface. They were so weak they could hardly even crawl. They completely surprised everyone and were taken to a hospital right away.
Of course you can’t work your way to God, but you can be rescued where you are. Maybe you’re trying to be a better person. That’s good—but it won’t buy salvation. Maybe you intend to obey your dad and mom more often. That would be good too—but that’s not how a person gets rescued from their sins.
Would it surprise you to hear that the Bible says the price of salvation has already been paid? The Lord Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30). He died because of my sin—He paid the price! Children, the Lord Jesus is the Saviour of sinners. “Our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity” (Titus 2:13-14). He wants to save you where you are, no matter how deep down in problems you are.
Can you imagine how dirty those men were when they got out of the mine? They were black as coal, inside and out. But they were soon washed clean. Our sins are blacker than coal, and only the Lord Jesus can wash us clean. He’s not giving up, but He won’t save you if you want to just stay as you are and enjoy your black sins. Will you come to Him? He’s right there near you wherever you are and waiting for you.
“Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).
MEMORY VERSE: “Our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity.” Titus 2:13-14

The Runaway Tricycle

One day Tommy and Billy were riding their tricycles. Their daddy was walking along with them. It was fun to ride their tricycles farther than they were allowed to go alone.
When they turned down a steep hill, somehow Tommy's feet slipped off the pedals. Faster and faster he went down the hill. He wasn't really scared. Perhaps he was too young to think of what would happen if he hit a tree or couldn't stop before he reached the busy road at the bottom.
Back at the top of the hill, Daddy made Billy get off his tricycle so he wouldn't go down the hill too. Then Daddy prayed, asking the Lord Jesus for help for Tommy.
Every Christian—boy, girl or grown-up—has this very real help. In fact, the Bible says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
Daddy's trust in the Lord Jesus was not disappointed. Tommy's tricycle hit a bump in the sidewalk and flipped him onto the grass. Tommy was not hurt, and the tricycle wasn't even damaged!
Once the three were together again, what do you think Daddy did? He did what the last part of Psalm 50:15 says—he thanked the Lord Jesus for keeping Tommy from harm. He didn't wait until they got home; he prayed right there on the street!
Another verse tells us that the angels are spirits “sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation” (Hebrews 1:14). At that time, neither of the boys knew the Lord Jesus as his Saviour. God allowed them to grow up, and each of them has admitted his sinfulness to God. They both have put their trust in the Lord Jesus as their own personal Saviour.
The Word of God tells us that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), and “the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). At whatever age you are right now, you may come to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive Him as your very own Saviour. You don't have to wait until you are grown up. Have you done this? “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Spiders Aren't Popular

“The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces.” Proverbs 30:28
Most people don't want to talk about spiders, and they definitely don't want to find one creeping on a bare arm or neck! It's easy to understand why. Spiders are not attractive like a bird or brightly colored butterfly, but can be frightful looking.
Many people think spiders are poisonous or at least dangerous. However, spiders are actually helpful, because they eat large quantities of flies, mosquitoes and other harmful insects. But still, it is most unpleasant to walk into a sticky web and have it cling to your face, neck or arm.
The many varieties of these unpopular, eight-legged creatures have some amazing ways that the Creator has provided for them. Scientists have discovered that there are 50,000 to 100,000 species throughout the world, some of which are extremely interesting.
Some spiders are as tiny as the head of a pin. Others range in size up to the largest one discovered so far, the hairy South American bird spider. This giant measures almost twelve inches across its body, not including the legs! It catches and disposes of small birds and creatures the size of lizards.
People in North America don't need to be concerned about giant spiders, but they should be aware of the six species that are poisonous—the sack spider, the brown recluse, the black widow and other related widows—the brown widow, the red-legged widow, and the varied widow. Most of these live in dark, hidden places. Be watchful if some of these live in your area.
Incidentally, of the four “widow” spiders only the females are known to bite people. They are so vicious that when a male spider wants to be friendly, she will often kill and eat him. Males do not bite.
The silk-like webs of spiders are strong and elastic and are constructed in a variety of shapes and patterns. Some spiders, wanting a new home base, climb onto fence posts or branches and release silk. As the strands become longer, the wind catches the silk and lifts the spiders off their perches and floats them off to a new area, often many miles away. This is called ballooning.
The Bible verse quoted above reminds us that the Creator is aware of spiders. If He looks on these interesting creatures, which have only a short life and then are gone forever, how much more does He think of you and me who have souls that live forever after our time on earth is over. Our Lord invites us to “come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). If you have not yet accepted that loving invitation, won't you accept it today?
Next time we will consider the amazing jumping spiders.

Zoey to the Rescue

Booker, a two-year-old boy, wearing shorts and a short-sleeve shirt, squeezed through the screen door of his grandparent’s home in Colorado. In the morning sunshine he saw some little birds splashing and flapping their wings in the birdbath. The little boy decided to investigate. He walked across the yard to the birdbath that was surrounded by a little garden full of brightly colored flowers.
By standing on his tiptoes, Booker could just get his hands into the water. But try as hard as he could, he couldn't see over the edge to see if any birds were still in the birdbath. Splashing his hands in the water, some of it dribbled over the edge and landed in wet spots on his forehead.
Unknown to Booker and his grandparents, a very unwelcome visitor had come into the backyard. A large rattlesnake had slithered under the fence and had been resting in the grass near the birdbath. In all the years the grandparents had owned the house, they had never had a rattlesnake in their yard before. The poisonous snake, angry at having been disturbed by Booker at the birdbath, was preparing to strike with its deadly bite. The snake had coiled its body and the rattle at the end of its tail started shaking. The snake’s cold, unfeeling eyes fixed on a spot on the boy's bare leg. With lightening quickness, the snake uncoiled his body and sprang towards the boy.
Zoey, a little brown Chihuahua dog owned by Booker’s grandparents, was also in the backyard. Alerted by the snake's rattle, the dog had run over to the boy. Sensing the danger, the dog jumped between the moving body of the snake and the boy. Instead of hitting Booker's leg, the snake’s poisonous fangs struck the little dog in the forehead.
Zoey twisted and flung his head from side to side to throw the snake off. The bite had only lasted a fraction of a second, but in that short time the snake injected its poison. For a few short moments, the little dog barked, nipped, and snarled at the snake. Zoey didn't run away after being bitten; he stood his ground, protecting Booker.
Booker's grandfather heard the disturbance and ran out the back door to see what was wrong. “Oh my!” he cried out with alarm when he saw Zoey with a gash on his forehead, standing between the rattlesnake and the boy.
Quickly, he ran to his grandson and dog and gathered up both of them into his arms and ran back into the house. Frantically he checked Booker to see if the snake had bitten him. When he didn't find any bite marks on him, he turned to help Zoey.
The wound on Zoey’s forehead was beginning to swell into an ugly roundness. The dog's eyes looked glassy, and he was having a hard time standing on his legs. The grandfather knew he had to rush Zoey to a vet if the brave little dog had any chance of surviving. He got the boy and the dog into his car and drove fast to the vet's office.
“Doctor, you have to help Zoey!  ... He just saved my grandson's life!” the grandfather blurted out with tears in his eyes. He laid the almost-limp form of the little dog down on the table. The vet saw he had an emergency on his hands and stopped everything else to take care of Zoey. He quickly injected rattlesnake antivenin into the dog and hooked him up to a plasma machine. Then he told the grandfather there was nothing more he could do for the dog and that the chances of him surviving the snakebite were slim.
Do you know the One who came from heaven to stand between man and certain death? His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is the Son of God. Nearly two thousand years ago He gave His life at Calvary to make a way to deliver men from eternal death and judgment that their sins deserve. He died in their place. He was buried, but death couldn't keep Him in the ground, and He rose from the grave.
While He lived on earth, Jesus did many great works such as raising the dead, healing the sick, the lame and the blind, and multiplying a few loaves of bread and some small fishes so that there was enough food to feed thousands. These works were wonderful, but the work He did on the cross was far greater. On the cross He accomplished the work of “REDEMPTION.” To be redeemed is to be completely delivered. By dying on the cross, He made a way for sinners to be delivered from Satan's power and judgment to come. Believers in Christ are completely redeemed, because He died in their place. The price of their redemption was the precious blood of Christ. “Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold  ... but with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19).
Jesus had to die to save us, but that was not the case with Zoey. Once again the little dog proved to be a real fighter. He had a strong will to live and pulled through. A few days later he was back at home, playing like nothing had ever happened. Booker's entire family thought Zoey was such a brave little dog.
Zoey jumped in between the boy and the rattlesnake and saved the boy from a horrible snakebite. At the cross the Lord Jesus gave His life so that sinners who see their need might believe on Him and be saved from the punishment they deserve. If you haven’t as yet, will you believe on the Lord Jesus that you might be saved?
MEMORY VERSE: “Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold  ... but with the precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18-19

The Wonders of God's Creation: Jumping Spiders

“All that forget God ... [their] hope shall be cut off, and [their] trust shall be a spider's web.” Job 8:13-14
Last time we looked at spiders in general. Now let's consider those specifically called jumping spiders. There are some 4,000 varieties of these little creatures. All of them are small, less than 3/4 of an inch long, and are the most colorful of all spiders. While frequently found in parts of North America and Europe, the greatest number prefer warm climates, such as Central America, northern South America, New Zealand and Australia. Many of you have probably seen these little spiders on your windowsills or screens in the summer.
Jumping spiders are provided with unusual eyes—some of them having as many as eight. This enables them to see motion in just about every direction and all at the same time. They can also spot birds or other enemies that might be a threat to them.
In contrast to the vast number of other spiders, jumping spiders do not weave webs and then wait for insects to get caught in them. Instead, they creep up on their prey or lie in wait and then pounce on their victims. Although their legs are short, they can jump more than forty times the length of their bodies!
Finding a good spot on a big bare rock or bare limb of a tree, a jumper first anchors a silk thread (called a dragline) so it can climb back up in case it misses its prey. It seldom has to wait very long before spotting a fly, mosquito or other insect that is perhaps a distance of four to eight inches away.
How can it get to that insect that is suddenly visible? The fourth pair of legs supplies most of the jumping power, and the dragline stretches out to match the length of the jump being made. Having feasted on its catch, the spider may explore a bit for more food and then follows the dragline all the way back to its starting point where the line is discarded.
Incidentally, in spite of the trailing dragline, these jumps are so fast and silent that an intended victim usually gets caught. The spider injects a tiny bit of poison, and then it devours its catch. Afterwards, it looks around for other potential victims before climbing back up its dragline.
Read again the Bible verse at the top of the page. How foolish it is for anyone to just try to forget about God and take up with the temporary pleasures of this world. This verse tells us that a course of this nature will trap them like a spider's web. Another verse tells us, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:6). Which verse applies to you?

A Caring Bus Driver

The bus driver had gotten out of bed early that morning  ... he didn’t want to be late for work. It was a cold morning, snowing and very slippery in places. As a bus driver, Scott Griffiths had gotten to know most of the passengers who rode his bus regularly, and he always tried his best to pick them up on time and get them to their destination on time. Today’s weather would make it a little more difficult.
At his third stop, a passenger getting on the bus said to Scott, “A car just slid down the ravine on the other side of the road. It will probably end up in the creek at the bottom!”
Immediately Scott called his dispatcher to send help. Then he drove his bus over to where the car was last seen sliding down the ravine. What he saw was not good. The car had flipped over and was now upside down in three and a half feet of icy cold water at the bottom.
Without thinking of his own safety, Scott got out of the bus and slid down the side of the ravine to where the car was in the creek. There was snow and ice on the ground, making it very difficult to find firm footing. But Scott’s heart and mind was on the person or persons who were in the car and needed his help.
Can any of you boys or girls think of somebody in the Bible whom this story reminds you of? Some of you might think of the story of the good Samaritan. That’s a good one, but there was Someone who did so much more and who was far more loving and kind than even the good Samaritan. It’s the Lord Jesus Christ. When He saw you and me totally ruined and helpless in our sins, He left heaven and came down here for one purpose—to rescue us. The Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 1:15, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” And He paid a terrible price to be able to save us. He gave up His life on the cross after He paid the penalty for the sins of each person who would accept Him as his or her very own Saviour. That’s how much He truly loves us and cares about us.
The bus driver was very kind and caring and wanted to rescue whoever was inside that upside down car in the icy water. When he reached the car, he saw a woman inside. She was still alive and saw Scott beside the car. She was able to open the car window and tried to crawl out. Scott pulled her through the window and then out of the icy, cold water to safety. He immediately put his coat around her to shield her from the bitter cold.
At this point, the paramedics and police arrived and took over. Scott’s job was finished, so he climbed back up the slippery ravine. As he got into his nice warm bus and dried himself off, the passengers all clapped and cheered, as they had watched his heroic deed from the bus windows. Then he slid into the driver’s seat and continued driving his route to deliver his passengers.
Scott was considered a hero for rescuing that woman from her upside down car. But when we think of what Jesus did to rescue sinners from eternal punishment for their sins, He isn’t considered a hero. Many people insist they are good and will get to heaven their own way—they don’t need Him. They pass up His kind and loving offer of mercy and choose to ignore Him. The Bible warns us that there is only one way to be sure of getting to heaven, and it is “not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5).
The woman in the car was grateful and thankful for Scott’s kind help, and she had a police officer pass on the message to Scott. What about each of you boys and girls? Have you accepted Jesus’ loving offer of rescue from your sins? Have you thanked Him for what He did for you on the cross?
MEMORY VERSE: “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5

Three Precious Promises

1. Take an A and a K,
and put an S in between,
Then a marvelous blessing at once
will be seen;
For 'tis “Ask, and it shall be given
unto you”;
'Tis thus, Jesus speaks, and His
Word's always true.
2. Between an S and a K,
place two E's straight away,
And a wonderful promise you'll
have for today;
For the Lord is so kind,
He says, “Seek, and you'll find”;
And the blessing He'll give is what
just suits His mind.
3. Between two lovely K's,
place an N, O, and C,
And a rich mine of wealth at once
you will see;
For the Saviour says, “Knock,”
and the door opens wide;
Faith's key does unlock,
and Christ's Word must abide.
Then “Ask,” “Seek,” and “Knock,”
for this is God's way;
And sure are His blessings,
which never pass away.

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Adorable Kit Fox

“Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.” Song of Solomon 2:15
The kit fox, or desert fox, is the smallest fox in North America. An adult is only about twenty inches long, and the little ones are so tiny and adorable that if you got a peek at one you would want to pick it up and hold it. Besides being tiny, they are so cute, with fluffy, light-tan fur on their sharp-pointed faces, necks and legs and a slightly darker colored fur over their backs and long bushy tails.
The pleasant looks on their tiny faces, with their dark eyes and black-button noses and a pair of large, perky ears, all make an unforgettable picture. These kits are so tiny that you could hold one in your hand. The parents are equally pretty.
At one time there were large numbers of kit foxes in western North America, but today there are only a few, most of which live near Bakersfield, California, in oil field areas. Their choice of food is mostly rats, mice and ground squirrels. But as these too are becoming scarce, the hungry kit foxes are sometimes spotted at night prowling around marketplaces, no doubt hoping to find some bit of meat or other food.
The parents use the same den year after year, but their worst enemy, the coyote, is often able to break into their dens and destroy the foxes. Being aware of this, kind-hearted people now provide man-made dens for them, properly buried in the ground. These are made of steel pipes welded together in suitable shapes with an opening just large enough for the foxes, but not the coyotes. California officials also have learned of the serious threat of coyotes and hunters as well, and are trying to keep hunters, builders and industries from coming into those areas, since this will destroy the small number of kit foxes that are left.
It's sad enough to think that coyotes and other larger foxes are the kit foxes’ enemies, but hawks and eagles are also their enemies. No doubt the Creator of these lovely creatures has put protective kindness into the hearts of people, and it is hoped the authorities will continue to do what they can to preserve them.
We cannot overlook that the opening Bible verse refers to some damage little foxes have always done, and it reminds us that this world can never be a perfect place while our chief enemy, Satan, remains in it. The wonderful hope of those who know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour is His promise to call us to heaven soon, where no sin or unhappiness will ever be. Will you be part of the great number who will be there?

What Happened to Elijah

Do you remember the story of the long, long drought in the land of Israel and then the downpour of rain? Elijah was the prophet whom God used for this miracle, but the power came from God Himself. When the false prophets called for rain that didn’t come, Elijah said to them, Call louder! Maybe your god is asleep! To the people he said, If the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him.
Then the prophets who called on their false god were all killed by the command of Elijah. God’s judgments are serious.
Those false prophets served the queen. When she heard they were all dead, she was so angry with Elijah that she planned to kill him. As queen, she could certainly do this, if God didn’t protect him. Elijah seemed to remember her power, but not God’s power.
Which power is more important to you? Maybe someone is doing bad things to you, or maybe a serious disease looks fatal for you. But think about this—God has power to cast you into hell forever! Which of these powers is the most important—a person, a disease or God?
It is God’s own Son who has died for our sins, and right this very moment He is ready to save you. Hell is for the devil and his angels and for unsaved sinners, but it is never, never for anyone who has trusted in Jesus. His arms are wide open to save you now.
Elijah ran for his life. He left his servant in a city, but he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness and sat down under a juniper tree and prayed. Here is his prayer: It is enough! Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers!
What do you think of that prayer? Elijah certainly was praying to the right Person. He cared more about God than about the queen. But it seems that up to this point he thought he was better than his fathers, and now he is in despair. Will God take away his life? Oh, no! God tenderly cared for him, just as He will do for you if you come to Him.
Elijah fell asleep under that tree. Then God sent an angel to provide bread and water for His tired, hungry servant. It was fresh bread, baked right there beside him. The angel touched him and said, Arise and eat. Elijah ate and slept again. A second time the angel touched him and said, Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you. Elijah ate and drank again. Now here is a surprise: That was the last food he ate for forty days, and it lasted him until he reached Mount Horeb!
But Elijah still had not learned his lesson. He found a cave to stay in on Mount Horeb. Then God sent a very strong wind that tore into the mountain and smashed rocks, then He sent an earthquake and then a fire. It was all terribly frightening, but it still didn’t change Elijah’s thoughts.
After the fire came a still, small voice, and the Lord said, What are you doing here, Elijah?
Elijah answered, I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts, because the children of Israel have forsaken Thy covenant, torn down Thine altars and killed Thy prophets. I’m the only one left, and they’re trying to kill me too!
That was not a good answer. We should not tell God how bad His people are. Remember that God loves them, and He loves you too. Elijah had a lot to learn about God’s love. If God has given you food today, it is because He loves you. And He loves those other people too. Don’t tell God how bad they are. Instead, tell those people how good God is!
Elijah didn’t know that there were 7,000 men who had not worshipped the false god Baal. Do you know where there are other Christians? Share the love of God with them, and don’t think you are the only faithful one.
If we think Elijah had something to learn, let’s remember that we have more chance to learn than he did. “God is love” (1 John 4:16). “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). It will be awful for unsaved sinners to spend eternity without the love of God.
Read this story for yourself in 1 Kings 19 and see what happened next.
MEMORY VERSE: “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

The Injured Crow

My neighbor loves birds, and she seems to be making friends with them in one way or another. This past summer she cared for an injured crow that had a very peculiar voice, not like other crows! Maybe the injury affected his “Caw, Caw”!
Once the crow began to fly again, he seemed to stay in the area, coming back every day for food. However, we did not find his call very pleasant to listen to, and sometimes we found ourselves thinking, We wish that crow with its ugly call would fly away for good!
This reminds us of our ugly sins, doesn't it? Even though we may have asked the Lord Jesus to wash them away with His precious blood, we sometimes do something that is another ugly sin. Then we have to go to God in prayer and tell Him about this sin. When we confess it to Him, He will forgive us, for Jesus has washed all our sins away in His precious blood. We know this for sure because 1 John 1:7 says, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” Then skip one verse and the next one says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Well-Named Hornbills

“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalm 145:9
Hornbills are among the largest birds in the world; some are about four feet tall. Their main food is fruit from wild trees, but lizards, mice and small birds are also included in their diet.
A most amazing variety, the Malabar pied hornbill, lives in the jungles of Ceylon. About the size of a turkey, it has a huge curved beak in white, orange and black colors, almost as long as its main body. Atop this beak is a high black and orange cap, looking like something that was glued on. The rest of its body is coal-black, except for white patches under its big tail and on its throat. It nests in fruit trees, where it finds plenty to eat.
Far away in China and Thailand is another species, the rufous-necked. Its huge beak is black on the top and yellow underneath, contrasting with the bright scarlet coloring of its whole body, except for coal-black wings and back and long, white tail feathers.
Another one, called the Oriental, nests in a natural hole in the trunk of a big tree. It also has a huge beak (but without the cap) which, when open, looks much like two yellow bananas side by side. Its wings are a combination of speckled black and white, and most other body features are a soft white color.
The female of the Oriental has an unusual way of raising her young ones. When ready to lay two or three eggs, she first lines her nest in the tree trunk with fresh grass and leaves. Then she squeezes through the narrow opening and closes all but a top slit with gooey material applied with her beak, locking herself inside!
While incubating her eggs, her mate faithfully brings food to her, inserting it through the open slit in the entrance. After the eggs hatch, she opens the hole, leaving the babies inside, but from the outside she again closes it, leaving a slit at the top as before. She and her mate then feed them through that slit until they are big enough to be released and take care of themselves.
There are others, such as the black-feathered ground hornbill of Africa with a very unusual beak (horn) surrounded by huge pouches of red, bare flesh. These few provide typical samples of this unusual piece of God's creation.
The Lord God is indeed good to all His creation, as mentioned in the opening Bible verse. Two other verses in the same chapter say, “All Thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord; and Thy saints shall bless Thee. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him ... in truth” (Psalm 145:10,18).
Are you one of the happy people who know Him as your Saviour? Do you call on Him in prayer daily?

Billy's Clean Heart

The Sunday school children were sitting in the front rows, waiting to see what Mr. Charles would take out from underneath the table.
“Here’s Billy,” Mr. Charles said. He placed on the table a wooden stand that held a smiling, neatly dressed boy that had been cut out of thin plywood. “Doesn’t Billy look happy?”
The children all agreed that Billy looked clean and neat and happy.
“But can any of you see inside Billy’s heart?” Mr. Charles asked.
“No,” the children all answered together.
“Who can see inside Billy’s heart?” was Mr. Charles’ next question.
“God can,” one of the children answered.
“That’s right. First Samuel 16:7 says, ‘Man [looks] on the outward appearance, but the Lord [looks] on the heart.’ Then Mr. Charles took away the nice-looking Billy and that uncovered another Billy with a sad face and a black heart. “Now suppose Billy was a real boy. What does he need?”
“He would need salvation,” one of the children said.
“What could you tell him that would show him how to get saved?” asked Mr. Charles.
One child suggested, “Tell him John 3:16: ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’” Then a little girl suggested, “Maybe we could teach him that song, ‘What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.’” Another one suggested, “You could tell him that God sent His Son to die for our sins on the cross.”
“That’s right,” said Mr. Charles. Someone has to pay for every sin that’s ever been committed, and only a person who has never committed any sins would be able to pay for the sins of others. That’s why God had to send His own perfect, sinless Son from heaven to die for us, and if we trust Him to pay for our sins, we will never have to pay for them ourselves.
The children nodded their heads in agreement and looked very serious.
“Where is the Lord Jesus now?” asked Mr. Charles.
“He’s in heaven,” all the children answered.
“What’s He doing there?”
“He’s watching us,” said one. “Praying for us,” said another. “Loving us,” said a third.
“Yes,” said Mr. Charles. “You’ve given Billy lots of helpful things to think about. Now, what if Billy were a real boy, and he took the things you’ve told him seriously and asked the Lord Jesus to save him. What would happen?”
“He’d be saved!” all the children answered.
“Yes, he would,” said Mr. Charles. And he took away the sad, sinful Billy with the black heart, and that uncovered a happy Billy with a white heart.
“Let’s read another Bible verse: ‘I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ [lives] in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me’ (Galatians 2:20). You see, now that Billy is saved, he has his old sinful nature and also his new Christ-like nature. Both are inside him. Do you think those two natures get along well together?”
The children agreed that they would not get along well.
“All of us who are saved have these same two natures inside us. What if Billy said a bad word or hit his sister or disobeyed his dad or mom? Is he still saved?”
Most of the children thought he would still be saved, but some weren’t sure. But they all agreed it was wrong for Billy to do those things.
“What are we going to do about this situation? The two natures can’t get along together, because the old sinful nature cannot do anything that is pleasing to God, and the new Christ-like nature only does what is pleasing to God.”
The children shook their heads sadly. They didn’t know what to do.
Then Mr. Charles took a cross out from under the table and fastened the old sinful Billy onto it. “Remember that Galatians 2:20 says, ‘I am crucified with Christ’? That’s the old sinful ‘me.’ Then the verse goes on to say, ‘Nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ [lives] in me.’ Those of us who are saved have Christ in our hearts, and we can never be lost again. God reassures us many, many times in His Word that if we believe in Him, we have everlasting life. That is life that lasts forever. Nothing can ever take it away from us. But we need to ask God for grace and power to keep that old, sinful ‘me’ on the cross—crucified—so that the rest of that verse will be true of us—‘The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.’ Then we will be happy Christians, living to please our heavenly Father and not living to please that old, sinful ‘me.’”
MEMORY VERSE: “Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

The Wonders of God's Creation: Your Amazing Body - Part 1

“I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully [amazingly] and wonderfully made:
marvelous are Thy works.” Psalm 139:14
Nothing in the entire world compares with the human body. Birds, animals and other kinds of life have been made in a remarkable way, but nothing compares to what the Creator has given mankind. That may have been His purpose in bringing all other living things into the world before creating Adam, for He was to give Adam and his offspring the chief place in creation and arranged for the others to be already in existence beforehand.
We also read, “God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” (Genesis 2:7). This is an example of the Creator's wisdom, for He designed our bodies to need nourishing food. And since man was formed from the earth itself, then the plant life growing in its soil would supply the nutrients his body would require. Also, when God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,” He gave man a soul that would live forever, even after life on earth ended. He did not do this with any other creature.
The human body, from the soles of the feet to the hair on the head, is so extremely complex that it could only have been designed by a supreme and divine Creator. Medical research continually learns new things about the body’s wonders, but, for the most part, they cannot explain how these came about. For instance, many of these experts admit they are baffled by the performance of our eyes, and no wonder, when you consider all the eyes do for us.
It's easy to say “the eyes see things,” but it’s not so easy to say, “I know how they do it.” Actually, the eye is constantly “taking pictures,” distinguishing objects by color, shape and size. In doing this it automatically focuses immediately, whether the object is close or far away. And what happens to these pictures? They don't remain in the eye but travel to the brain, which immediately tells the various parts of the body how to react. If the eye has seen something dangerous, the brain may tell our hands to shove it out of the way or instruct our legs to run far away from it.
In addition, the brain stores these pictures in the memory. When needed, the memory will bring the pictures back to us, even many years after they were first seen. They've been “on file” all the time, although we have not been aware of it.
In the following issue we will consider more of these marvels provided by the One who has not only created us, but loves us dearly and wants us to accept His love and know Him as our Lord and Saviour.
(to be continued)

Grrrr … Woof!

This unfriendly warning from the pit bull dog that lives across the street suddenly interrupted my summer afternoon visit to the mailbox. My first thought was to run. But I knew that in the time it would take me to reach the safety of my door, this dog would catch up to me.
Maybe some of you boys and girls have not heard of pit bulls. These dogs can be very unfriendly and dangerous—a real enemy, not only to children, but to grown-ups too. However, if they are very well trained by their owners, they can be good family pets. But this pit bull that lives across the street was very unfriendly, and I was not looking forward to meeting up with him.
Since I couldn’t make it to my front door in time, I quickly thought about what else I might do. I could use my feet to kick the dog. However, the neighbor had warned me before that kicking this dog was a bad idea. The last man who kicked him had to be rescued from its jaws by the dog’s owner. So what else could I do? I know that some dogs can be scared off by loud noises, so I tried yelling at the top of my lungs.
GRRRR  ... WOOF! The dog’s growling and barking didn’t sound like he was one bit scared by my yelling, as he continued his steady trot in my direction. I was running out of ideas. The envelopes in my hand couldn’t be used for protection. I looked around for a stick or something to hit the dog with. All I saw was pea-sized gravel, so I stooped down and picked up a handful of gravel and hurled it with all my might at the mean beast that was coming closer each second.
GRRRR  ... WOOF! He seemed to have taken no notice of the gravel bouncing off his body. Now what? I had tried everything I could think of, and there was nothing that could protect me from this oncoming, unfriendly, threatening animal!
You and I have an enemy even more dangerous than my neighbor’s pit bull. This enemy is out to devour and destroy us. The Bible describes him: “Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Don’t think for a minute that any of your own wisdom or strength is any more able to save you from Satan than my yelling or throwing gravel was able to protect me from the jaws of that pit bull. There was no way I could defend myself without help.
At that moment, I heard behind me the fierce barking of another dog approaching at a full run. My heart was flooded with relief as I realized it was my own dog, and he was coming to my rescue! The pit bull turned and ran back into his own yard, as I quickly ran to mine, praising and thanking my dog, Captain, for his heroic rescue.
Those of you who know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour do have a protector, and His power and wisdom will always come in for you to drive away Satan with his roars and threats. Don’t depend on your own strength or ideas to fight this strong enemy. How foolish it would have been for me to tell my dog to get back in our yard and let me handle the situation on my own. But that would not have been nearly as foolish as anyone who decides they can overcome Satan with their own strength. Only Jesus can overcome him, for He defeated Satan when He rose from the dead. Is Jesus your Protector and Saviour?
“The Son of Man [Jesus] is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them” (Luke 9:56).
MEMORY VERSE: “The Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.” Luke 9:56

"Ann, Come!"

Four-year-old Ann and her mother were on a vacation at the seashore. They both were enjoying the sun and sand and especially the water. Although Ann was just a little girl, she was having great fun playing in the sand and splashing in the shallow water along the shore.
As Mother watched Ann playing in the little waves that lapped the sand, she suddenly saw a huge wave rushing toward the shore. The wave was much higher than Ann, and it was almost to shore. There was not time for Ann's mother to run and snatch her out of danger! The only thing she could do was to shout, “ANN, COME!
Ann turned and ran as fast as she could, straight to her mother, just as the wave crashed on the sand where she had been playing. How thankful Mother was to have her little girl safe.
What if Ann had not paid attention to her mother's call to come? She may have been swept out to sea and drowned! Ann had been taught to obey her mother's voice at once. Even the reply “just a minute” would have made it too late. She heard her mother's voice and came.
The Lord Jesus Christ has told sinners, “Come unto Me.” He wants to save sinners from an awful punishment for their sins. He went to the cross and took that punishment on Himself. He is now saying “Come ... and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Have you obeyed His call? Don't want any longer! Accept Him as your own Saviour right now, for danger is very near. Don't say “just a minute” or “in a little while” or “some other time.” Listen to His voice and accept Him right now! “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Your Amazing Body - Part 2

“Let all the earth fear the Lord: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.” Psalm 33:8
In the previous article we reviewed briefly the story of man's creation and the wonders of our amazing bodies, including some detail about our eyes. We could present many articles on other details of the body's wonders, but space limits us to only a few.
The Brain
The brain, one of the most important parts of the body, fits snugly into a strong, protective skull, which in a newborn baby remains rather soft so it can grow with the baby's development. At a certain age, the skull hardens and becomes a strong shield for the brain.
There are three main parts to the brain: the cerebrum, made up of two halves, the cerebellum in back of it, and the medulla oblongata (sometimes referred to as the brain stem) located at the back of the head just above the spinal column.
The cerebrum is the most important part. It takes messages from all over the body and sends instructions back to all these parts, telling them what they are to do at any given moment.
The cerebellum's main job is to keep in touch with all the muscles, telling them when they are to be in action or when to relax and be still. For instance, if a boy is standing at home plate on a baseball diamond, he doesn't think about what is going on inside his brain. But whether he knows it or not, he can't lift the bat over his shoulder until the cerebellum tells his arm and hand muscles exactly what to do, nor can he swing at a pitched ball unless muscles all over his body—legs, arms and back—have received instructions from his brain. Finally, running off to first base, his entire body is obeying those brain-given instructions without his having to consciously think about it.
The brain stem is important too. One of its chief duties is to see that what are termed “instincts” are not neglected but put into action when necessary. This would include the functions of our noses and lungs every time we breathe, the beating of our hearts, blinking our eyes, swallowing a bite of food and others.
Actually, the duties of every part of the brain are far beyond anyone's ability to understand and are much more wonderful than the achievements of all the world's newest, specialized computers put together. And this represents just one area of the Creator's wonderful provisions for us.
When we think of the wonderful works of the Lord, how it must please Him to hear us say, just as Isaiah did, “Oh Lord, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things” (Isaiah 25:1).
(to be continued)

More About Elijah

Maybe you remember that while Elijah was on Mount Horeb he was telling God how bad His people were and how he was the only faithful one left. God was not pleased to hear this faultfinding on Elijah’s part.
God gave Elijah a message: Go and anoint Elisha to be prophet in your place. And Elijah went, without arguing or complaining.
He found Elisha as God had said. Elisha and the servants were plowing a field with twelve yoke of oxen. That equals twenty-four oxen and eleven servants—Elisha was a rich man! But that didn’t stop him from following his God.
When Elisha found that God was calling him, he killed two oxen, used the wooden yoke and plow to make a fire, and boiled the meat to feed the servants. Then he followed Elijah.
That was costly obedience, wasn’t it? Instead of being a rich man, he was now a servant himself, sometimes pouring water on the hands of Elijah to wash them. And all his riches now belonged to others.
But let me tell you a secret. Elisha was richer now than he was before! It is better to follow God, the God who made the world and who has a place for you in heaven. How can you be there in His wonderful home that He has prepared? Only if you place your trust in Jesus, the Saviour of sinners. That wonderful place belongs to Him since He rose from the dead and is living up there right now. If you have trusted Jesus as your very own Saviour, that place will be yours too someday. “In My Father's house are many mansions ... . I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:2-3).
One day the two men, Elijah and Elisha, walked together until they came to the Jordan River. When they reached the river, Elijah wrapped his mantle, or cloak, into a bundle and struck the water with it. The water divided, and the two men walked across on dry land. They both knew that the parting time for them had come. Elijah must go. As they talked together, Elijah said, Ask what I shall do for you..
Now there’s a big question! Guess what Elisha asked for. He didn’t say anything about money or houses or land. No, he asked for a double share of Elijah’s spirit!
Then Elijah said, That’s a hard thing. But if you see me when I am taken away from you, you will have what you ask.
We can imagine how Elisha never took his eyes off Elijah, and he saw a wonderful sight! A chariot of fire and horses of fire suddenly appeared between them, and Elijah was taken up by a whirlwind into the heavens.
Elisha went back across the Jordan River alone, but he had the same wonderful power to work miracles that Elijah had, and his was even better. Elisha’s miracles were full of grace and of healing and of plenty. Our God is a God of judgment and of grace. If you refuse His loving-kindness offered to you through the death of His beloved Son, all that’s left for you is judgment! God is real, and He does not change!
Elisha went to Jericho, but the people wondered where Elijah was. They said, Let’s go search for him. But Elisha said, No. They coaxed until he said, Yes, and they sent fifty men to search for him in the mountains and valleys, but they came back without a clue. Of course not! When the Lord Jesus comes with a great shout to call all believers to heaven, no searching will ever find us. We’ll be gone, and the door of mercy will be closed.
While the door of mercy is still open, are you listening to God’s message of mercy to you?
You may read this story of Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings, chapter 2.
MEMORY VERSE: “I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:3

The Foggy Day

Have you ever been out in fog that was so thick you could hardly see where you were going? The fog makes it seem like you are almost blind.
One winter a large flock of ducks was swimming around in open water on the Niagara River above Niagara Falls. During the day a thick fog settled over the area. Not being able to see in the fog, the ducks became confused and swam much too close to the edge of the falls. More than a thousand were caught by the current and swept over the falls into the gorge 150 feet below.
The next day when the fog lifted, it was found that many of the ducks had been killed, and the hundreds that did survive the fall were injured and stranded on the ice. They were unable to fly out of the gorge because of their broken wings. And they could not be rescued from the ice because it was too dangerous. Some ducks were able to fly away the following day, but others died out on the ice in sight of people who would have rescued them if they could.
The Bible tells us that anyone who does not know the Lord Jesus as his or her Saviour is “blind, and cannot see afar off” (2 Peter 1:9). Another verse says that “he  ... [knows] not whither he [goes], because that darkness hath blinded his eyes” (1 John 2:11). This certainly is a dangerous way to go through life. Many of those ducks made a final fall over Niagara Falls, and all people who do not accept the Lord Jesus as their Saviour will make a final fall into “outer darkness: [where] there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 8:12). What an awful and unnecessary end!
The Lord Jesus loves us and wants each of us to accept Him as our own Saviour. “If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Your Amazing Body - Part 3

“Only fear the Lord, and serve Him...with all your heart; for consider how
great things He hath done for you.” 1 Samuel 12:24
The Heart and Blood
Considering all the work it does, the twelve-ounce heart doesn't take up much room in the center of our chests. It is the hardest working part of our bodies, and life would not be possible without it. For instance, it pumps throughout our bodies an estimated 650,000 gallons of blood every year, and the energy required for just one hour's worth of pumping would be enough to lift a sixty-five-ton weight a foot above the ground!
The heart beats approximately seventy times each minute—over 100,000 times a day. It is truly a perpetual-motion wonder, working moment-by-moment and day-by-day without any instructions from its owner.
The blood flowing through many miles of arteries, veins and capillaries is made up of sixty trillion red and white cells in an adult. The duty of the red cells is to carry oxygen to every part of the body and at the same time pick up carbon dioxide, a waste product that would prove deadly if left there too long. The white cells help defend the body against disease and infection.
Where do the red cells pick up the fresh oxygen they distribute throughout the body, and what do they do with the waste carbon dioxide they pick up? This is where the lungs enter the picture. After the blood has made its rounds, it is sidetracked to the lungs before returning to the heart to begin another trip. When the breath of air you inhale reaches the lungs, its oxygen is turned over to the blood that needs it badly but has become loaded with carbon dioxide. The lungs also remove this carbon dioxide, which is discharged into the air each time you exhale—eventually reaching trees and vegetation, which require carbon dioxide to live.
The blood, thus treated, passes on to the heart to be pumped along for another round-trip. Isn't this a wonderful arrangement? It is again something that only the Creator could plan and use in the maintenance of life, both among humans as well as animals and birds.
Perhaps at some later time we will review the digestive process to see how the food and liquids we take in are used in the body, passing from mouth to stomach for first treatment, then on to other body parts in the digestive system—blood playing a very important part in this too.
Meanwhile, let what we have considered in these three articles help us to appreciate more deeply the wonders of God's creation of the human body and His continuing care and love for each of us, as the Bible tells us, “Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done, and Thy thoughts which are to us-ward” (Psalm 40:5).

I Had No Fear

It does not make sense to risk your life by taking chances. Teenagers sometimes feel they have to prove they are brave. Children, being young and not understanding what might happen, are sometimes hurt, crippled or killed. God and your parents love you and want you to live and not suffer unnecessarily. Driving a car faster, climbing a higher mountain, or swimming a swifter stream does not prove that a person is better than anyone else.
Our town was located between two rivers and a millrace, so we spent lots of time near and in the river. We boys learned to respect the water and to be very careful not to jump or dive where there was much chance of being hurt. We often fished and swam around a small island above the dam.
One time after it had rained heavily, two of us had gone in swimming up by the island. My friend started to swim toward the dam. After just a couple of strokes, he quickly changed direction and swam powerfully away from the dam. I thought he was just having fun. I did not understand that the strong pull of the current had made him fearful of being swept over the dam. Since I thought I was a strong swimmer, that fear never crossed my mind. But when I reached the dam where I had often stood on the concrete edge, I began to understand.
This time when I reached for the edge with my feet, the current from the water going over the dam was so powerful that I was washed away in the churning water. Because of an underwater barrier, the action of the water does not allow anything falling in to get out easily, but the current returns anything (this time, me) up against the dam to be recycled once more in the billowing water. First my feet would come up, and then, sweeping the bubbles away, I would grab a breath of air before being recycled against the dam. After some minutes of this recycling, I was sure I was going to die, as I was tiring very fast and just about ready to give up. Having thought that I had been a good swimmer, I wondered what the newspaper would say about it if I drowned.
Some of my friends were on the dam with fishing poles and were trying to set a hook in me to snag me out of the trap into which I had gotten myself.
I am happy to say that they did not have to fish me out like a very large salmon. About the time I was exhausted and ready to pass out, I gave up completely and sank down in the water. It was only then that I was washed clear of the fast, churning, foamy water. Relieved and thankful, I swam ashore and thought about my deliverance. “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 16:25).
People often struggle with salvation in much the same way. They try everything they can think of that might help them become a better person. But they soon come to realize that it isn’t working. They are no better off, and they cannot solve the problem of their sins. Yet, that is the first step—to admit that our struggling doesn't work—we can't do it!
The next step is to understand that the sin problem has already been solved. Christ solved it for us when He died on Calvary's cross. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
The last step is to give up all struggling and just accept the deliverance that Christ is offering you. “Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world” (Galatians 1:3-4).
How many of these steps have you taken?
MEMORY VERSE: “Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world.” Galatians 1:3-4

A Good Question

Do you know anything about the love of God?” Four different people were asked this question, and they gave four different answers.
The first, a young, hard-working man said, “I don't know what you're talking about! I've got to get going.”
The second, a young mother, said, “I don't know very much, but I'd like to know more.” The third, a young father, said, “I take my family to church.”
The fourth, a middle-aged lady shopkeeper said, with a look of joy on her face, “Oh, yes! I know Him, and I read the Bible every day!”
The first man didn't even want to think about God's love. The young mother wanted to know more. The young father must have thought God's love meant he had to do something to earn God's favor. The lady shopkeeper really knew about God's love and she acted like it!
What is your answer to the question?
To know God's love is to believe that He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into this world to die on the cross so your sins could be forgiven. God's full love is seen at the cross where His Son was punished for sinners, so that those who accept Him as their Saviour would never have to be punished for their sins. But you have to admit that you are a sinner and believe that the Lord Jesus died for your sins as your substitute. If you have not done this, do it today while God is still offering to save you from your sins. Tomorrow may be too late.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Beneficial Blackbirds

“I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalm 50:11
Millions of blackbirds are found in parts of Europe, as well as the fifteen different kinds found throughout the United States and Canada. The most numerous and perhaps the prettiest are the red-winged blackbirds. They get their name from the male blackbirds, which have shoulder feathers tipped with bright red and yellow. The rest of their bodies are mostly black.
The eastern red-winged blackbirds live from the Rocky Mountains east to the Atlantic Ocean. The San Diego, Rio Grande and Nevada redwings live west of the Rockies.
Redwings nest in large groups in swamps, marshes and in cattails or tall grass. Nests are usually made of mud, plant fibers and grass, with small twigs woven in. They are lined with soft material such as moss, soft leaves and feathers.
Farmers like blackbirds, not only because of their pleasant calls, but mainly because they eat weed seeds and many harmful insects. Some insects they eat are too big to swallow whole, so the bird will hook it on a sharp thorn and dispose of it in smaller bites.
Large flocks often gather in open fields, spreading out to find seeds and insects. As they all move forward, those in the back soon discover that nothing is left for them, and they take off, flying over those in front, landing just ahead of them and finding plenty to eat. When the others in the back find nothing left, they will fly ahead and begin feeding in a new part of the field. This goes on until the field has been cleaned. Then the flock will fly to another feeding area.
In some parts of North America, some redwings migrate in the fall to warm winter climates, while others remain behind. Those remaining are okay as long as the winter is mild, but, sad to say, many do not survive when severe cold sets in. It is mostly the females that migrate; the tougher males merely wait for their return in the spring.
Birds of every kind form an important part of God's creation, and the Bible often refers to His care over them. But His love and care for us is far greater. King David said, “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God!” (Psalm 139:17). In another place he said, “Show me Thy ways, O Lord; teach me Thy paths. Lead me in Thy truth, and teach me: for Thou art the God of my salvation” (Psalm 25:4-5). He will show His love and kindness to all who pray to Him in that way. Have you ever asked the Lord to teach you and lead you?

Do You Sing Lies?

“Kitty, do you always tell the truth?”
“Yes, Gracie  ... I think so. At least I try to, although I’m sure I exaggerate sometimes. Why are you asking?”
“Because I’m afraid I say things that aren’t true. I told Mom this morning that it was pouring rain when it really wasn’t raining very much.” Then after a little pause she added, “And I know I sometimes tell lies when I’m singing.”
“What do you mean, Gracie?”
“Okay, here’s what happened. Last Sunday I was singing, I like to sing, but old Mrs. Clark heard me and asked me if I really believed what I was singing. She told me she hoped I was not mocking Jesus by telling Him He was sweet to me when I didn’t really mean it.”
Kitty quickly admitted that she had done the same thing—singing things that she didn’t really mean. Then she added, “We wouldn’t want to stop singing, would we? Do you suppose we could get so we really mean what we sing?”
The next day was Sunday, and both girls were at the morning worship time and sat together. While they were singing the first hymn, Gracie sat silent with tears running down her face. After the hymn there was a prayer, and Gracie felt she must tell the Lord Jesus about her problem. Silently she poured out her sadness and confessed that she was a sinner. With real sincerity she accepted the Lord Jesus as her Saviour and thanked Him for dying for her sins.
When she opened her eyes again she was quite sure her prayer had been heard. She could hardly wait for the next hymn so she could truly sing her thanks to Jesus for saving her soul. When a hymn was given out, she sang it with a joyful heart and a happy face.
As Kitty looked over and saw Gracie singing so happily, it only made her feel all the more miserable. As soon as worship time was over, both girls hurried outside.
“Oh, Gracie, you looked so happy and sang those hymns too. What has happened?”
“Kitty, I belong to Jesus! Right during a prayer I prayed and accepted Him as my Saviour, and now I know He loves me and I love Him. Don’t you want to do that too?”
There was no answer. But a few days later Kitty also came to Jesus and hurried to tell her friend the good news. Then they gladly talked about the new happiness they each had found in belonging to Jesus and could now sing all the hymns truthfully.
Do you sing lies? That might sound strange, but it is a fact that many boys and girls (and grown-ups too) sing with their lips what they cannot say truthfully from their hearts. Why not accept the Lord Jesus as your very own Saviour as Gracie and Kitty did? Then you may sing truthfully of His love and what He means to you.
“Sing unto the Lord, bless His name; show forth His salvation from day to day” (Psalm 96:2).
MEMORY VERSE: “Sing unto the Lord, bless His name; show forth His salvation from day to day.” Psalm 96:2

God's Unusual Workers

“Your Father [knows] what things ye have need of” (Matthew 6:8).
Mr. Wang, the old Chinese preacher, and his wife lived in a little mud house next to the chapel that was surrounded by a small courtyard. When persecution against the Christians began, the old couple was told not to leave the courtyard, because they might be killed. They had enough rice and other grain in the house to last them for a long time, and Christian friends brought them vegetables. But gradually the wood to cook their food was all used. Wood was hard to find in the countryside where they lived. People looked everywhere for dry sticks and grass to build fires for cooking their rice. The Wangs could not expect help from their friends, but they prayed to the Lord about their need.
One morning when they were completely out of firewood, Mrs. Wang went into the courtyard. There at her feet on the ground were some dry branches. She happily gathered them up and soon had a nice fire going, and she was able to cook their breakfast. The old couple ate their meal with thankful hearts.
But where did the branches come from?
God has His workers. In the high tree, which was standing in the courtyard, crows were building a nest. As they gathered sticks, grass and branches, they dropped many into the courtyard. The birds continued to drop them day after day, until the Wangs' little shed was filled with fuel. There were also green twigs with tender leaves on which Wangs' little goat could feed.
When the persecution was over, Mr. and Mrs. Wang gratefully told their friends how God had provided for their need.
“O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so” (Psalm 107:1-2). “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).
‘Jesus! the very thought of Thee
With sweetness fills my breast;
But sweeter far Thy face to see,
And in Thy presence rest.’

The Wonders of God's Creation: Migrating Caribou - Part 1

“O Lord, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things.” Isaiah 25:1
A hiker tells of hiking in a remote part of the Arctic one summer, when he spotted a small group of caribou watching him. Then he was startled to see a huge number coming his way and realized he was in the path of a migration! Soon the caribou were all around him, but they ignored him completely and soon passed by.
Every spring about half a million of these deer-like animals migrate northward from the northern part of western Canada, parts of Alaska and the Yukon Territory, traveling hundreds of miles to the meadow-covered shores of the Arctic Sea. There the Creator has provided great meadows of nourishing grass and large fields of a tasty plant called lichen, or reindeer grass, which is part of the tundra growing over marshy areas.
The females, which have made the trip ahead of the males, give birth to their calves there. Baby caribou are such tough little creatures that they can stand as soon as they are born, and in less than a month they can outrun a threatening grizzly bear. The males arrive some time later and stay with their families for several weeks. These large herds often share the grazing grounds with other caribou herds without any problem, except for the big males that sometimes fight each other. But when it is time to leave, the herds never get confused with one another.
Many of the wild animals living along the routes they travel eat caribou meat—bears, cougars and wolves. These animals stalk the calves particularly and do capture quite a few on the outside edges of the herd. But these vicious animals don't dare chase very deeply into the herds, or they'd be trampled by the big hoofs or meet up with the sharp horns of the males. As a result, so few caribou are caught by these enemies that it doesn't noticeably affect the size of the huge herds.
There are half a dozen or so species of caribou involved in both the northbound and southbound migrations, but they don't try to move together. If one group happens to overtake another along the way, they are usually quite friendly. Then somewhere along the route each group knows instinctively where to turn off, and the others continue on their way.
As we consider these vast numbers of beasts, large and small, traveling such great distances each year with never a mistake as to their destination, we cannot help but be impressed with God’s ways with all He has created. As our opening verse says, our Lord, the Creator of all things, has “done wonderful things.”
In the next issue we will look more closely at some of the individual groups that make up these tremendous herds of caribou.
(to be continued)


Dear Children,
I am going to tell you about something that Gramma and I saw when we went shopping. We were both very sad when we saw it.
“What did you and Gramma see?”
Well, when we drove into the store parking lot, we saw a police car parked right in front of the store. The backseat door of the police car was wide open. Then we saw two policemen bringing a young man over to the car. The young man’s hands were handcuffed behind his back, and it looked like he was crying. The policemen pushed him into the backseat of the police car and then drove away.
“Grampa, why was the man in handcuffs?”
I’ll tell you why in a minute. But first, Gramma and I had to go into the store to find out what happened. I spoke to the doorkeeper, and at first he did not want to talk about it. But when I told him that I write Sunday school lessons for children about things like this, he was very willing to explain to us what had happened.
Maybe some of you boys and girls have already guessed what happened. The young man was caught stealing, and he was putting up a fight as he tried to escape! But it didn’t work, because the people who work at the store held him until the police arrived. So the police had to handcuff him so he would stop struggling to get away.
Now, children, be honest when you answer this question I’m going to ask you. Have you ever stolen something and never been caught? Or has someone caught you when you were stealing something? It’s not a very nice feeling to get caught stealing, is it? God’s Word, the holy Bible, says in Exodus 20:15, “Thou shalt not steal,” and because it is the holy Word of God, it never changes! In Malachi 3:6 we read these words: “I am the Lord, I change not”! In the eyes of God, stealing is SIN! Even if you don’t get caught, it is still SIN! There are other commandments, and when you disobey any one of them, it is SIN! Romans 3:23 says, “ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”
Now, you may never get caught, but you know that you have sinned, and so does God. And not a single person is allowed into heaven unless God has forgiven those sins. Remember, God sees everything we do, He hears everything we say, and His record of you and me is right and perfect. He doesn’t make mistakes! God loves sinners, and He wants to forgive your sins.
“Grampa, how can I know that my sins are all forgiven?”
Now, children, listen to what God tells us in the Bible. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Here’s another good verse: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). Now this one makes it really plain: “We have redemption through His [Jesus’] blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
I’m pretty sure that if this young man had known he was going to get caught stealing, he never would have done it. But he DID steal, and he DID get caught. Now he must stand before a judge, and the judge will say, “GUILTY!” And so he must pay the penalty for that sin and perhaps go to jail.
Children, here is a reminder for those of you who do not have your sins forgiven by God. The Bible tells us what the penalty is: “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15). That is so solemn and very sad.
As for Gramma and me, we are on our way to heaven because our sins are forgiven! When I was fourteen years old, I trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Gramma was seventeen years old when she trusted Him as her Saviour. Our names are written down in the book of life in heaven because our sins are forgiven, and we are going to be up there with Jesus forever!
Is your name written down in God’s book of life? If you really, really want to have your sins forgiven and your name written down, you can do it right how. Remember, God loves you and Jesus died for your sins. All you need to do is believe it in your heart, and God will forgive your sins!
Lots of love,
MEMORY VERSE: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin “ 1 John 1:7

The Wonders of God's Creation: Migrating Caribou - Part 2

“O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is Thy loving-kindness, O God!” Psalm 36:6-7
There are about half a dozen distinct but closely related species of caribou living in Alaska and northwestern Canada, including the Yukon Territory. Each group stays by itself in its winter home area and, with few exceptions, migrates hundreds of miles north to the Arctic in April and May. There they enjoy the cool weather and ample food provided for them by a loving Creator. During their stay, the calves are born. Then in late June or July they return south to their winter homelands.
The porcupine caribou is one of two species that number in the thousands. This name identifies them as living south of the Porcupine River in the forests and meadows of Canada and up into northeastern Alaska. A full-grown male will weigh three hundred pounds or more and measure six feet long and four feet high at the shoulders.
They have remarkable upswept antlers, reaching about four feet above their heads and five feet across, with many sharp-pointed sections. Along with these is a pair of smaller sections, pointing forward from their foreheads with more “spikes.” No other animal is likely to attack a male caribou. The antlers on the females are smaller. By the way, female caribou are the only North American female deer that have antlers.
The other outstanding species is known as the western Arctic caribou. These are similar in size to the porcupines but are more handsome. The males have brown fur from the backs of their necks to their stubby tails, contrasting with snow-white fur on their chests and underparts. The females don't have these outstanding colors. This seems to display the kind provision of the Creator in helping to conceal them from bears and wolves when giving birth and nursing their young calves.
Another species is the Prudhoe's caribou. This is a much smaller group of only about 18,000. They are named this because their homes are on Prudhoe Bay, in seaside meadows about a hundred miles wide. They do not migrate since the weather is mild with ample year-round food.
The most numerous species is the Barren Ground caribou. They live in what is known as the Barren Ground Region of the Arctic. A large male will weigh more than half a ton and has an appropriately loud, harsh roar, which can be heard three miles away.
The remaining species are very similar, and each one is an additional wonder of God's creation. As we think of these beasts and the Creator's care over them, we should think of how He cares for us too. We should gladly say, as the psalmist did, “Thou art my hiding place; Thou shalt preserve me from trouble” (Psalm 32:7). The important thing is to know Him as your own Saviour, and then stay near Him and see the proof of His loving care.

What About the Weeds?

It was good seed. The owner made sure of that. It was very important for him to have a good crop of wheat, so He was very careful to plant only good seed in his field.
Most of us like good bread to eat, but there would be no bread without fields of wheat. The owner with the good seed had an important job to do, not only for himself, but also for all the people. That good seed was carefully planted before sunset that day.
The owner had workers too, and when nighttime came, they all slept. As the days passed, something wonderful went on under the ground, and before long they saw the little green wheat shoots breaking through the planted field. It was so good to see the tiny plants  ... but something was wrong! Some of the little green shoots did not look quite right.
Weeds! said the workers. Who planted weeds?
The workers went at once to the owner who had planted good seed in his field and asked him, Didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where did the weeds come from?
The owner knew. An enemy has done this, he said.
And if the owner is Jesus, the Son of God, He saw what happened in the dark night when the workers were all asleep. You see, this story is a “parable,” a story that Jesus told to help us understand why so many wrong things happen around us and in our own hearts. We have an enemy, Satan, who tries to spoil everything that God has done. Satan does his work secretly, in the dark, so that you won’t know. “Aha, this is fun!” he says, but he does not tell you the end of the road.
Shall I tell you what God says about the end of the road for those weeds that were spoiling the crop of wheat?
The workers saw the weeds beginning to grow and asked, Should we go and pull them up? No, said the owner. If you do, you will pull up the good wheat along with the weeds. Wait until harvest time, and then I will tell the reapers, “First gather together the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn. Then gather the wheat into my barn.”
Those workers were very wise men, because they said in their hearts, The owner knows. Their plan was to pull up the weeds, but the owner knew that would destroy some good plants too. The workers couldn’t tell for sure which were good plants and which were weeds.
Since this is a parable, those plants are like real people—maybe like you or me. Maybe everybody knows you and I are sinful, or maybe people think you and I are quite good. It isn’t what everybody thinks that is important but what God decides.
At harvest time, the weeds were bound up in bundles and burned. There are many people who will be sent into everlasting fire. God is the One who decides. He has seen us in the daylight and in the dark all during our lives, and He knows.
You may read this parable in Matthew 13, but it does not tell everything. It does not tell you that Jesus loves sinners like you and me. The same Saviour who gathered the good seed into His barn is the same Saviour who died for sinners. “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation [deliverer] for our sins” (1 John 4:10). He wants you in His home in heaven forever, and He wants you to be His very own right now.
Jesus Himself told this story as a big red STOP sign to warn you that hell is very real. There is wonderful love in the heart of Jesus, who went all the way to Calvary and died there for sinners like you and me. Will you come to His loving, open arms right now?
MEMORY VERSE: “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 4:10

Great Love

A missionary working in an African country tells a personal story, which helps us understand a little of what Christ has done for us.
Shortly after she arrived at the sprawling village of thatched mud homes, some visitors arrived to ask help for a friend who had an infected tooth that wouldn't stop bleeding. She and a helper went immediately to see him. They quickly realized he needed more help than they could give, as he was losing a lot of blood. They got him into their truck and headed for the nearest hospital.
The doctor on duty could not stop the bleeding. He said the man needed a blood transfusion immediately or he would die.
The problem was to find matching blood quickly. So right there on the spot the missionary offered her own blood. It matched! Her blood was used, and a transfusion was given to the dying man. His condition improved very quickly, and after some treatment, he was able to return to his village that night.
It did not take long for word to spread around the village that the missionary had given her own blood to save a man she didn't even know. Many came to her saying, “You saved his life and you didn't even know us. You must love Africans very much!”
Isn't that just what we can say when we read that “the Son of God  ... loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20)? We were strangers and far from God, yet Jesus gave
His life to save us from eternal death, so that we can live with Him forever.
He must love us very much!

The Wonders of God's Creation: Body Snatchers and Driver Ants

“The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat [food] in the summer.” Proverbs 30:25
There are thousands of species of ants in various parts of the world. We may find them a nuisance at a picnic or in the kitchen, yet they are an important part of God's creation. It is probably true that there are more ants than all the world's birds, reptiles and animals added together. Do they do any good? Yes. When they dig their nests in the ground, they turn over the soil and break it up. Some also kill insect pests such as termites, and certain ones kill the larvae of beetles that are harmful to crops.
Among the 15,000 species is a large red ant in South America called the Amazon, or sometimes called the body snatcher. This slave-making ant raids other ant colonies, dragging captives to its nests where they are taught to work for their captors. The long, sharp jaws of the Amazon ants are so curved that they cannot feed themselves or dig nests. The slave ants do this work for them. The Amazon ants cannot live without slaves.
Another interesting species is the trap-jaw ant in the forests of Costa Rica. They are vicious, dark-red creatures with such strong jaws that they do not hesitate to attack creatures of any size. These do not live in colonies, and each one hunts alone. If one comes across a tasty insect, it moves right in and with sharp jaws punctures its skin, jabbing a poisonous stinger into the spot. This stuns the insect so it can be carried to the trap-jaw's nest.
In Africa driver ants are feared by all. They are vicious creatures that deliberately crawl into an elephant's trunk and bite the tender flesh. Groups of them have also been known to make a feast of a python lying helpless after swallowing a small animal and unable to crawl away. Driver ants have underground nests ruled by a queen that lays many eggs each day. The most active of the driver ants are known as soldiers. They feed themselves well when hunting, but always carry a large part back to the nest.
In the first chapter of the Bible we read how God created living things, including ants and other insects. We are told, “God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:21). He didn't make them vicious and cruel, but harmless and peaceful. But after Adam and Eve sinned, the nature of all living things was affected, some in ways like these ants.
There is a time coming when all things in the world will again be in harmony and peace. Then those who know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour will be looking down from heaven and see the world in a happy state with no evil to spoil it.
Will you be among those in heaven? In Hebrews 4:7 the Bible instructs, “Today, if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.”

The Rescued Baby Bird

One summer day a mother robin was teaching her babies to fly. Her nest was in a nearby maple tree.
One baby robin seemed to be learning quite well, until it fell to the ground. Of course, mother robin couldn't pick it up. She could only cry out in alarm in her loud chirping voice as she flew anxiously from branch to branch and tree to tree, keeping close to where her baby was on the ground.
I gently picked up the baby bird and carried it down to my neighbor, Mr. Hughes, to ask if he had a birdcage I could borrow. Thankfully he did have one in his garage and was eager to help. We put the little bird in the cage, and I carried it over to hang on an inside limb of my pine tree. I wanted it where I hoped the neighborhood cats would not be able to easily reach it, but where the mother bird could still feed her baby. It was not long before she was flying to the cage with worms when no one was around.
Another neighbor has a pure-white cat named Tom, and he was soon exploring the area and was very interested in what was in that pine tree. All the while, the mother robin was watching, anxiously chirping and hopping from branch to branch.
One night before I went to bed, I checked to see if all was well. I could see Tom sitting across the street near the cedar hedge watching. I opened my bedroom window so that I could hear any noise.
Then something did happen. I awoke with a start in the dark of the night to hear mother robin frantically chirping outside my window. My clock showed 2:00 a.m. I got up quickly and hurried to the front door. What I saw was Tom up in the pine tree pushing the birdcage around and around with his paw. He was trying his best to get at the baby robin. I ran out and shooed that cat away!
Meanwhile, mother robin was still chirping frantically, wide-awake and anxious at 2:00 in the morning! What a loving mother she was, watching over her baby even in the dark night hours.
And our loving God and Father watches even more carefully over His children. He tells us in the Bible that He watches over us day and night: “He that [keeps] thee.... shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper” (Psalm 121:3-5). And He lovingly guards and protects us just like a mother bird: “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust” (Psalm 91:4).
But our Father's great love goes even further than His daily care over us. He wants each of us to spend eternity with Him in those mansions of heaven. Since He cannot have us in heaven with our sins, He made a very costly plan that shows us how much He loves us. He sent His beloved, sinless Son, the Lord Jesus, to die for us. The Lord Jesus willingly went to the cross and took the punishment for the sins of every person who will accept Him as his or her substitute. If you will accept Him as your Saviour, your sins will be gone forever and a place in heaven will be reserved for you. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). There is no greater love!
We kept the baby robin in the cage for about a week where it was protected while it grew stronger. The cat could still frighten the baby bird, but he couldn't touch it! When we finally opened the cage to let the baby robin out, it flew off and away with its watchful mother.
One day soon the Lord Jesus is going to come back to take all of us who are true children of God to heaven to be with Himself. Only then will we begin to understand just how much He loves us. Will you be there?
MEMORY VERSE: “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust.” Psalm 91:4

A "Reversed" Bible

There are many homes in North America where you might find a Bible—maybe more than one—and yet they are not read.
One day a young man was going from door to door selling Bibles. He loved to do that, and sometimes he even gave the Bibles away if he found someone too poor to buy one. But this day the lady who answered the door said, “Oh, no. We have more Bibles in this house than we’ll ever use! We have the Old Testament Bible, the New Testament Bible, the Holy Bible and the Reversed Bible.” The lady meant to say the Revised Version Bible.
The young man thought, There must be a lot of people who read the “reversed version,” because those people tell you that you can get to heaven by being good, or by going to church, or by doing the best you can.
But God’s precious Word tells us exactly the opposite—that any of these ideas are not acceptable to God. He says in the Bible, “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). He also says, “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

The Wonders of God's Creation: More Ants, Please

“Thou art worthy, O Lord ... for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11
Australia and New Guinea provide good homes for one of the world's strangest animals—the foot-long spiny anteater (not to be confused with the great anteater). The spiny anteater is sometimes mistaken for a porcupine. It also has some features similar to a platypus and a kangaroo. It has a pouch on its stomach for hatching a baby from a tiny, leather-like egg. It also provides milk for its baby and carries it around for about three months, until it is strong enough to get out into the open. This anteater's home is usually in a burrow underground or dug into the side of a cliff.
The spiny anteater’s face has a long, skin-covered, bony snout with a tiny mouth and rather large, open nostrils atop the end. Although its body is covered with spines, there are no spines on its face.
Its front claws are good for rapid digging for ants or termites in soil. Its back claws are good for tearing logs apart and pulling heavy stones away to make its nest. Each back claw also has one extra-long nail it uses to groom its brown fur coat, which lies beneath its armor of coarse, sharp spines.
While this animal may seem very strange to us, the Creator designed it especially for the life-style He gave it. This is particularly noticeable not only in its claws, but also in its long, narrow, tough, toothless snout and its exceptionally long, sticky tongue. This tongue dips into an ant or termite nest and brings great numbers of them to its mouth. It also picks up some dirt in the process, but the Creator has provided special glands that digest the dirt as well as the insects.
Because of their sharp, barbless spines, these little fellows are seldom bothered by wild cats or dogs. But when threatened, the anteater presses close to the ground, and using both front and hind feet it rapidly claws the soil away beneath itself. It gradually settles its body down into the hole, inch by inch, until only its sharp spines are showing. By that time the enemy gives up and leaves. When threatened and unable to dig its way to safety, it curls up into a round ball, with its tender parts well protected by its needle-like spines.
The beginning Bible verse speaks of the Creator's pleasure in all the things He made, which includes this unusual creature. But His greatest pleasure is in any person who trusts in Him, not only as his or her Creator, but, more importantly, as his or her own Lord and Saviour. Are you giving Him that pleasure?

Look Before You Leap

The big, yellow dog strolled down the neighborhood street as if she didn't have a care in the world. She looked to be about a year old, with big, chocolate brown eyes. She turned into a long driveway with a gate that had been left open for a delivery truck. The dog had unknowingly turned into the service entrance of the Memphis Zoo.
GET OUT OF HERE, DOG!” the gatekeeper yelled. But instead of turning around and running out, the dog started running towards the center of the zoo. The gatekeeper pulled a walkie-talkie radio out of his belt and reported, “ALERT, ALERT!  ... THERE’S A STRAY DOG IN THE ZOO.” Soon every available zoo worker was trying to catch the big, yellow dog that was very fast on her feet and smart at avoiding capture. After several minutes of chase, workers finally cornered her in front of the big cat exhibit.
Being chased through the zoo had been a fun time for the dog, but that was about to change. The zoo workers were just about to grab her, when she saw a way to escape. The dog bolted towards a metal railing, jumped over it and did a free fall for several feet before splashing into water in a concrete moat. She was a good swimmer, and for a long moment her escape plan seemed to be working. She swam across the moat, got out on dry ground, shook the water out of her coat and looked around.
What the big dog saw striding towards her were two orange-and-black striped tigers, far bigger and more threatening than any animal she had ever seen before! The dog had jumped into the enclosure of some of the deadliest predators on the face of the earth!
One of the tigers pounced on the dog as easily as a house cat might pounce on a bird or mouse. The dog had no chance of fighting off the huge cat and was crushed to the ground. The big cat then picked up the dog’s limp body in its huge mouth. Death looked very close for the dog.
When people are young, they like to be carefree and happy, thinking they will live forever. But it simply is not true. Death may come at any time, and many people look at it like it is a leap into the unknown. However, the Bible plainly tells us what will happen after death. It tells of the suffering of those who have never repented of their sins. It also tells of the perfect happiness of those who die trusting in Christ as their Saviour. We can trust what the Bible says, because it is God’s Word: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).
This pair of tigers had been born and raised in captivity and had never killed another animal. This fact may have saved the dog's life. The tiger never delivered the fatal bite for the long seconds it held the dog in its teeth.
The quick reactions of the zoo workers were also helpful in saving the dog. One of them lit a long string of firecrackers and tossed them into the enclosure. Firecrackers were always kept near the tiger exhibit for just such an emergency. Another worker blew a loud horn. All the sudden noise made the tigers jumpy and fearful. The tiger dropped the dog on the ground, and both large cats bolted back to their dens.
When the tigers were safely locked inside, workers rushed into the tiger enclosure to help the stricken dog. They saw she was bleeding from teeth marks around her neck and rushed the injured dog to the zoo veterinarian. He carefully cleaned the wounds and stitched them up.
A few days later, a photo in the newspaper showed the dog lying down on a table in the veterinarian's office. The happy look had once again returned to the dog's face. Next time she jumps a fence, we hope she will have learned to look a little more closely before she leaps. Zoo officials are trying to find the dog's owners.
“Look before you leap” is good advice, which would have saved the young dog a whole lot of trouble and nearly losing her life. It is good advice for sinners too. Don't wait until something serious happens to you before you accept Christ as your Saviour. Yours may not be just a “close call.” “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). “He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).
MEMORY VERSE: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24

The Wonders of God's Creation: Dandelions for Lunch

“The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat [food] in due season.” Psalm 145:15
Most everyone is familiar with the bright-yellow wildflower that grows in lawns and meadows throughout the temperate regions of the world. Dandelions open in the morning and close in the evening, and there are few children who haven’t picked the feathery, cottony seed heads and blown them off the stem with a puff of breath. Gardeners usually consider the dandelion a troublesome weed.
So how would you like a nice, scrumptious dandelion salad? Sounds like a joke, doesn't it? But actually, people in many places enjoy this unusual treat. There are fine restaurants in the United States and other countries that offer it on their menus. Dandelion leaves are served not only in salads, but are used in other recipes as well.
These include dandelion soup, pancakes, dandelion gelatin, coffee and sweet dandelion juice. Actually dandelions are healthful, having vitamin C, iron, potassium and other important minerals in their leaves. It also is quite possible that at some future time there may be dandelion medicines for certain kinds of sicknesses.
To meet the demands of these restaurants, as well as people who want to use their own dandelion recipes, there are farmers who now grow great quantities of these plants. They are grown in greenhouses where they are carefully irrigated and protected from harmful insects.
This all started about thirty years ago in Vineland, New Jersey, which is now called the “Dandelion Capital of the World.” Dandelions are also grown in Ohio, Texas and a few other states, including California. Many supermarkets and specialty food stores now sell them.
Young leaves of the dandelion plant are used for most recipes, but the flowers are sometimes added to a salad or hot food. The roots are dried and ground up to make a good-tasting coffee substitute.
Actually, many other flowered plants have long been used as food, prepared in restaurants in other countries. These include rose petals, marigold blossoms, hibiscus flowers, nasturtiums, violets, Johnny-jump-ups and others, as well as the blossoms of some trees.
We don't recommend picking dandelions or other wildflowers and eating them. It is hard to tell if there are harmful insects or even poisonous spray on them. Markets must get them from farmers who have carefully grown them in licensed greenhouses.
The Bible verse quoted above reminds us of the care the Creator gives to all living things. We can be thankful that He has given us so many more varieties of food than what wild creatures enjoy. When we think of the wonders of His ways with us, we agree with the psalmist who said, “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works. All Thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord” (Psalm 145:9-10). Have you ever thanked Him for His goodness to you?

The Treasure Chest

Confusion spread on the deck of the Royal Navy ship as the leader of the rebels tied up the captain behind the mast. Threats and cursing filled the warm, night air. Guns from the weapons chest had been passed into the hands of the twenty rebel seamen who were taking over the ship. They ordered their mates over the side of the ship and into a small, 23-foot boat. Those poor men grabbed clothes and some food before being hurried into an open boat for what turned out to be forty-seven days on the open seas before being rescued. Finally, the captain, still in his nightshirt, was also set adrift with the men in the open boat. Forgotten and left behind below deck were 1,015 breadfruit plants and the treasure of the ship in a chest.
The voyage had seemed like such a good idea. Growers in the West Indies had been hoping for years for a better source of food for their workers. Explorers had brought back reports from the island of Tahiti of the delicious breadfruit and how it tasted very much like bread. The climates in the two tropical places seemed similar, and so the British government had chosen to send a specially equipped naval vessel to carry the breadfruit plants from Tahiti to the West Indies. They loaded the ship with food, water, more than forty volunteers, a chest of weapons and another chest with papers and an unappreciated treasure.
It looked like an excellent plan to the rebels onboard the ship. They would go back to the soft, sand beaches, gentle breezes, delicious tropical fruits and many friends. But there was to be no such peace for them. They tried to find an island where the Royal Navy wouldn’t find them. Landing on one, they were attacked by the islanders. They tried another island and built a fort, but many islanders were killed in battles before the rebels abandoned their fort and sailed away, taking some of the island women with them. Finally the rebels divided up, and a small group of them sailed to a far-off and uninhabited island. The secret of the peace they were looking for lay buried in the treasure chest below deck, while cannons, guns and swords remained in their hands.
On reaching their distant island, they fought their way through dangerous surf and landed at the bottom of a very steep hill. Trip after trip, they dragged everything of value off the ship. They carried big loads on their backs and dragged heavy chests up that steep hill. Then they burned the ship so no one would discover their hideout, and the rebels began turning their island into the “paradise of peace” they had hoped for. It was a beautiful, tropical island, swept by pleasant breezes, having good fruit trees and fertile soil. What could possibly go wrong?
Only one thing could really go wrong; they had brought with them an awful disease—sin. Those seeds of sin took root and grew. “When lust [begins], it [brings] forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, [brings] forth death” (James 1:15). It didn’t take long for the jealousy, drunkenness and fighting to break out, and before too many years had passed, there were only two of the rebels still alive.
One of the men taught the other to read with one of the few books they had. It was the “treasure” from the chest—God’s Word, the Bible. Alexander Smith read it eagerly and began to share its teaching with the women and children still alive. It seems that most of them turned to Christ as their Saviour. “Faith [comes] by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17).
One day a passing ship discovered the small group of people. After that their story was gradually collected by passing ships’ captains and shared with the outside world.
The breadfruit eventually made its way to the West Indies on another ship, but it wasn’t appreciated. People there didn’t like the flavor, and it didn’t become popular. However, the Bible did! The Tahitian settlers and the descendants from the H.M.S. Bounty, captained by William Bligh who settled Pitcairn Island, valued and honored God’s Word. You can see a symbol of the Bounty’s Bible on their flag to this day—the symbol of “the Word of God, which [lives] and [abides] forever” (1 Peter 1:23).
What a treasure that book is! We come to know the Saviour in its pages and to value Him more each day. What a marvelous privilege to have Him speak to us every morning and throughout the day from its pages. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God” (Luke 4:4).
MEMORY VERSE: “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

Who Am I?

A child so small, he heard the call
Though yet so young and tender,
His mother gave him there to live and
Helpful service render.
Three times now, wakened in the night.
Who was it called his name?
The One who searches heart and soul and
Israel’s will could tame.
His presence known, the answer came
In words not loud but clearest,
“Speak, Lord” (for I am but a boy)
“Speak for Thy servant heareth.”
Oh child so small, have you heard a call;
A voice that speaks in love?
“Come unto Me and ready be,
To dwell with Me above.”

The Wonders of God's Creation: Amazing Sandhill Cranes - Part 1

“The works of the Lord are great.... He hath made His wonderful works to be remembered.” Psalm 111:2,4
Sandhill cranes are large birds. A full-grown one measures four feet from the tip of its sharp beak to the end of its tail feathers. Wings on most of them are huge, and a pair outstretched will be six feet across. Their long spindly legs make them about three feet tall. More than a million of these majestic birds migrate from Florida, Texas and Mexico, traveling north to their breeding grounds in Canada and the northern states west of the Great Lakes each spring and then back south in the fall. They have rest stops on these long flights at such places as the Platte River in Nebraska. Bird watchers travel great distances to watch them come in and rest before resuming their journey.
Other places, many of them arranged by wildlife conservation groups, are located at Willapa Bay in Washington, Chesapeake Bay in Delaware, Soda Lake in California and numerous other rest spots across the United States. In spite of their great numbers, it is often difficult to see individual groups of cranes after they settle down in the grass or brush in which they are well camouflaged.
There are several species of cranes in North America, but only the sandhill crane is completely gray. Some have a tan or rust coloring, thought possibly to be a result of rust in the water. Other identifying marks are its bright-red crown and its black legs and beak.
It is interesting to see these birds take to the air from the ground. They begin by running faster and faster. Finally, legs pushing hard against the ground and wings flapping strongly, they slowly rise and finally are in the air where they can make better time. They immediately give a call of triumph with a deep “gar-oo-oo, gar-oo-oo.” When flying, this call can be heard for more than a mile.
Migrating flocks fly at great heights, sometimes too high to be seen from the ground. They usually fly on cloudless days and sometimes can be seen circling higher on the thermal wind currents. It is not unusual to hear their calls before sighting them. While flying, their thin necks and legs are fully extended, like all cranes. They make an impressive sight.
In the beginning Bible verse we are told that the Lord wants us to remember that He is the Creator and cares for all His creation. In Psalm 20:5,7 David declares: “We will rejoice in Thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners.... Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Have you put your trust in Him?
(to be continued)

A Fig Tree but No Figs

I’m sure some of you children like to eat fig bars—a cookie with a fig filling. And maybe some of you even like to eat fresh figs or dried figs. But maybe figs are no treat to you; however, they were a special treat in today’s story. Well, they would have been  ... but there weren’t any. Here is the story.
The disciples of Jesus were those men who listened to Him and followed Him. They had spent the night in the town of Bethany, in a place where Jesus knew they would be welcome. In the morning they set out for Jerusalem, and He was hungry.
If you are hungry sometimes—like maybe right now—Jesus knows and understands, because He was hungry too. Now where could He and his disciples find some breakfast? In Bible times, there were no restaurants or places like McDonald’s where they could get some breakfast, and they didn’t have a packed lunch that they could have for breakfast. They would have to eat what they could find growing along the roadway.
As they walked along, they saw a fig tree with leaves. This was a good sign, because the fruit grows before the leaves come out, so this tree must have an early crop of figs. Jesus came closer to find and pick the figs.
Do you know what He found? Plenty of leaves, but not a single fig! So Jesus and His disciples were still hungry. It makes me sad to think of that, because you and I might have a good showing of religion but with no fruit for Jesus at all. Compare it to something like this: What good is a house all fixed up with a stove and washing machine but with no power?
The first response to the love of Jesus in your heart is to love Him back. That’s where the growth begins, but there is no growth without a beginning. That fig tree was like many of Jesus’ dear people in Jerusalem. They talked a lot about God and religion, but their love for Jesus, the Son of God, was not there at all. They were all leaves and no fruit.
Jesus did not add fertilizer to that tree so that it would grow figs the next year. He cursed the fig tree, and the curse of God makes bad things happen. He said to the tree, Let no fruit grow on you ever again. And the fig tree dried up from the roots. This was a surprise to the disciples, but Jesus knew a secret that they did not know.
That tree might have been big and beautiful or scrawny and poor, but the fruit it produced for Jesus was the same—nothing! I wonder which tree is the most like you? Big, pretty leaves, giving nice shade for travelers, or crooked branches and diseased leaves. The result for fruit was just the same—nothing! The curse of God was because the tree bore no fruit.
God tells you this story because He wants you to know that He loves you. He is hungry for your loving response. He came right down to this world where we live and found lots of religious people. But from those same people He didn’t receive love—He received a cruel cross. He knew this before He came, but He loved us, even while He bore the punishment of God for the sins of those who would believe who He was and repent of their sins. “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5).
If Jesus cursed the fig tree without any fruit, is there any hope for us? No, no hope without Him! But we have a risen Saviour who has forgiveness and cleansing for all who will accept Him. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
You are a sinner. Will you let Him save you now? He has not promised you another opportunity after today.
You may read this story of the fig tree in Matthew 21, beginning at verse 17.
MEMORY VERSE: “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood.” Revelation 1:5

Mother Duck and Her Ducklings

While we were vacationing at a lake, we really enjoyed watching the wild ducks and the other water birds. One mother duck and her ducklings that we often watched always seemed to show up for breakfast and supper. You could hear mother duck quacking as she and her babies swam up the lake toward our campsite. Mother duck always gave loud “QUACKS,” but her babies just gave little “quacks.” She was very careful with her babies; she never let them get too close to shore. She knew there was danger on shore.
It made me think that God has warned us of danger ahead. He has said in His Word, the holy Bible, “Flee from the wrath to come” (Matthew 3:7). Romans 5:9 says, “Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.”
When those baby ducks got too close to shore, mother duck gave a loud “QUACK,” and those little ducklings all quickly swam right back to her.
Boys and girls, God has spoken very loudly to us too, through the Bible. Hebrews 1:1-2 Says, “God...hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son [Christ Jesus].” He also says, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Those baby ducks were quick to obey their mother. Will you be as quick to obey God? Isaiah 1:18 says, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; thought they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

The Wonders of God's Creation: Amazing Sandhill Cranes - Part 2

“Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air.” Genesis 2:19
In the preceding issue we spoke of the great numbers of sandhill cranes that migrate north and south on the many flyways of North America and the necessary rest stops along the way. The huge flocks—sometimes thousands of birds—make such a marvelous spectacle when landing, and then they almost seem to disappear in the brush or long grass.
This is true not only when migrating but also in their summer and winter homes. The Creator has given them the ability to conceal themselves very well. At times it is almost impossible to tell where they have their hidden nests. For further security, they also keep sentinels on guard all the time, to warn if danger threatens. They are actually peaceful by nature but are vicious when attacked, using their long, sharp beaks and clawed toes as weapons.
When these birds have settled down quietly in their home groups, they make friends with horses and cows grazing in the fields. That friendship is very helpful as they walk about hunting for food. They often find insects and worms that have been disturbed by the animals' hoofs. They bend their long necks down to the ground to snatch them. They also like to eat frogs, reptiles, small fish, eggs of water animals and small plants. In addition to seeds of flowers, they like corn, wheat and rye growing on farmlands. This, of course, disturbs farmers who find their crops tampered with. As a result, in many places wildlife groups, together with farmers and other helpers, often plant separate fields of some of these cereal grains for the cranes. The sandhills seem to learn quickly that if they stay in those areas they will not be in danger.
In searching for food, whether in water or on land, they walk with their heads close to the ground or water but frequently lift them up to be sure of their safety.
Groups of cranes gather for dances during the mating season. They dance crazily, hopping and jumping about with excitement and bowing to one another. They soon pair off and begin building a well-hidden nest on the ground or in marshes. The female lays only two eggs in a season. Within a few weeks of hatching, the baby cranes can run fast enough to escape enemies and soon know how to take care of themselves.
These unusual birds are one more example of the wonders of God's creation in which He takes great pleasure. His eyes are always on you too, and He invites you to “trust in the Lord with all thine heart.... In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

"Trucker" The Cat

The cat was named Trucker for a special reason. He had unknowingly hitched a ride in a big truck that was traveling to Newfoundland, Canada. The cat didn’t intend to take a trip that far or even to take a trip at all, but after hopping up into the back of the truck, probably for curious reasons, he was trapped inside for the next three days. The back of the truck was closed up and securely locked, and the poor kitty was inside with no food or water. Besides that, it was winter, and the back of the truck had no heat in it.
He must have been one glad kitty when the driver finally unlocked the doors so he could unload the cargo from the back. The poor creature was so thin when the driver found him that his ribs could be seen right through his fur.
The driver quickly discovered that the cat was very friendly, so he assumed that it had come from a loving home. The driver had always liked cats, and since there was no way he could find out who the owner was, he decided he would keep the cat himself and give it a good home. And that’s how a lonely, trapped kitty was found and loved and given the name “Trucker.”
If you have not had your sins forgiven, you are just like Trucker. You are lost and trapped in your sins, without knowing the love and forgiveness of the Lord Jesus who died for you. The Bible tells us, “The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). He died on Calvary’s cross for sinners like you and me, and He wants to forgive our sins. Will you open your heart’s door and let Him in? He says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man [or woman or boy or girl] hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will [eat] with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).
For those of us who have opened our heart’s door to Jesus, He has promised us a wonderful, loving home in heaven where we will live with Him in that happy place for all eternity. Trucker now has a happy home with a loving owner, and you can too. Jesus says, “I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee” (Jeremiah 31:3). Will you accept His love and forgiveness of your sins?
MEMORY VERSE: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.” Revelation 3:20

Walking in the Dark

Mr. Donaldson lived in a village on an island. With no other transportation, he had to walk a long way to the school where he was a teacher. It took him six hours to walk to the school, so he stayed there during the week. He enjoyed being with his family on the weekends. It was always hard to leave them Sunday afternoons to start the long walk back to the school.
One Sunday afternoon he left rather late. It was a very difficult walk over hills, through valleys, and along steep cliffs by the ocean where the waves pounded against the rocks, making a roar like thunder. As he walked it became dark. He wore a backpack in which he carried his lunch, clothing and books. At the very bottom of the pack was his flashlight. I know my way since I've made this trip so many times before, he thought to himself. He decided not to stop to dig the flashlight out of his backpack.
It was unwise to think he could find his way in the dark. And that's the same way so many boys and girls live (grownups too). They think they can find their own way in this dark world full of sin and evil without God's help.
Walking became more difficult and rough since he was on the windy side of the island. The ocean was pounding against the rocks with greater and greater force. The cliffs were high, and the trees and underbrush were so thick that even on a moonlit night the path was dark. I won't take the time to get my flashlight out  ... I can make it without it, he kept assuring himself, and on he trudged.
Suddenly his foot slipped off the path. He tumbled down the steep hillside, slipping and sliding, and grabbing for whatever he could hold onto. His hands finally found a sturdy bush, and he held on for dear life!
We don't need to stumble and fall. God has a light we can use to find our way in this dark world. Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy Word [the Bible] is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” We also learn in John 12:46 that Jesus is the light. He says, “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not abide [live] in darkness” (John 12:46).
There was no one around to help Mr. Donaldson, and he did not expect anyone to come along that late at night. He had to scramble and crawl up over rocks and roots, dirt and weeds until he made it back up to the path, where he rested. His clothes were dirty and torn, and he was badly scratched and bruised. He blamed himself: I had my flashlight with me, but I didn't use it. His flashlight was a good one with good batteries, but he thought he didn't need that help.
Have you been going through this dark, dangerous world without the help of the light that will lead you safely to heaven? The Lord Jesus says, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). Why not turn to Jesus who can lead you safely every step of the way.

The Wonders of God's Creation: Unusual Tree Frogs

“God created great whales, and every living creature that [moves].” Genesis 1:21
There are so many varieties of frogs and toads throughout the world that it would take volumes of books to tell about them all. Among them are several hundred kinds of tree frogs. They live mostly in North, Central and South America and Australia. Their sizes range from less than an inch to four or five inches long, and they all eat insects.
One of these is named red-eyed. If you saw its huge, crimson, round, bulging eyes with their coal-black pupils, you'd agree it was well named. In contrast to its red eyes, it is green over its back and the front of its legs. It has nimble feet with three toes and a blue-spotted yellow stomach. A close relative has similar eyes and a green back, but its stomach and sides are orange and white. Its legs are a combination of green, yellow and red, with long, deep orange toes.
Another odd little fellow is the Cuban tree frog, which is a drab tan color with huge speckled eyes and coal-black pupils. Its wide mouth seems to be in a perpetual grin, but also suggests an ability to make a meal of a smaller frog.
A very unusual one in Central America has the long name spatulate nose tree frog. A dark brown top and legs are mixed with darker brown speckles and a gray-white stomach. It gets its name because an upper part of its lips protrudes way beyond the mouth itself. (Spatulate means “knife-like.”) Perhaps the Creator arranged it that way to help it reach into narrow spots where insects are often found.
While tree frogs will at times visit ponds or streams looking for food, they are called tree frogs because they spend much of their lives in trees. Some live in the very tops of giant trees and never come down. Their bony feet have sticky pads that never fail to grip the branches tightly. Some have been seen clinging to big leaves and playfully swinging in the wind.
Tree frogs usually choose trees that have large, smooth, cup-shaped leaves holding rainwater, in which the female lays hundreds of eggs. If one leaf is not big enough for her, she joins two or three together, making a larger home for the little tadpoles when they hatch. Some tree frogs lay their eggs in ponds.
Did the Lord God actually create these unusual little creatures? Indeed He did, as the opening Bible verse says. Another verse assures us that “all things were created by Him, and for Him: and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist [subsist]” (Colossians 1:16-17).
You would find it interesting to study other tree frogs. Almost without exception, they all have pretty patterns that only the Creator could design.

In the Jaws of Death!

Our three children had been begging for kittens, but we knew kittens might not be a good choice. You see, we had also prayed for a dog, and the Lord had answered that prayer by bringing us a nice, year-old black lab that someone had dropped off in the country by our home. We enjoyed Kipper and thanked the Lord for this answer to prayer. But Kipper had one major fault  ... he liked small, fuzzy creatures. Now I don't mean that he liked to play with them  ... he liked to eat them!
Our friends had a litter of kittens and asked if we'd like to have some. Of course the answer to that was, “Yes!” We would LIKE them, but so would Kipper! After some pleading from the children, we decided to take some on a trial basis.
Daddy built a sturdy cat house, Curtis painted it and we purchased all the necessary items you need for happy kittens! The day came when the kittens were coming to our house. We carried them in an animal carrier from their home to ours. We were barely out of the van before Kipper was jumping at the carrier and biting at the metal door! We sure were thankful we had their cat house on the deck, with a secure gate across the deck entrance!
Once behind the locked gate, we introduced the kittens to their new home. The children were thrilled to have these new playmates and soon had them named!
But peace had left our house! We now had a dog with front paws hanging over the top of the deck gate and loud barks echoing through the neighborhood. The barks were ringing in our ears, and no peace was in sight as long as Kipper knew those kittens were on the deck.
The kittens growled and hissed at the dog, but they soon got used to Kipper’s noise and contentedly slept and enjoyed the attention from the children. They did not realize the constant danger they were in if the gate were left open or if they wandered between the slats of the protective decking.
One evening Daddy was working in the yard, and Kipper was playing with the children. All of a sudden Curtis started yelling and screaming! Quickly turning to see what was wrong, Daddy saw that one of the kittens had forgotten that there was an enemy out there in the yard and walked out between the slats of the deck.
Sometimes we forget that our enemy, Satan, “as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). We think we can just watch this one movie or hang out with this group of friends just once in a while, and it won't affect our light for the Lord Jesus! Do you know that the Bible says, “The friendship of the world is enmity [hatred] with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” (James 4:4).
In a flash Kipper dashed over and grabbed that little kitten in his strong jaws! Daddy threw his tools down and was over at the dog in a flash! I was in the kitchen and heard yelling and screaming and Daddy’s yelling at the dog, telling him, “NO, KIPPER! NO!” Daddy was trying to pry the dog’s jaws apart. He was sweating as he tried and tried to pry those strong jaws apart! At last the kitten dropped to the ground and ran through a safe slot under the deck where no one could reach her. We were all shaking with fear and near tears as we tried to coax the kitten out so we could see if she was hurt.
Satan pretends he’s your friend and that he has something for you to enjoy, but he truly is “the thief [that comes]  ... to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10). The wonderful news is that Jesus lovingly assures us, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).
Jesus also said, “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Jesus wants to give you eternal life, but Satan’s plan is to steal and kill and destroy! Which master would you like? I'm sure you are saying, “Jesus”! So, do you want to know how to have Him as your Saviour? Just talk to Him right now and tell Him that you know you are a sinner and thank Him for dying for your sins. And then, do you want to know how to have Him as your Master? Keep close to Him by reading the Bible every day and obeying it, talk to Jesus all day about everything, and keep away from evil (John 17:15).
It wasn't until the next morning that we found out if the poor kitten survived the terrifying experience of being in the enemy’s jaws! The sun shone onto the deck, as we looked first in the cat house, to count how many kittens were there. And there she was, purring and without a single wound from Kipper’s strong jaws.
How thankful we all were, but it was sad for us to realize that we would never be able to enjoy kittens at our house as long as we had Kipper, an enemy of small animals. It wasn't a chance we wanted to take again. We took those kittens back to their original home, and soon they all had good homes where they wouldn't be in such danger.
But for you and me, there are always going to be dangers around us, and we must always be on guard. Ephesians 6:11 warns us to “put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Maybe your parents or your Sunday school teacher can explain to you about the armor of God.
MEMORY VERSE: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

The Wonders of God's Creation: We All Know the Crow

“I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalm 50:11
It almost seems that a crow doesn't know how to do anything quietly. Instead, he wants everyone to know he's around. Parrots can make a lot of noise, but crows can outdo them. Crows' raucous calls are heard in just about every part of the world, except New Zealand where they do not live.
Actually, crows are included among those birds that can be helpful. Among other things, they have a never-ending appetite for insects and will also dispose of small, road-killed animals. They also eat young birds and eggs. Farmers do not like crows because they pull up sprouting corn and eat it. Farmers and gardeners try, without much success, to scare the crows away with scarecrows placed in their gardens. The farmers are much happier to see them eating grasshoppers, locusts, caterpillars and other pests. Scientists have estimated that a crow will eat nineteen bushels of insects in a single season.
Crows are large, fearless birds, about eighteen or nineteen inches long. They usually winter in the United States or farther south. Those in the eastern part of North America are larger than those in the western part.
They build bulky nests in just about any kind of tree, usually quite high. But some choose to build them down among the low bushes of a swamp or shore of a pond or lake. Nests usually consist of twigs and bark, with a lining of grass, moss, or other soft material. Four to six eggs are laid in the early summer and incubated for eighteen days. The baby crows are cared for by both parents and are taught how to collect food as soon as they can fly. The training will take a month or so before they can venture out on their own.
Many a person, trying to get an afternoon nap or lying in bed in the early morning before time to get up, knows what a nuisance a crow's coarse “caw-caw” can be, especially if there are several calling back and forth at the same time. But the calls can mean “look out” to their companions when danger is nearby. They often encounter dreaded enemies such as hawks, owls, eagles, raccoons and dogs.
If taken young, crows make good pets. They are very intelligent birds and can be taught a number of tricks, as well as how to imitate sounds and talk as clearly as parrots do.
The Bible does not mention crows but speaks of ravens, which are closely related. As the beginning Bible verse tells us, the Lord God, their Creator, knows every bird throughout the world and also cares for them. Do you know Him as your Saviour as well as your Creator?

King Asa's Victory

If you have a test at school, is it all right to have a secret helper? Of course not, and if you do, you are cheating! But King Asa had a helper, and it was not cheating. Here is the story.
Asa was a young king, and he began his reign by telling all his people how important it is to obey the Lord God, and he showed them how. First of all, he set to work to chop down the false altars and idols. Next he built cities with strong walls, towers, gates and bars. Then he made his soldiers strong with shields and spears. Good work, King Asa!
It was a happy time for the king and his people. They had ten years of enjoying the good things God gave them. It was a time of peace, with no sad lists of soldiers killed in war.
And then came fear.
A great army of a million soldiers came to fight them! King Asa had a big army, but this enemy was almost twice as big, and they came to fight and kill and win.
What can you do when you face an enemy twice your size? Here’s the answer for King Asa and for you too. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
King Asa prayed. Lord, it is nothing for Thee to help, whether with many or with them who have no power. Help us, O Lord our God, for we rest on Thee and in Thy name we go against this great enemy. O Lord, Thou art our God. Let not this enemy conquer against Thee!
Did you notice how his prayer ended? He did not say, Let not this enemy conquer against us. He said, Let not this enemy conquer against Thee! The battle was not between the two armies. The enemy was coming against GOD! Now who wins?
The Lord God struck the invaders, and King Asa and his army chased them all the way back to the city of Gerar and overthrew them. They were destroyed before the Lord and His army. In fact, King Asa’s men not only conquered them, they ended up far richer than they were before! They found great numbers of cattle and sheep and camels, and they brought them back for their own people, along with spoils taken from the cities.
Did you notice that this story began with King Asa destroying the worship of idols and false gods? Maybe you don’t worship idols, but what do you worship? Something of your own choosing? You cannot truly go into the holy presence of God except by the blood of Jesus. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). If you know Him as your very own Saviour, you can come boldly into God’s presence by the blood of Jesus. And when Satan and all his army come against you, you can be more than a conqueror! Would you rather go down to defeat now and forever, without Christ?
King Asa’s soldiers and all his people were gloriously triumphant! The prophet Azariah came out to meet them, to encourage and warn them. He reminded them that trusting in God brings victory and forsaking God brings defeat. Now they knew the secret of success.
King Asa listened to Azariah and brought together a huge, eager crowd. They took away the idols, offered a sacrifice of seven hundred bulls and seven thousand sheep, and then made a very solemn promise with true hearts and souls—We will seek the Lord God, and if anyone doesn’t do this, he will be put to death!
This was a loud promise, with shouts and trumpets and rams’ horns, and everyone was rejoicing. And the Lord God gave them rest from war.
Do you think the king kept his promise? Watch for the next story and see.
You may read this story for yourself in 2 Chronicles 14 and 15.
MEMORY VERSE: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15

The Pony Express

The Pony Express was an important part of early American history. It ran from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California—a distance of 1900 miles. Forty men, each riding fifty miles at a stretch, dashed along the trail using five hundred of the fastest horses available. The trip was made in ten days.
To keep the weight down, their clothing was very light, their saddles were small, and no weapons were carried. The horses wore small horseshoes or none at all. The mail pouches were flat and could not be larger than a certain size. Letters had to be written on very thin paper, because the postage was $5.00 an ounce! However, even with all these limits on weight, there was something that every rider carried with him—a full-sized Bible.
The Bible was presented to each rider when he joined the Pony Express, and he always carried it with him. Why? Because the Scriptures were regarded as “standard equipment.” God was important to the people in those frontier days. They realized the need of reading God's Holy Word every day.
We, too, like the Pony Express rider, are on our way to a destination—eternity. God has arranged that He will not leave us without a compass or a guide. He has provided us with these in His precious Word, the Bible.
Is the Bible important to you? Is it standard equipment for you every day? Do you read and study it? I hope so.
“From a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:15-17).

The Wonders of God's Creation: More About Elephants

“Thou art the God that doest wonders: Thou hast declared Thy strength among the people.” Psalm 77:14
Some time ago we looked at a few facts about elephants. Let's look at some other interesting facts about this largest of all land animals. (In the animal kingdom, only whales are larger.) Elephants also have the distinction of having the largest ears in the world, and their tusks are the largest teeth.
The way elephants live together is interesting. A large herd (ten to fifty or more) is usually led by a female and is often all sisters or brothers. A group of younger ones may be headed by a grandmother with her young relatives and a few others included. Such groups may stay together for as long as fifty or sixty years.
In some ways they are not too different from people. They have times of sadness and times of happiness. Most of them are peaceful and get along with almost all other animals. However, some have quick tempers, and others are playful. On occasions just two or three may be found apart from the rest, perhaps because of a quarrel with their usual companions. But most often a group consists of ten or twelve females of different ages or a separate group of males. Males and females don't mix with each other most of the year.
Elephants are often excitable. A writer tells of seeing two family groups, who had for some reason been separated quite a while, happily racing toward one another with loud trumpet calls, dancing and rubbing against one another, winding trunks together in a loving way.
At birth a baby elephant weighs about two hundred pounds and stands about three feet tall. It can stand and walk almost immediately, but will stay close to and be cared for by its mother throughout its early years. The father doesn't show any interest in the calf, but its mother is very loving and attentive, often seen hugging it with her trunk. Her huge ears are often slowly flapping. This may be to keep insects away or to provide some cooling on a hot day.
In one day, a fully grown wild elephant eats about five hundred pounds of grass, leaves, roots, miscellaneous plants and any fresh fruit it can shake off a tree. It also drinks fifty gallons of water. A sick or injured elephant will find a place with water and shade away from the others and remain there until it gets better or dies.
These amazing animals are included in the wonders of God's creation, as mentioned in our opening verse. Another verse says, “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God.... Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your heart” (Psalm 95:6-7). Have you accepted Him into your heart?

Judy Goes Waterskiing

Simply knowing about the Lord Jesus Christ is not enough to save a boy’s or a girl's soul. Thousands of people know about the Lord Jesus and all the wonderful things He did. Yet, sadly, many do not know Him as their very own Saviour. Only when a person places his faith in Jesus and what He did at Calvary is he truly saved. When a person realizes that he is lost without the Saviour and then turns to Him in faith, the gift of salvation the Lord Jesus gives him is like a life jacket that is securely fastened to his soul and will never let him go!
Judy loved to water ski. She had been skiing for a couple of seasons already, and she was only twelve years old. She was a natural athlete, and skiing came easily to her. Her Uncle Ted had invited her along for a waterskiing afternoon with her cousins.
Judy’s cousins were older, so they all got to go first. At last it was her turn. She was about to jump over the side of the boat into the water when Uncle Ted said, “Slow down, girl  ... I know you swim like a fish, but you need a life jacket on before you get up on skis.”
One cousin, who had just finished skiing around the lake and was still panting for breath, took off her dripping wet jacket and tossed it to Judy. Judy pulled it around her neck and without paying much attention to the straps she partially fastened them. In a flash she was over the side of the boat, got the skis on and signaled her uncle that she was ready.
As the boat picked up speed, the ski rope grew taut, and then her uncle pushed the throttle of the boat all the way forward. Judy was up on the skis and flying around the lake. Her red hair blew back in the wind, and she felt the excitement of speed. The small boat seemed to fly around the lake. Turning at the end of the lake was especially fun because the turn seemed to make her go even faster. Then they were racing back to the place where they had started. When it was time to stop, Uncle Ted reduced the power to the boat, and soon the ski rope went limp. But Judy was traveling faster than the boat, so she let go of the rope to glide in. Just for the fun of it, she raised her arms over her head, as if to show everyone on the boat how good she felt.
Suddenly, Judy was in trouble! The poorly fastened life jacket shifted up on her body, covering her face and trapping her arms above her head. As she slowed on the skis, she sank in the water. The life jacket’s shift to an improper position trapped her nose and mouth under the water and made it impossible for her to use her arms to swim.
No one on the boat thought anything was wrong for a long minute, until one of the cousins called out, “Judy is drowning!” With a pounding heart Uncle Ted looked towards Judy, put the engine in neutral, and quickly dove over the side of the boat. With powerful strokes he swam to his niece.
Just a part of Judy’s arms were above the water. He pulled her to the surface so she could breathe. She coughed up water and gulped a breath of air. Then Uncle Ted was able to straighten out the straps of the life jacket and return it to a normal position, and both of them swam back to the boat.
It was a very close call. Judy realized that not strapping the life jacket on properly was dangerous and could have caused her to drown. Still shaken up by her close call, she said, “Next time, Uncle Ted, I will make sure the straps are done right!”
Someday each one of us will have to give account of ourselves to God. Sinners who have never come to the Lord Jesus by faith will sadly perish in their sins. Down they will sink into the everlasting darkness of hell. Each one of us has sinned. The Bible says, “There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:22-23). Because of sin, each of us needs to be saved. God loves you and me so very much that He is pleased to offer each one of us salvation as a free gift: “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). Many think they can be saved by their own goodness. Impossible! The very next verse says, “Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:9).
Will you believe on the Lord Jesus that you might receive the salvation He freely offers? If you come to Him as a lost sinner and believe on Him with all your heart, He promises to save you and take you to heaven. But if you come short of placing your faith in Christ as your very own Saviour and are just content to know about Him, His gift of salvation will do you no good.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
MEMORY VERSE: “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

The Wonders of God's Creation: A Night Under the Stars

“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also.” Genesis 1:16
Have you ever slept out in the open? Perhaps as you were lying on your back in a sleeping bag you suddenly noticed that the stars were beginning to appear. There were just a few at first, but more and more soon appeared until the sky seemed chock-full of stars—some twinkling, others colorful, but all thrilling you with their beauty.
After a short while you perhaps realized that a group of stars you had especially noticed were no longer where they first were, but now were twinkling through some nearby trees and others seemed to have taken their place. If you thought about it you probably realized this was due to two things—the earth was turning about a thousand miles an hour, and the stars themselves were traveling at a similar or even greater speed. But you knew that tomorrow night they would be there again.
An experience like that is something amazing. David, out in the fields with his sheep, had the same experience and later wrote Psalm 8, declaring, “When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man?” (vss. 3-4). Also in Psalm 19 he wrote, “The heavens declare the glory of God” (vs. 1), as well as similar thoughts God put in his heart to write.
It must be that everyone in the world at some time wonders about those billions and billions of stars—where they came from, how they always have their own place in space, or why they never crash into one another. It would seem that the Creator wants everyone to recognize that He alone brought them into being and keeps them in their places. His beautiful displays should cause us to say, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11).
Astronomers have wonderful opportunities to look at the stars with huge telescopes and find much more of their beauty than the rest of us can see. Every year they discover galaxies never seen before, and many feel there is no end to the whole universe. They have given names to some stars, but could never find enough names for the billions more that are out there. However, the Creator knows exactly how many there are and has given a name to every single star. Psalm 147:4 says, “He [counts] the number of the stars; He [calls] them all by their names.” Isn't that wonderful?
Surely we should recognize Him as Lord of all and declare with the Psalmist, “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable” (Psalm 145:3).

"Help! I'm Stuck!"

Anita shuddered as she looked out the window at the cold, wet and windy spring day. A sudden gust of wind caught a garbage can lid and blew it out onto the street. She wanted to stay indoors out of the wind and wet, but her errand could not be put off any longer.
Pulling her coat tightly around her and flipping up the hood, Anita ran to the car and drove to the store. She pulled into a parking space as near to the front door as possible, got out, slammed the door and turned to run through the rain into the store.
But something was wrong. She couldn't take more than one step away from the car before something held her back. The wind had whipped the back of her coat into the car door just as she closed it, and now she was stuck.
At first it didn't seem like a very big problem. All she needed to do was to open the door and she would be free. But no matter how hard she pulled and tugged, the door would not open. It was not locked, but the fabric of her coat had caught in the door latch and had jammed it so tightly shut that the door simply would not open.
Using both hands, Anita yanked as hard as she could on the door. No success. Then she pulled so hard on her coat that she heard the fabric tear, but still it would not come loose. She was trapped.
Maybe you are trapped just as firmly as Anita was and you don't even know it. If you have never admitted that you are a sinner, then you are trapped by your sins without realizing it. Now it may seem to you that you really haven't been too bad and that you do have a few sins, just like everybody else. You’ve been trying hard to be good and kind and helpful, hoping that God will forget about your sins when He sees what a kind person you’ve been.
God reminds us in His Word, the Bible, that “all our righteousnesses [good deeds] are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). Just as a dirty rag can never make anyone clean, so all the good things you may do can never remove one sin. You see, you are trapped in your sins, just as Anita was trapped by the car door.
What can I do? Anita wondered as she stood in the pouring rain. Just then a man appeared at the door of the store, hesitated a minute and then dashed through the rain toward his car, which was parked nearby. Raising her voice so she could be heard over the pouring rain, she called, “Sir, can you please help me? I'm stuck!”
The man came right over. Looking over the problem, he figured out what to do. Opening the passenger door of Anita's car, he climbed in and pushed on the stuck door from the inside while Anita pulled from the outside. Finally after much tugging and pushing, the door popped open, and Anita was free. She thanked the man very much for his help as she pulled her coat free and hurried on into the store.
Anita couldn't free herself, and you cannot get free from your sins without help either. The Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son, is the only One who can free you from the trap of your sins. The Bible tells us, “The blood of Jesus Christ [God's] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
The kind man who helped Anita spent a few wet, uncomfortable minutes freeing her, but the Lord Jesus Christ gave His life so that you could be delivered from your sins. “The Son of God  ...  loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
Won't you accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour today and be free of your sins forever?
MEMORY VERSE: “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6

My Coat Is Not Me

A Christian tried to tell an old man who had suffered a lot in life that God loved him and had sent His Son to die for him. Instead of making the old man happy, he became very angry and said he was completely turned off by people who called themselves Christians. He brought up some of the bad conduct of some he knew and wanted nothing to do with people who called themselves Christians.
“Could I ask you one question, then?” the Christian said to him. “Suppose that I stole your coat and put it on. Then I went and robbed a bank. The police saw me escape and recognized your coat. What would you say when they came to accuse you of the robbery?”
The old man thought a while and then answered, “I would deny it, for the simple reason that my coat is not ME!”
“Well then,” the Christian replied, “just because some call themselves Christians is no proof that they really are. Jesus said, ‘Every tree is known by [its] own fruit’ (Luke 6:44), and if the fruit in a person’s life shows that he is anything but a Christian, then we have good reason to doubt that he is one. The Lord knows all who really are His own. The Bible says, ‘The Lord [knows] them that are His. And, let everyone that [names] the name of Christ depart from iniquity’ (2 Timothy 2:19). While we may fool others, and even ourselves, we will never fool God.”
This same old man later asked the Christian how he could be saved. The Christian explained that he must confess to God that he is a sinner and accept that Jesus died for his sins on the cross. The old man bowed his head and trusted his life to Christ. Then he embraced the visitor and thanked him for taking an interest in him. He pointed a finger to the sky as he said, “You wear His coat very well!”

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Strange Cobra Plant

“Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24:4
How did a plant ever get named after a snake? The cobra plant, one of the pitcher plant family, is very unusual and is native to California. First let's answer the question about its name. For one thing, its stems are actually curly leaves growing out from the roots. They tightly overlap and twist around themselves to form a hollow tube about two feet high. At the very top they curl over, looking very similar to a fierce cobra snake. The plant also has what looks like a long, three-pronged tongue sticking out ready to catch a victim. So naming it after a cobra is understandable.
Each stalk has pretty red stripes, and the top part that curls over has a combination of green, red and yellow colors. Stalks do not grow close together but spread out from the roots in a circle, and each becomes a separate “cobra.” However, one stalk is different and grows a pretty flower that produces seeds that are blown by the wind and start new plants.
The roots provide part of the plant’s food supply, but insects supply most of it. Rainwater collects in the bottom of the tube and is sweetened by acid. The insects are attracted by the sweet smell coming from rainwater. The insects enter the tube, drown at the bottom and are dissolved in the water.
The plant itself never grabs or closes up on these victims; they simply cannot get out. Once they have flown or crawled into the “mouth” of the plant, they find themselves trapped and they soon drop into the water. Even if they try to climb out they can't. The sides are slippery, and hairs on the inside of the tube are all pointing downward and will not let the insect go back up. Soon the insect becomes food for the plant.
While most of this plant's food is a wide variety of crawling or flying victims, even small frogs are at times attracted to the sweet smell and manage to climb into the open “mouth.” They, like the insects, can't resist going down for the sweet-smelling treat. They become hopelessly trapped too.
These unusual plants remind us of Satan who is the greatest of all deceivers. He wants to turn our thoughts away from God and the Lord Jesus and to convince us that the Bible is not true. We do not actually hear Satan's voice, but he uses people whom he has deceived to convince boys, girls and grown-ups all over the world. How important it is to listen to what Jesus said in our opening Bible verse. Always remember, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). His love has provided a Saviour for all who put their trust in Him. Is He your Saviour?

Uncle Bob's Close Call

Where we live, the rich farmland produces lots of wheat. Although other crops are also grown, nothing is as beautiful as the rolling hills covered in golden, waving grain, awaiting harvest.
In mid-summer the combines start up, sweeping back and forth across the huge fields. They cut the wheat, collecting the grain and blowing out the straw. Trucks haul the wheat off the field. Some farmers store the wheat in grain bins back at their barns, but most have their truck drivers take it right to the grain elevators to be sold. The grain company fills their tall elevators with truckload after truckload of wheat, until they are full.
Uncle Bob worked for the grain company, tending one of these elevators. During harvest, he would weigh the trucks as they came in, and then weigh them again after they had unloaded, to see how many bushels of grain they had brought in. Other months, he moved grain around between bins or loaded the wheat they had collected onto big trucks to be hauled to the river for shipping. There was always work to be done at the grain elevators.
Jesus talked about another kind of harvest. He said, “The harvest truly is great, but the [workers] are few” (Luke 10:2). He was not talking about wheat harvest; He was talking about gathering up people of all ages to save them from their sins and take them to heaven to live with Him some day soon. We want all who read this story to be sure they are trusting in the blood of Jesus for their salvation. Once they belong to the Lord Jesus, they can work in His harvest field by telling the lost around them this good news: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
One January day in 1975, Uncle Bob parked his pickup truck beside the towering elevator and got to work with a special conveyor belt, moving wheat from one storage bin to another. He had stopped and was walking around outside checking on things when some little chunks of concrete hit the ground in front of him. Looking up, he saw a small hole high up in the side of the tall grain elevator. Immediately he thought, Wow! This could be a serious problem!
Uncle Bob hurried to the phone and called his boss. He had just started telling him about the hole and raising the alarm that a bigger hole could break open, when he felt a rumble and heard a loud “whoosh.” “There it goes!” he said.
Rushing back outside, he was amazed to see that a large part of the side of the elevator was gone! Through the gaping hole and tangled rebar, tons of wheat had poured out and lay in a pile on the ground right where he had walked a minute before! In fact, there was so much wheat on the ground that it had spilled across the road in front of the elevator.
I’m sure Uncle Bob, who had accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, had a thankful heart as he considered how he had been spared from getting badly hurt or even killed that day. What if Uncle Bob had ignored the serious warning of falling chunks of concrete? If he had stood around there trying to figure out how he could fix the leak himself, he might have been buried under a pile of wheat. Instead, he hurried to call for help, because he realized the problem was too big for him to handle alone.
Further inspection showed that whoever built that elevator had ignored safety rules. Among other faults, they had left out many of the reinforcing steel bars that are needed to give concrete structures their strength.
The first small pieces of broken concrete warned Uncle Bob of trouble, and we see a lot of serious events happening that warn us God is speaking to this world. He wants people to wake up and think about Him before it’s too late! Unexpected storms, more violent than usual, have surprised whole towns and taken lives. Angry mobs have attacked people as they went about their regular living. Men have suddenly lost jobs that they thought were secure and now they can’t provide food or a home for their families.
Man’s sin and rejection of Jesus, the Saviour of sinners, has doomed this world to judgment. Where can we go for safety from the awful storm of God’s wrath that is about to break on this world? We should run to the only refuge available, the Lord Jesus Christ. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10).
When we run to Him and accept Him as our Saviour, He saves us! We will neither have to pay for our sins by spending eternity in hell, nor will we be around when a time of trouble falls on this earth—a time like nothing that’s ever been seen before. He will take all who are trusting in Him up to heaven before then. No wonder those who are saved like to sing, “Hallelujah, what a Saviour”!
But time is short. The last book in the Bible tells of another harvest soon to come. It describes the Son of Man, Jesus, with a sharp sickle in His hand. An angel says with a loud voice, “The time is come for Thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe” (Revelation 14:15). This harvesting for judgment will be so awful that we don’t want anyone reading this story to be left behind for it. Trust in Jesus today and you will be safely in heaven.
MEMORY VERSE: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10

The Wonders of God's Creation: "Dogs" That Are Not Dogs

“I [God] have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground.” Jeremiah 27:5
Early settlers crossing the prairies of the midwestern United States apparently thought the sharp yelping sounds prairie dogs make could only come from an animal related to dogs and so gave them this name. The way they wagged their tails when calling one another also seemed to resemble dogs, but prairie dogs are not really dogs and are part of the chipmunk and squirrel families.
At that time there were great numbers of them, but many farmers and ranchers considered them a nuisance. Over the years these little animals would have completely disappeared if naturalists hadn't insisted on protecting some. Today they are kept in controlled areas in the midwestern and southern parts of the United States.
For the most part, these cute little animals live together in a friendly way, gathering food and taking care of their little ones. They live in large colonies marked by low mounds of bare dirt and sand that have been excavated from their burrows. Groups of half a dozen or more sit upright on their mounds, exchanging meaningful barks in a friendly way. Sometimes just two or three will chat in short pleasant barks, but at other times there may be fifteen or twenty having a social discussion.
But these “mound sitters” actually are sentries standing guard, for they are aware there may be large birds, snakes and animals wanting to sneak up on them. Certain ones of each group take turns watching for danger. If a sentry gives sudden sharp barks, they all dive inside their individual tunnels until the danger is past.
It is amazing how they find enough food on the hot prairies—mostly dried grasses and other vegetation, but they seem to keep quite healthy. When food is plentiful, they eat their fill and then pick out a good spot to take a nap or just watch the others. It's very unusual to find them quarreling among themselves. A visitor to one of these colonies told how one prairie dog bounded over to the entrance of another and with a friendly bark brought out a companion to keep him company. On another occasion, two of them met between their burrows, bowed politely to each other, then stood straight up with forepaws touching each other, and suddenly touched their mouths together as if kissing.
Do you think the Creator cares about these cute, little creatures so far out on the prairie lands? He certainly does. As the opening Bible verse tells us, He is the One who has made them. We are also told elsewhere: “O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is Thy loving-kindness, O God!” (Psalm 36:6-7). Have you ever thanked Him for His loving-kindness to you?

Who Cares for Baby Birds?

Dear Children,
I would like to tell you about three of our great grandchildren. Their names are Justin, Aiden and Makayla, and they have two friends whose names are Carter and Grace. They call themselves “The Genesis Nature Club.” They play together in their own little forest where they have a tire hanging from a tree that they use as a swing. All these children love animals and birds, just like Great Grampa and Great Gramma. The children put out peanuts, lettuce, carrots and birdseed to feed the rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, birds and mice. All these children love going to Sunday school where they learn about God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. They also learn to sing Sunday school choruses about the animals and birds that God created, which we read about in the very first chapter of Genesis in the Bible. Maybe you children know some of these songs, like “Daniel in the Den of Lions” or “God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall.” They learn their memory verses each week and are always ready to tell their Sunday school teacher their verse. We hope that every boy and girl who reads this paper memorizes the verse for each Sunday.
Now then, one day when it was time for the Genesis Nature Club to all go home, Justin came across a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest but just couldn’t fly! Very carefully he put it into his bug box, using a piece of cardboard. His bug box had grass, leaves and small sticks in it. Oh my, there was lots of excitement around this baby bird! They couldn’t leave it on the ground, since some stray cat or raccoon would get it! So they took the baby bird to Mrs. Teal’s house, and she promised that she would take good care of it for the night.
The next morning Aiden was over to see how the baby bird was doing. Mrs. Teal had placed an old T-shirt on the lawn and set the baby bird on the T-shirt.
Can anyone guess what happened? Okay, I’ll tell you  ... something really nice!
The mother bird saw her baby on the T-shirt and started bringing food to it! When Aiden told Justin what he had seen, Justin said, “Praise the Lord! God is taking care of the baby bird!” And then all the children rushed to get dressed, eat breakfast and race over to Mrs. Teal’s house to see the mother bird feeding her baby!
Yes, the mother bird continued to feed her baby until late that afternoon. Then the baby flew up into the lower branches of a tree!
Now, any of you children who know this Sunday school chorus can sing it with me. Okay, here we go  ...
God sees the little sparrow fall,
It meets His tender view,
If God so loves these little birds,
I know He loves me too!
He loves me too, He loves me too,
I know He loves me too,
For God so loves these little birds,
I know He loves me too!
Thanks for singing with me! Yes, our friends in the Genesis Nature Club can sing this song as well.
“Grampa, how do we know that God really, really loves us? Is there a verse in the Bible that tells us this?”
There certainly is! Here are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in John 15:12: “This is My commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you.” And here’s another one: “We love Him, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
Yes, children, God loves each one of you and wants you to be in heaven with Him.
Lots of love from Gramma and Grampa
MEMORY VERSE: “We love Him, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

A Kernel of Corn

Have you ever thought of how even a little kernel of corn can remind us of the Lord Jesus Christ and His work for us on the cross?
A kernel of corn is a seed. On the inside of the little corn seed there is something so wonderful that no one in the whole world can make it, no matter how wise he may be. That wonderful thing is life.
If we plant the kernel into the moist, warm soil, something very interesting happens. The outside body of the little seed will die and a new plant will begin to grow. Soon the growing plant will burst through the top of the ground to enjoy the sunshine and rain from heaven. It will grow and produce ears of corn. These contain many new little kernels, just like the one that was planted and died. One seed died so that a great many more could live!
That's why the little kernel of corn reminds us of the Lord Jesus and His work on the cross. He died for sinners, He was buried, and He rose again according to the Scriptures. Because of His death, we who have trusted in Him as our Saviour have received everlasting life. And just as it was necessary for the seed to die before there could be many new ones, it was necessary for the Lord Jesus to die so that you and I could be saved and receive everlasting life. You must accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your very own Saviour before you receive everlasting life. If you have not yet accepted Him, you are still “dead in trespasses and sins.” Won't you accept Him right now?
“He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life” (John 5:24).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Attracting Wildlife

The Lord [knows] how to deliver the godly out of temptations.” 2 Peter 2:9
There are times when people want to attract a wild animal or bird to come closer. A photographer may want to get a close-up picture, a scientist may be doing research work, or perhaps a hunter wants to get a good shot at closer range. Many devices have been designed to help do this. The following are a few of these.
In the days before North America was settled, Indians hunting for food had a clever way of drawing pronghorn antelope closer, so they could shoot them with their bows and arrows. The Indians discovered that these animals, which normally would run from anything approaching them, are curious about anything unusual. If an Indian hid himself in tall grass and waved a white cloth above his head, the antelopes' curiosity would slowly draw them closer to investigate. Of course, they had no way of knowing they were soon going to become the Indian’s food. This method of attraction is still being used.
Another trick with deer, elk and moose is for the hunter or photographer to clash a pair of antlers together, over and over again. A nearby buck, thinking this noise is coming from two males fighting, comes cautiously to investigate. The person making all the racket gets his reward.
Turkey hunters have some tricks too. The most successful one is to imitate turkey calls. The person has to stay hidden while waiting until a gobbler comes to chase away what it thinks is an intruding bird.
Smaller birds also are often tricked in a similar way. Tapes of the songs and calls of many birds are available at some sporting goods stores. When one is played in the woods, it will often bring several of the desired species closer.
Water birds such as ducks, geese and loons will often respond to decoys placed on a pond or lakeshore, especially if the person placing the decoy is also good at imitating the calls of these birds.
Some people have learned how to imitate the cries of an injured rabbit, cat or dog, any of which may cause a coyote, bobcat, cougar or other animal to show up, thinking it will find an easy meal.
There are many attractions that our enemy, Satan, uses to cause us to act foolishly or mischievously. It is well to ask ourselves, What things attract me? Am I being fooled by them? A Bible verse warns us of this: “Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived” (Deuteronomy 11:16).
The Lord Jesus invites you to put your trust in Him and to let the Word of God, the Bible, be your guide in all you do. Following this guide is a safe and sure path. “Thy hands have made me and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn Thy [instructions]” (Psalm 119:73). Ask the Lord to help you do this, and He will.

Another Story About King Asa

Do you remember the story about King Asa’s great victory over the enemy that had a million soldiers and all the rejoicing that followed it? In today’s story, Asa had been king now for thirty-six years, and things had been going very well for him and for his people. They had made great promises to follow only the true God.
Aren’t promises enough?
Not really. You may have seen a branch of a fruit tree or a grape vine all in blossom—a hope, or promise, that in a number of months it will be loaded with fruit. But instead, it withers up and grows no fruit! Why not? Somehow, it was broken right where the branch joined the trunk, and no more sap came through. No sap—no fruit. Promises are not enough. The branch cannot grow fruit unless it stays connected to the vine or the tree trunk.
Now here comes another enemy king against King Asa, and this new enemy comes in a different way. He plans to build a city to blockade supplies from going in or coming out of King Asa’s city. That might be a good plan, but King Asa heard about it and wanted to make sure it did not work. Who could he get to help him?
Benhadad was a great, strong king. So King Asa figured out that there was enough gold and silver in the house of the Lord and his own house to bribe Benhadad to come and help him. Benhadad had already promised to join with the enemy king, but Asa hoped that when he saw all the gold and silver he was going to offer him, Benhadad would break his promise to the enemy king. Perhaps bribery would win him over.
Yes, it worked!
Benhadad sent the captains of his army, and they destroyed the enemy king’s cities. This made the enemy decide it was safer to go home. So the enemy’s plan against King Asa did not work.
There was a prophet who knew that this was the wrong way to avoid trouble. He came to King Asa and reminded him of the great battle some years earlier when the Lord had made them joyfully victorious, but this time he had not relied on the Lord. And the prophet added, “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9).
The verse says “the whole earth,” and that sounds like you and I are included too. “Perfect” means resting on Jesus alone, and not on anything I can do or have done. Jesus has died for me, and He is all I need. I don’t have to pay Him money to take care of me, because He loves me!
What the prophet said made King Asa so angry that he put the prophet in prison and mistreated some of the people. After that, King Asa had his own troubles too. His feet became diseased.
Maybe you have troubles, and the first thing to do is to pray to the Lord about them. King Asa skipped that part and went to the doctor first about the disease in his feet, but nothing seemed to help him. The infection only became worse, and King Asa died.
King Asa left us with three lessons to learn:
1.  He had a glorious victory against huge enemy forces, because he knew only the Lord could save him.
2.  He broke his promise, because he did things his own way and did not rely on the Lord.
3.  He did not get relief from trouble, because he went to the wrong helper first and left the Lord out, and he had greater trouble afterwards.
God tells us this story in 2 Chronicles 16 because He loves us, and He wants us to rely on Him rather than trying to solve our problems by ourselves. “In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee: for Thou wilt answer me” (Psalm 86:7).
MEMORY VERSE: “In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee: for Thou wilt answer me.” Psalm 86:7

The Four-Year-Old Who Was Really One

We were sitting in a restaurant having an early breakfast, when a couple came in with a bright-eyed little boy. We both said, “Good morning!”
The little boy said to us, “You know what?”
“No,” we said. “What?”
The little boy said, “I’m four, but I’m really only one. I was born on February 29th and this is leap year. There are usually 28 days in February, but in the ‘leap year’ there are 29 days,” he explained to us very carefully.
We said, “Happy birthday, big, one-year-old boy! Lots of people celebrate the birth of another little boy who some think was born on December 25. Do you know who it is?”
“Oh, I know,” the birthday boy said. “It was Jesus.”
“We’re glad you know that,” we said. “We hope you grow up to love the Lord Jesus, because He loves you. Jesus came into the world to save sinners like all of us. He died on the cross to save those who love Him. He doesn’t want any of us to go to the place where the devil and his angels will be.
“Thank you for telling us about your February 29th birthday, big one-year-old boy!”

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Adaptable Guanaco

“Every beast of the forest is Mine ... . The wild beasts of the field are Mine ... . The world is Mine, and the fullness thereof.” Psalm 50:10-12
The guanaco is another interesting animal that the Creator has designed to live in unusual surroundings. This charming, yet sometimes unpleasant, wooly animal lives at the lower end of South America. It has adapted to the sea-level plains of Argentina and Patagonia, as well as to the cold, wind-swept islands of Tierra del Fuego and the snow-covered peaks of the Andes in Chili and Peru. It lives in family groups that migrate between these winter and summer feeding areas. It is the only large, South American wild animal that feeds on grass and shrubs.
The guanaco often has to survive long periods of dry weather, so God has given it the ability to get all its water from the food it eats. It also has been given padded feet that have two hard, sharp little hooves, which gives it a good grip on rocky ground, as well as in sand and snow. Warm, wooly fur insulates the entire body from the cold, and it likes to roll in dust to help keep it fluffed up.
While closely related to the more northern llamas and vicunas, the five-foot, 250-pound guanaco is the largest and most graceful, but it is not used as a pack animal as is the llama.
When adult males fight, they move close to each other on stiff legs, then suddenly charge, rising on their hind legs and slamming their chests together. They also bite each other’s necks and spit at one another. One finally breaks away, and the winner becomes the acknowledged leader of the herd.
Babies are born in December (the beginning of summer south of the equator). Called chulengos, they are playful and have mock battles, jumping at each other and wrestling with their long necks. They like to tease the patient adults too. The young have downy, cinnamon-colored coats with white underparts.
Only one day after birth, the chulengo can run swiftly, but the mother nurses it for a year or more before chasing it away. The females join other groups, but bachelor males band together until about five years old and then establish their own families.
Do you think God pays attention to these guanacos in those cold lands? The Bible answers this question: “He [looks] to the ends of the earth, and [sees] under the whole heaven” (Job 28:24). Each of us should also think of David’s words when speaking to the Lord: “Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding” (Psalm 119:73). When a request for understanding is sincerely made, God will surely give it and will delight also to show the way of salvation through faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you ever made this request?

Fall From the Garage!

Most boys like to climb trees, but quite a few girls do too. Kristin was one of those girls.
In Kristin’s backyard there was a big tree growing right next to the garage. Kristin and her friends would climb up this big tree and drop from one of its branches onto the flat garage roof. They would play up there for a while, then climb down to the ground using the fence behind the garage.
The top of this fence was about two feet below the garage roof. All along the top of the fence was a row of pointed, twisted steel barbs. To get to the ground, the children would slide over the edge of the roof, holding on as tightly as they could, until they could reach the fence with their toes, but being careful to miss the steel barbs.
One day Kristin invited her friend Meg over to play. As usual, they climbed up the tree to the garage roof, chased away the squirrels and played for most of the afternoon. When it was time to climb down, Meg slid down first. Then Kristin started down. But before she knew what was happening, she had slipped and lost her hold on the edge of the roof. Down she went, feet first!
Now the garage roof wasn’t terribly high, and Kristin probably would have landed unhurt on the ground  ... if it hadn’t been for the fence. As she fell, the sharp steel barbs caught the back of her leg, biting deeply into the flesh.
“MEG!” Kristin screamed. “HELP ME!”
Meg just stood there, not knowing what to do, as she watched her friend struggle. Kristin’s free leg was still a couple of inches from the ground, and she was just hanging from the fence.
Poor Kristin! Without any help from her free leg, she was stuck in a dangerous, painful position. No amount of struggling could loosen the fence’s hold on her leg. Her body weight only dug the barbs deeper into the skin and muscle of her leg.
This is a picture of what sin does to us. Each one of us, from the day we were born, is caught by sin. We can never free ourselves by struggling, but we can be set free! The Bible says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). Because of our sins, God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into the world to die on the cross. Then God raised Him from the dead, and now He is alive in heaven, waiting for you to call to Him to free you from your sins.
“HELP ME!” Kristin gasped again. This time Meg moved! Bending her knees, she pushed up on Kristin’s back, raising her leg free of the sharp steel barb.
With both feet on the ground and with Meg’s support, Kristin hobbled across the backyard to the house. The ugly, deep gash just above the back of her ankle was bleeding and hurt so badly that Kristin could hardly walk.
As soon as Kristin’s mother saw and heard what had happened, she hurried Kristin to the doctor, who stitched up the cut in a few minutes. Both Kristin and her mother were thankful that Meg had been there to help Kristin get unstuck from the fence.
The Lord Jesus came to save people from their sins. He says, “Call unto Me, and I will answer [you]” (Jeremiah 33:3). He will never refuse to save you if you call to Him to set you free from your sins. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Kristin didn’t wait one extra second to call for help to be set free. What about you? If you are still caught in your sins, call to the Lord Jesus right now to set you free.
MEMORY VERSE: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36

Fearful Finches

Do you like feeding the birds and seeing which kinds come to your feeder? We live in the city, so we don’t get many different kinds of birds, but I love to see whatever birds come to eat.
One day I was sitting watching a little house finch at the birdfeeder, and he was nervous. He took a seed, and then looked to see if I was coming any closer. Then he took another seed and turned to watch me. I thought, Silly bird. Doesn’t he know I won’t hurt him since I put that food out for him?
But then I thought of how often we are like that with God. He loves us so much that He gave His only Son to die for us and to show us how much He loves us. But how often we think He is going to be angry with us when we fail or sin. And sometimes we think that He is just waiting to pounce on us for our failures. How sad it must make Him when we think that way!
I would just love it if the birds would come eat out of my hand. And God our Father would love it if we would just trust Him, even when we fail and come to Him right away and confess what we’ve done wrong. He says that He will forgive us and assures us of His love once again. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
Children, don’t make your heavenly Father sad by doubting that He loves you. Trust Him with all your needs and all your worries. Trust Him even when you sin. Though your sins make Him sad, He still loves you all the time! “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32).
The best things in life come from God our Father. Stay close to Him, and you will always be happy.

The Wonders of God's Creation: Two Unusual Storks

“Yea, the stork in the heaven [sky] knoweth her appointed times [to migrate or fly elsewhere].” Jeremiah 8:7
The open-billed stork makes its home in Africa and parts of Asia. This bird certainly would never win a beauty contest. One reason would be because of its big brownish-black beak. It looks rather strange in that the upper and lower sections do not come together except at the very tip, leaving an open space. This is how it got the name “open-billed.” Another reason would be because its black feathers, contrasting with the white ones, always look like they need straightening out. Also, its long, stilt-like, red legs, with three big toes spread wide, don't help its appearance either.
This stork’s most important food is a large underwater snail that clings to stems of underwater plants—especially where rice is growing. When it finds a snail, it grasps it with its strong toes and uses its lower bill to force it from the shell. Then, flipping the shell away, the stork enjoys this bite of food with help from the opening in its beak. Strangely, the snail's pretty shell is not damaged in the process and makes a good collector's item for anyone finding it.
The African wood stork is an all-white bird except for a black head, mottled with brown and a beak that is similarly colored. Its home is in the southern part of Florida where it feeds on both freshwater and saltwater fish.
These storks are very good at fishing. They catch fish with their long, strong toes and place them in their beaks where they are promptly swallowed. When little ones are fed, the parent eats the fish, snail or other food first. After digesting it, the parent brings the food back up into its open beak. The babies reach in from the sides, each trying to get the biggest bite, hoping there will be more as well.
When the mother is incubating the eggs or taking care of little ones and her mate has been absent for a long time, he makes a gentle honking and snapping of his bill for her on his return. If she is happy to see him, she does the same thing. Then they settle down peacefully together.
Isn't it nice to think of the Lord God, the Creator of all things, taking pleasure in placing so many varieties of creatures throughout the world? It's nice, too, to think how He cares for them, even feeding them, as the Bible verse says: “These wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat [food] in due season” (Psalm 104:27).
Do you thank Him for His care and the food and other things He provides for you?

Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits!

Now rabbits are cute little animals, but they were destroying all the gardens in our neighborhood. They just love to eat lots of the flowers and vegetables that we grow, especially when the plants are small and tender. But we knew we wouldn’t have much of a garden with so many rabbits eating breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks in between in our backyard. How were we to get rid of them?
One of our friends had an animal fall-trap. It was a long, rectangular wire cage with a door at one end. You could hook the door open, but when a rabbit hopped onto the flat, raised, metal plate that was part of the floor, the rabbit’s weight would release the hook that was holding the door open. The door would quickly fall down and trap the rabbit inside. It did not hurt the rabbit.
The rest of the cage floor was wire mesh, with plenty of space between the squares of wire to plant bean seeds. I know that rabbits love to eat tender, young green bean plants, so I planted some bean seeds right inside the trap behind the metal plate. I knew it would be a week or so before the bean seeds sprouted, but I was willing to wait. Sure enough, it wasn’t very long before the beans in the trap and the beans in the garden were popping up through the ground. So it wouldn’t be long before the rabbits found them in our little garden and, hopefully, inside the fall-trap too.
The first thing I do every morning, even before checking the fall-trap for a trapped rabbit, is to spend a little time reading my Bible and talking to the Lord Jesus in prayer. This particular morning I was reading in Luke chapter 17, about the Lord Jesus talking to His disciples about “offenses.” He told them it would be better for them to have a great, heavy millstone tied around their necks and be thrown into the sea, rather than to offend even one little child.
Since I wasn’t quite sure what that all meant, I looked it up. I was surprised to find that the words “offenses” and “offend” come from a word which means the part of a fall-trap that makes the trapdoor fall when touched, just like the metal plate in the trap in our garden.
Our fall-trap doesn’t hurt the rabbits. When we catch one, we take it far away to a field where it can have all it likes to eat. It probably looks like a wonderful place to the rabbit. What it doesn’t know is that there are lots of coyotes living in that field too, and it may end up as a meal for a coyote.
Now it may be all right to trap rabbits that are destroying your garden, but it’s not all right to treat people in a way that will end up taking them far away from the Lord Jesus. Study your Bible and spend as much time as you can to learn how the Lord Jesus treated people when He lived here on earth. His life was one of love and kindness to others. He wants your life to become a blessing to others too. One way you can be a blessing is to be kind, helpful and polite to your family and friends. Being mean or insulting or unforgiving can make them angry or upset and does not show them that you belong to Jesus.
Can you think of some ways you could be a blessing to others and show them Jesus’ love?
“Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).
MEMORY VERSE: “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32

Too Late

David and Michael were the first two boys to arrive at school that morning. They were both good at the game of marbles and wanted to play each other again. So while they waited for the bell to ring, they drew a chalk circle on the blacktop and crouched down to begin their game.
Soon the schoolyard began to fill with students, and the air rang with noisy shouts and laughter. The noise level rose until suddenly the bell rang, and the students lined up and filed into their classrooms.
The sudden quiet made David and Michael jump up, scattering their marbles. Where had everybody gone? Quickly gathering up their marbles, they raced for the school door, but they were late. They had arrived in the schoolyard in plenty of time, intending to go in when the bell rang, but they were so absorbed in their marble game that they put off going into school. Now they would get a scolding from their teacher and be marked tardy.
Are you doing just what David and Michael did? You know you are a sinner. You know the Lord Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood to save sinners. You know you need to accept Him as your Saviour, but you think, There is still time left. I don't want to stop what I'm doing right now ... I'll do it later.
The Bible warns us that “they that were ready went in with him ... and the door was shut” (Matthew 25:10). Those who were left behind could never get in. The door was shut forever.
Of course, David and Michael got into school even though they were late, but if you put off accepting the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you may be shut out of heaven forever!
When the Lord Jesus comes again to call all those who belong to Him to be with Him in heaven, the door to heaven will be permanently shut. No one will be able to quietly creep in later. It will be too late forever! Won't you accept the Lord Jesus right now? “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

The Wonders of God's Creation: The World Needs Insects

“God ... [does] great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number.” Job 5:8-9
Many people think insects are something to avoid and that the world would be better without them. But they are an important part of God's creation and do have a useful and necessary role in the world. A study of some of their ways will reveal how the Creator has especially provided for them to be beneficial to people in many parts of the world.
Many desert insects are rarely seen, because they search for food only at night. But in their search they often accomplish useful things. For instance, in some of the dry desert areas insects are the principal means of pollinating plants and trees. Joshua trees and yucca plants, both with such pretty blossoms, are examples of some that would have died out long ago if their pollen were not transferred from one tree or plant to another by these insects. This is true in many cultivated gardens and orchards as well.
Some insects are also a source of food for birds, toads, lizards, bats and even other insects. An example is a long-legged insect that stands upright on its hind feet, with front legs folded against its body. It is called a praying mantis, because it looks like it is praying. These unusual creatures feed on a wide variety of insects, without doing any harm themselves, and are effective pest controllers, valued by many farmers.
Other examples of helpful insects include bees—the source of honey and wax. Silkworms, too, provide the silk threads to be sewn into pretty blouses or dresses. Silkworms are the larval stage of the bombyx mori moth.
Another insect that is a favorite with crop growers and that is protected by many of them is the frail lacewing. A pretty little thing with four transparent wings, it is valued by farmers who are pestered with aphids that get onto their plants and do much damage. Lacewings lay their eggs in places where aphids are active. When the larvae hatch, great numbers of aphids are a handy source of food for them. Because of this, wise farmers never intentionally kill any lacewings.
These are only a few of the interesting ways in which a wise Creator has given instincts to helpful little creatures. Those named here are a very small part of the vast number, which are examples of His wondrous ways.
Although Adam's sin brought troubled times into the world, yet God in His kindness has provided many reliefs from those troubles. The helpful little insects are one reminder of His marvelous ways mentioned in our opening Bible verse.

Saved From the Crashing Waves

A big storm with strong winds and heavy rain had passed over the area, churning Lake Michigan into tall, wild waves that battered the shore. A day later the rain and wind had disappeared, but the wild waves remained. They crashed over piers and onto waterfront trails.
It was just the kind of day that good surfboarders love. A couple of young men in bodysuits were riding their colorful surfboards on the huge waves outside the city of Muskegon.
A man had walked to a city pier with his dog. The man slipped the leash off the collar so his dog could run free on the pier. The dog took off running and began barking his head off at the waves, as if his barking were making the wild waves dash back and forth. Several times the dog ran up and down the pier just as fast as he could, barking and chasing after the waves.
Suddenly, out of the deep lake, a huge wave, greater and higher than all the others, crashed onto the pier. It knocked the owner of the dog off his feet and drenched him from head to foot. At the same time, the huge wave swept the dog right off the pier and into the crashing waves. The poor dog went completely under the water.
Several seconds passed before the dog’s head bobbed to the surface. Then he had to doggie paddle frantically to stay afloat. The waves all around him were so high that he didn't know which way to swim. Waves crashed over him, and water washed into his nose. Then a lake current caught him and carried him swiftly away from shore. His frantic owner called to him from the pier, but his voice was drowned out by the crashing waves.
The strain of fighting to stay afloat in the rough water soon took a toll on the dog. He was a good-sized dog, and his soaking wet, heavy coat added to his struggle. As wave after wave crashed over him, his doggie paddling grew weaker and weaker as he struggled to stay afloat. He finally quit paddling and then started to sink.
While on the pier, it seemed the dog had fooled himself into thinking his barking was causing the waves to dash back and forth. He may have thought he was in control, when really he didn't even have the strength to stay afloat once he was swept into the water. The dog's foolishness isn't so different from the rest of us. God's Word says, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God” (Psalm 53:1). How many of us have chased after the things of this world with all our might, as if they can give happiness, and have left God out of the picture? And often it isn’t until we are deep in trouble that we’ll turn to God and plead for His help.
Just when the exhausted dog gave up the fight to stay afloat, a strong arm reached down and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. Help had come in the nick of time. The strong arm hoisted him onto a surfboard. The tired dog crouched as low as he possibly could, so he wouldn't slip off. The surfer held his arms on either side of the board to keep the dog in place. The other surfer came to help, and together the two men were able to get the waterlogged dog safely to shore where he was reunited with his grateful owner.
God is the one who gives us food, clothing, families, friends and even the breath in our lungs. These things only can be truly enjoyed when they are received as a gift from God. Yet we race through our busy lives, not taking the time to meet with God or His Son, Christ Jesus. The worst foolishness of all is when a person, young or old, feels he doesn’t need the Saviour. This is so sad, because not one person can redeem his own soul or save it from the punishment his sin deserves. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
Sin comes in many shapes and sizes, but only one stain of sin is all it takes to keep any soul out of heaven. Until a person realizes he is a sinner and is headed to a lost eternity, he will never know how much he needs the Saviour.
Because the Lord Jesus loves sinners, He came to earth as a man and gave His life at Calvary. The blood He shed has the power to wash the most wicked sinner clean and make him fit for heaven. If you will call to Him, He promises to save you: “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21).
Call upon Him and He will lift you out of life's angry waves and will make sure you reach the shores of heaven. The Saviour said, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). The Lord Jesus is an all-the-way-home Saviour. Once He saves you, He promises to bring you all the way home to heaven. Why wait another moment? Call to Him right now. He is listening and waiting to save you.
MEMORY VERSE: “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.” Psalm 53:1

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Muskrat

“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalm 145:9
Names of several animals start with the word “musk,” because they have a distinct odor about them that is often rather unpleasant. This is true of muskrats, found in many of the rivers, lakes and ponds throughout North America and parts of Europe. When fully grown, their bodies and tails are each about a foot long, and their life span is about four years. They are excellent swimmers and divers. Their hind feet are webbed to help them swim and work underwater. Their tails are scaly and act as rudders.
Muskrats build domelike houses, either in the banks of streams or out in the water by piling up mud and plants. These usually have more than one underwater entrance—a God-given instinct to keep enemies from getting inside. There is another benefit of these underwater tunnels. When the water is frozen over, they can still find food, including fish, frogs, clams and water plants. They take their food up one of the tunnels to either store in a lower room or go up to a separate room where they usually eat their meals and where mothers give birth to half a dozen or so little ones two or three times a year.
Some might wonder how muskrats get fresh air for breathing when the entrance is under water. Their kind Creator has arranged this for them, with fresh air coming in and stale air working its way out through slightly porous roofs that are covered with loose-growing plants.
They almost always build an additional room or two in a nearby shore or bank. Again, the entrance is below the water line, and then it tunnels upward to dry quarters through which they can escape when enemies break into the main quarters.
If a person sees a muskrat home and has the patience to sit quietly in a concealed spot nearby, he is quite likely sooner or later to see one or more swimming or sitting on the outside of its home where it is safe from most enemies. But if hawks or owls are nearby, they stay safely inside. They bravely fight any attacker, but because of their small size they often don't have a chance. Their main enemies are snakes, foxes, raccoons, owls, hawks and also people who trap or shoot them for their pretty fur. With so many enemies, it is easy to see why they spend the most time hidden in their unusual living quarters.
As we consider these and other creatures, it is plain to see how well the opening Bible verse expresses the Creator's care over each in its special way of life. And that includes boys and girls and grown-ups too, as we have our temporary homes here on earth. How thankful we should be to Him for that loving care!


One very warm day, Mark, Steve and Tim decided that they wanted to go fishing down by the lake. They found their rods, then dug some worms to use for bait. Finally they headed down the road beside the lake to a place where there was a dock.
They had lots of fun fishing that day. We don't know if they caught anything, but most boys love to fish even if they don't always catch something. They sat on the dock for a long time, sometimes silently peering into the water, sometimes just quietly talking together. (Everyone knows that loud noises and shouting and laughing will scare away fish.)
After a while the wind began to blow and dark clouds appeared in the sky. The boys soon realized that a storm was blowing up and that they had better start for home. They quickly reeled in their fishing lines, gathered up their stuff and hurried up the road. What they did not know was that they were in real danger—a tornado was heading their way!
Boys and girls, do you know that you are in danger—greater danger than being caught in a tornado? If you do not have the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, then your sins are not forgiven. The storm of God's judgment on sin is coming soon, and you are not ready to meet God. Come to the Lord Jesus in prayer and admit to Him that you are a sinner. He wants to be your Saviour and will gladly wash away your sins. Then you will be ready to live with Him in heaven.
As the wind gusts grew stronger and stronger, the three boys ran faster toward home. But they soon saw that they would not be able to make it all the way home safely before the storm broke. Steve said, “There's a house  ... let's go in there and wait till the storm is past.” Tim thought it was a good idea too, but Mark said, “No, I'm going home.”
How important it is to be saved RIGHT NOW! God's Word, the Bible, says, “NOW is the accepted time ... NOW is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Take the only safe way—God's way of salvation—and don't waste time trying other ways. You may be too late if you do.
Steve and Tim ran to the safety of the closest house, but Mark ran on toward his own home. The tornado struck with terrific force, taking down huge trees and telephone poles and hurling large objects through the air. No one knows for sure what it was, but something flying through the air struck Mark and killed him before he ever reached home. How sad when he could have been in the house that offered safety.
Oh, be warned in time and escape from the judgment that is coming soon. The Lord Jesus loves you and invites you to come to the safety of His arms. He says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation” (Hebrews 2:3).
MEMORY VERSE: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.” Hebrews 2:3

The Good Shepherd

Have you ever visited a farm where they raise sheep? This past spring we visited one that had a few sheep on it, and we got to see twin lambs being fed from bottles. Other lambs were frisking around, even though there was still some snow left on the ground.
Sheep can teach us many important lessons about ourselves, because we are like them in many ways. In the Bible, the Lord Jesus often refers to you and me as sheep. They are foolish animals that need someone to take care of them, because they can’t take care of themselves.
A person who takes care of sheep is called a shepherd. When the Lord Jesus lived here on earth, He talked about how He was the Good Shepherd. He said many wonderful things, but one important thing He said was this: “He [goes] before them [His own sheep], and the sheep follow Him: for they know His voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers” (John 10:4-5).
In countries near Israel, the shepherds know their sheep so well that they give names to them and call them by their names. The sheep know their own names and their shepherd’s voice, and they come when he calls them. They will not follow a stranger.
One time a visitor to that area wanted to prove that the sheep really knew their shepherd’s voice. He put on the shepherd’s clothes and learned the names of the sheep. Then he went close to the flock and called them by their names. The sheep looked at him, but not one of them went to him. He was a stranger, and they did not know his voice.
Do you know the Good Shepherd’s voice? Have you heard Him calling your name and telling you, “Come unto Me  ... and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28)? If you have answered Him and have let Him wash you clean from your sins, then you belong to Him. Do you ask the Lord Jesus to help you to follow Him? He will show you how through His Word and the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Even very small children can learn to talk to Him in prayer about what worries or troubles them. He is never too busy to listen, because He loves you so much!
But there is a stranger who wants you to listen to his voice. He tells you to do wrong things. You know who that stranger is, don’t you? It is Satan. We need to ask the Lord Jesus every day to help us not to listen to the stranger’s voice, but to listen to the Good Shepherd’s voice. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27).
Do you know the Good Shepherd? Are you following Him? We hope so.

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Interesting Least Tern

“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalm 145:9
There are several varieties of terns, and a very pretty and lively one is called the least tern. It did not get this name because there are so few of them, but because it is the smallest, being only nine inches long. It is not a songbird like a robin or a meadowlark, but it does have a distinctive chirping call of its own.
How pretty they are with pure-white, smooth feathers over the entire lower parts of their bodies, throats and heads. This is beautifully contrasted with tan-black forked tail feathers trimmed in dark brown. The tops of their heads are coal black and the long, sharp beaks, legs and feet are orange.
Favorite nesting places are in California and Long Island, New York, where they nest close together in great numbers along flat ocean beaches or at the sides of streams. Nests are scooped out of the sand, and soon sand-colored eggs produce sandy-gray chicks—all well camouflaged. Both parents share in the care of the chicks, which are able to walk almost immediately after hatching. In the fall large groups migrate to Mexico, Central and South America and then return north to the same nesting spot in spring.
Feathers of these birds used to be in demand for decorating women's hats. Hundreds of thousands of these lovely birds were killed for that purpose. But we are happy that killing the least tern is no longer allowed, so their numbers are increasing. However, enemies, such as foxes and dogs, and even some people, still kill many of them.
To attract new ones to protected areas, wooden birds, made to look exactly like mature terns, are placed in exposed spots along with tapes automatically making tern-like calls. When passing birds see and hear these, many fly down and nest there.
When waters are smooth, a tern glides swiftly close to the surface with its lower beak open. When it spots a fish of the right size, it scoops it up and swallows it or takes it to the nest for its family. Other food includes flies, beetles and sand hoppers, many of which are captured in midair. Incidentally, if the male tern doesn't provide enough food for the baby chicks, the mother will sometimes find another companion to help.
Do you think the Creator cares about these little birds and their problems? He certainly does, as the above Bible verse assures us. As we learn of the wonders of God's creation, may we realize that it is in the Bible, His Word, that we learn the truth of all the earth's wonders. How it should cause us to agree with what the prophet Isaiah wrote: “O Lord, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things” (Isaiah 25:1).

What's Inside?

What’s inside the box? I wondered and wondered when the box was set on the table with instructions that read, “Don’t open it now!” It was a nice-looking box, and it was not wrapped or tied. It was a shoebox, but that didn’t give me a clue to the mystery. Yes, it was something for me, but I had no idea what was inside.
There are lots of puzzles and mysteries in life and many things we cannot guess. But when our Lord Jesus was here on earth, He never found anything beyond His knowledge and understanding, because He was the Son of God. There were nice people who asked Him questions, and Jesus always knew the thoughts and reasons behind their questions. Sometimes their questions were not as nice as they sounded.
And Jesus knows the thoughts and reasons behind our questions too. Does that make you glad, or does it trouble you?
There were men who asked Jesus questions because they wanted to make Him say something that would get Him into trouble. But Matthew 9:4 tells us, “Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?” Jesus knew what they were thinking and what their motives were. Even while He was here on earth, Jesus was God who knows everything and the God who forgives sins. The Pharisees knew that only God could forgive sins, so they questioned, How could Jesus forgive sins? The answer is Jesus is God! That’s how.
Yes, Jesus’ answer did get Him into trouble. He came to die for sinners, like you and me, but those men were guilty of blaming Him for telling the truth. Jesus knew what was in their hearts and that they were trying to corner Him. Nothing was a secret to Him. “[God knows] the secrets of the heart” (Psalm 44:21).
I am very glad that He knows what is in my heart, because I don’t want to have secrets from Him. Do you? He could not forgive my sins if He did not know them.
Perhaps you are still wondering what was in my box. I did not have to wonder very long. In fact, I never opened that box, because there was something alive inside that opened it for me! The lid tipped up, and there were two bright eyes of a cute, little gray kitten with a pink nose and whiskers. That’s what was in my shoebox, and I never guessed it!
That’s a real story. My kitten was a special gift, and he lived for fifteen years and then died. But do you know something? Jesus is a very special gift for you, right now. Let me tell you how.
The men who had secret thoughts against Jesus finally led Him to Calvary’s cross, and they were glad to see Him crucified. He could easily have avoided the cross, but He died there for a special reason—it was His love for you and me. Because He shed His blood on the cross, the way has been opened for us to have our sins forgiven so that we will go to heaven someday. “[Jesus] in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
Jesus was buried too, but here’s the wonderful part—He rose again! The Lord Jesus is not dead—He is alive in heaven today! I have not seen Him, but I surely will see Him, and so will you. God’s Word tells us that every eye will see Him, and that means you too. Is He your very own Saviour? You may gladly receive Him today or you may do like those other men—try to keep your secrets from Him and leave Him out of your life. Either way, you are sure to see Him after you leave this world, either as your Saviour or as your Judge.
The Lord Jesus saves people one at a time, and it doesn’t matter how old you are or where you live. Will you be that one right now? “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
MEMORY VERSE: “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7

Counterfeit Money

The newspaper story with the headline “Counterfeit Money” reported that a man admitted to printing counterfeit (fake) $20 bills. Until he was caught he was really doing well for himself. But anyone who happened to have received any of the fake $20 bills would lose what they had, without refund. Some might not even understand why a $20 bill that looked exactly like it should, could not be passed off as a real one. No doubt, most people would be very angry at being deceived, at being a loser and a victim.
But even a $20 bill is only a small thing, no matter how many a person might lose, when compared with being deceived about the way to heaven. Many religious ideas are being passed off today as the real thing. They are well organized and made to look true, but they are only counterfeits. Jesus Christ is the only one who stands the test and can truthfully say, “I am the way; the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). God was His witness and spoke from heaven for all to hear, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). And then, God raised Jesus from the dead, giving us the assurance that He was the Sent One—the only way.
Would you like to own some counterfeit money? Of course not—it's worthless! Would you like to think you might be following a counterfeit way to heaven? No—the danger is too great! God sent His Son, and called Him Jesus. He is the real Saviour. Check to see if your religion is counterfeit! If it is, you are not losing just money, you are losing eternal life!
“The Son of Man [Jesus Christ] is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them “ (Luke 9:56).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Some of Nature's Helpers

“God made ... everything that [creeps] upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:25
Unknown to most of us, there are insects that produce acids that are used in important medicines. Among these are some beetles that we would just consider a nuisance. One is the bombardier beetle that surprises creatures that attack it by “bombing” them with a white spray, forced through a gland in its tail. This spray leaves a terrible smell on the animal, bird or person on whom it is sprayed. Experiments are being made with samples of this spray for possible use in medicines or for other purposes.
Another, known as the diving beetle, spends much time in water and gives off a dose of cortisone when a hungry fish comes too close. The fish quickly decides to get away in a hurry. Doctors frequently give patients cortisone to cure certain sicknesses, and it is expensive. Experiments are being made to see if they can raise these beetles in large numbers, for use as another source of cortisone.
Cyanide and steroids are both contributed by a variety of insects. Medical researchers believe other medicines remain to be discovered, particularly from insects in hot tropical countries.
The white-faced anteater of Central and South America is a pretty little bird with a red body, blue wings and a black head with a white face. This beneficial bird eats huge quantities of ants and other harmful insects.
And there are beneficial insects that eat other insects that we consider harmful. One of the most common of the beneficial type is the colorful ladybug. It eats aphids and both larvae and adults of other pests that do so much harm to vegetable and flower gardens. Ladybugs don't look much like a beetle but are closely related to them.
Honeybees are another example of a creature providing benefits. Besides being major pollinators of fruit trees and other food producing plants, they are best known for producing honey, which we all enjoy.
There are also many very small microorganisms that can only be seen through a microscope, which are used by the Creator to do much good. Some produce a form of alcohol; others make acids and chemicals that are used in many industries. Researchers continue to experiment to find how these can become important sources of these products.
In our opening Bible verse, we are told that God saw that the creation of every creeping thing was good. Sin has come into the world to interfere with this good. However, the work done by researchers has found real benefits for all mankind.
These creatures are another example of the wonders of God's creation. Let us never forget that “all things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3).

Does God Answer Prayer for Little Things?

It was a warm day in April, and Mike was working outside on a landscaping cleanup job. He was carrying a load of brush and twigs to his trailer when someone called on his cell phone. After taking the call, Mike set his phone down on the bumper of the trailer while he dumped the armload of brush into the trailer. And then you can probably guess what happened next  ... he forgot to pick up his phone off the bumper.
Mike didn’t realize his mistake until he was home, and when he checked, the cell phone was gone  ... it had fallen off the bumper. He realized it could have fallen off anywhere in the miles he had traveled after taking the call.
Mike needed his cell phone. Not only did he have lots of general information programmed into it, but all the business information for the lawn-care company he had just started was also programmed into that phone! And now it was gone along with all its important information!
He drove back the miles to the cleanup job, looking for his cell phone along the way, but there was no trace of it. Feeling rather discouraged, he went home again and wondered what to do next.
Boys and girls, what would you do? Well, I’ll tell you what Mike did. He knew who to turn to with this problem. Mike belongs to the Lord Jesus and loves Him, and so he prayed, asking Him to help him find his phone. “Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 124:8).
Later that evening Mike had to go to a home improvement store for some supplies. It was a hot evening, and he had all the windows open in the van he was using. As he was driving along the country road with the wind rushing in the windows, he suddenly heard his cell phone ringing along the side of the road! Could that really be? he wondered. He pulled over and backed up to the spot to check it out. Sure enough, it was actually his phone! And something else amazing—even though it had been run over and the protective case was broken, it was still working!
Do you think the Lord Jesus heard Mike’s prayer? Yes, He certainly did!
There were so many things, naturally speaking, that could have prevented Mike from finding that phone:
1. What if he hadn’t gone down that same road again for a while and the phone battery died?
2. What if the cars running over it earlier had crushed it?
3. What if it hadn’t been a warm evening and the van windows had been closed?
4. What if the phone had been turned off?
5. What if the Lord hadn’t allowed the phone to ring at the exact moment he drove by?
But the Lord had arranged all of these details to be in place in answer to Mike’s prayer for help. Yes, the Lord does hear and answer prayer for even little things in our lives.
Boys and girls, if you know the Lord Jesus as your very own Saviour, you can ask His help for little problems too, not just the big ones. No problem is too small for the Lord Jesus.
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
MEMORY VERSE: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

Lost in a Store

Have you ever been lost? Once my brother and I were lost in a store. A discount store is a very big store when you're only 6 years old and you're lost in it. We started running all over the store looking for our mother, and she was running all over the store looking for us. It would have been better if we had just stayed where we were and called to her.
There is another kind of being lost, but it is different than being lost in a store. Each one of us is born into the world with a sinful heart, because our parents are sinners too. And because we are sinners, we are “lost” in our sins. You know, our mother knew my brother and I were lost and she was looking for us, because she loves us. And the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, is looking for lost sinners, because He loves sinners too. The Bible tells us that “the Son of Man [the Lord Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). You may not have known that you are lost in your sins until right now. But you can stop right where you are and call to the Lord Jesus, and He will find you and gladly save you from your sins. He wants you close to Himself so you won't be lost any longer.
We were two scared little boys, but we finally decided to go to our car in the parking lot. We knew that eventually our mother would come to the car. That's where she found us, sitting sadly on the hood of the car.
It's not fun to be lost, but it's wonderful to be found. If you are still lost in your sins, the Lord Jesus is still looking for you. Just call to Him and tell Him that you are a lost sinner who needs to be saved. He promises, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). And “whosoever” means boys or girls or grown-ups—anybody! Will you let the Lord Jesus save you?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Rubber From Trees

“God said, Let the earth bring forth ... the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind ... and it was so.” Genesis 1:11
We are so used to rubber in many forms, particularly the tires on automobiles, airplanes, bicycles, and other vehicles, that it's hard to think of times—a hundred years or so ago—when there was not much of it around. But today rubber is a very important item throughout the world.
What is known as pure India rubber is sometimes called gum elastic, as well as a technical name pronounced “coochook.” Much of it comes from rubber vines in India and Africa, as well as from large rubber trees in South America, particularly in the forests of Brazil.
The method of getting rubber from the trees is interesting. In some ways it is quite similar to that used to draw sweet maple sap from trees in northeastern United States and Canada.
For many years great quantities of pure milk-white latex, which is made into rubber, have been coaxed from these trees by workers called “rubber tappers.” Without seriously harming the trees, workmen with sharp, curved knives reach high up the bare part of the trunk and cut shallow circles into the thin bark, slanting them downward. At selected spots they attach buckets into which the latex drips after winding downward in the tapered grooves. These buckets are carefully watched to make sure they don't overflow and waste any of the precious liquid.
The pails of latex are taken to a shed and emptied into a large vat for heat-treating and partial drying. Soon a workman brings a big roller with a bare wooden handle on which he carefully pours the treated latex. He slowly rotates this, and when it gets to a proper thickness, he takes it to another area where it is fully dried and stripped from the roller. Then it is flattened into smooth sheets about two or three feet wide and five or six feet long. This then is packaged and shipped to rubber factories, some in South America but mostly to the United States and Europe.
Rubber trees continue producing latex for many years. People who own groves of rubber trees and properly work them have discovered that they make more money per acre producing rubber than by cutting down the trees and using the land for farming. That makes many people happy, because cutting down trees in Brazil over the years has meant destroying many forested areas and depriving some of the world's most beautiful birds and animals of their homelands.
The above Bible verse reminds us that the world itself and all things in it or on it were created by God and that He well knew the benefits His creation would bring to people all over the world. There is another Bible verse that has an important message for children and young people about their Creator. Read it in Ecclesiastes 12:1.

Street Signs

Do you know the meaning of all the street signs that greet us in every town and city? There are so many signs—STOP signs, YIELD signs, SCHOOL CROSSING signs, ONE WAY signs—to name a few. Signs are helpful, but there is one that is often rather unwelcome. It seems to show up when you realize you are on the wrong road and want to turn around. And there in front of you is the sign that says, “NO U-TURN.” Unwelcome as it often is, that sign is there for a very good reason.
Once we were driving on a wet and slippery street. We came over a hill, and the driver ahead of us, with no warning, decided to make a U-turn right where the sign said, “NO U-TURN”! In spite of braking hard, we could not stop in time, and our car slid right into the side of his car, causing a lot of damage to both cars. He made a costly mistake and caused a lot of trouble, because he disobeyed that sign.
Although we have driven for many years, we have never yet seen a sign that says, “U-TURN HERE.” But I am glad to be able to tell you that on the road of life, God has no unwelcome signs that say, “NO U-TURN.” In fact, His signs, if we could see them, would be just the opposite. Everywhere we would see signs that say, “U-TURN HERE.” When John the Baptist preached long ago, saying, “Repent,” it was as though he were saying to his listeners, “Make a U-TURN HERE.” All who are on the wrong road, whether young, middle aged or older, repent of your sins—be very sorry about them and make a U-TURN HERE!
When you realize you are driving on the wrong road, obey the STOP sign, make a U-TURN and then find someone to guide you. Some years ago when we were completely lost in a maze of streets in a large city, a kind man saw us, and knowing the way out, he said, “Follow me.” He then got into his car, drove ahead of us, and led us around until we saw the main highway and happily went our way on the right road. The Lord Jesus, like John, came telling the people to “Repent,” but He not only gave the command, He knew the way to heaven, so He said, “Follow Me” (Mark 2:14). He is the only one who could say, “I am the light of the world: he that [follows] Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).
As you read this, think of the street signs and stop and consider if you might be on the wrong road. Then wherever you are, make a U-turn and call on Jesus, “for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).
MEMORY VERSE: “I am the light of the world: he that [follows] Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12

The Prisoner

The backyard birdfeeder was a busy place. Lots of hungry birds came by for a good meal of sunflower seeds. One little bird was so greedy that somehow he managed to squeeze under the clear plastic window and get inside. Now he could eat all the seeds he wanted. But suddenly, he realized he was trapped inside the feeder, and then he wasn't one bit interested in the seeds. All he wanted was to get out of there. Instead of squeezing out the same way he got in, he fluttered about frantically.
Taffycat sat sunning herself nearby. Suddenly she saw the little prisoner and decided that a bird inside the feeder might be easier to get than the many on the outside. After climbing up the post, Taffycat couldn't get to the feeding platform, but she managed to scramble onto the feeder roof. She peered over the roof at the little bird still fluttering inside.
Imagine the little bird's terror at seeing the face of his worst enemy just inches away! He flapped and fluttered even more.
What would you do if you had an enemy peering at you around a corner? You would run as fast as you could to a place of safety, wouldn't you. We do have an enemy who is watching us. We can't see him, but he can see us. His name is Satan. But God has provided a wonderful place of safety where each of us can run.
Meanwhile, Taffycat was trying to figure out how to get to that little bird. She leaned way over and tried to reach the narrow platform, but she couldn't do it. So she tried to jump onto the platform, but she missed and fell to the grass. Up she climbed again, tried to jump to the platform and fell again. She tried again and again, always ending up on the grass. Taffycat wasn't going to give up!
Daddy finally took a hand in the matter. He shooed Taffycat away, then lifted the roof of the feeder and let the little bird fly out and away.
Taffycat was a dangerous enemy to that little bird, just like Satan is to us. God's Word, the Bible, tells us to be watchful “because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). If you don't belong to the Lord Jesus, you don't have a place of safety and you will get caught in one of Satan's traps. You are one of his prisoners right now.
But the Lord Jesus loves you and is able to set you free. He was victorious over death and Satan, and His precious blood is able to wash away every stain of your sins. He, alone, can set you free and keep you safe forever by His mighty power. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, [you] shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Have you let the Lord Jesus set you free?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Kaibab Squirrels Are Different

“God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind ... and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:25
Some time ago we considered some of the squirrels, including the ground and flying species, but we don't want to overlook the unusual Kaibab squirrels. These live on the bluffs overlooking the Grand Canyon of Arizona.
The Kaibabs, or tassel-eared squirrels, have some features and habits quite different from those in other parts of North America. Their unusually long hair provides pretty coloring and warmth. Their faces and ears are black, speckled with white, and they have a deep-red band running the length of their brown backs and almost pure-white tails.
These squirrels have been called “prisoners of geography.” This is because the areas surrounding them for miles are mostly desert, and the deep Grand Canyon, with the Colorado River running through it, all form natural boundaries that keep them in an area from which they cannot escape, nor can other squirrels come to join them. But the Creator had His own purpose in keeping them separate and has well provided for their every need.
There are an estimated 20,000 Kaibab squirrels, making their homes in the pretty pine forests growing on the northern rim of the canyon, high above the river. Visitors enjoy watching them scramble about the trees and tall grass.
Their diet includes twigs, pinecone seeds, mushrooms, toadstools and other fungi, as well as plants and other seeds. Someone watching closely estimated that one squirrel alone seemed to eat about a thousand pinecone seeds (which are very small) in one day.
These particular squirrels don't store food for winter as most other squirrels do, but during the winter months they find nourishment in chewing the tender ends of new growth on pine tree branches. Another reliable winter food for them is a fungus that grows on the roots of the trees and is easily found when a squirrel scrapes away the ever-present layer of fallen leaves and pine needles. This fungus satisfies their hunger with its good taste and rich nourishment.
The Creator has wisely provided these little animals with an instinct to move to a different territory every year or so; thus a region that has fed great numbers of them is given time to renew its particular section of forest.
Thousands of visitors go to the Grand Canyon every season, and those touring the north rim find much pleasure in discovering the pretty pine trees sheltering such great numbers of these cute little squirrels. We hope many of the visitors realize that, besides the magnificent Grand Canyon, the little Kaibab squirrels living there are another example of the wonders of God's creation!

"Remember Lot's Wife"

Here is one story that the Lord Jesus has told us to remember. However, you can’t remember a story you have never heard. Perhaps some of you have never heard the story of Lot’s wife, so I shall tell you about her.
We don’t know her name, except that she was Mrs. Lot, and she lived in a city called Sodom. Mr. and Mrs. Lot had sons and daughters, and at least two of their daughters were married and lived in homes of their own. I don’t think Mrs. Lot was very hospitable, and I will tell you why.
God sent two men to the gate of Sodom, and there they found Lot sitting in a place of great importance as a judge in that city. He was very polite to the visitors and invited them to his house. At first they refused, but they finally did accept Lot’s invitation and came to his house.
I don’t know where Mrs. Lot was, but she didn’t seem to share her husband’s hospitality. It was Lot who did the cooking and serving and made his guests welcome. Those two visitors were angel-messengers from God, but it seems that Mrs. Lot missed the opportunity.
Are you missing an opportunity when God’s messengers come to your house? You could be a listener and a helper.
Lot heard an important warning from the visiting angels that night, but I am not sure that Lot’s wife heard the warning. Lot not only listened to the warning, but he believed it and went to the homes of his married daughters to warn them. He told them, God is going to destroy this city! But nobody believed him. They laughed, as though he were telling them a joke. It was the last time Lot’s family heard the warning.
When you hear God’s warning of judgment that is sure to come, is it a joke to you? Is hell something to laugh about? Hebrews 9:27 is warning us right now, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”
When morning came, it was time to leave the city, but Lot and his wife and young daughters did not want to go. The two angels actually took their hands and pulled them out of the city, because God was merciful to them.
As God was destroying Sodom with fire from heaven, the angels told Lot and his wife and family, Escape for your lives, and DON’T LOOK BACK! But it seems Mrs. Lot did not really believe the message. She looked back at the burning city, but she never took another step. She became a pillar of salt!
God tells us to “remember Lot’s wife” (Luke 17:32). There is a lesson in this story He wants us to learn and remember. It is a reminder to each of us that we must never say “Yes” when God says “No!”
Do you believe God’s Word? Do you believe Him when He says, “The earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up” (2 Peter 3:10)? God will judge this sinful world exactly as He has promised. But God has a plan of escape for any who will turn to His Son, Christ Jesus, for salvation from their sins. Will you believe in Him and be saved?
Lot escaped, but he was not a happy man. His life shows us why Christians are not always happy. He believed God’s Word, but he did not like what he heard. He had worked so hard to improve Sodom, and now it was hard to know the whole city was gone up in flames.
Don’t waste your life doing your own thing. Even if you are a true believer, you may follow your own ideas of what you want to do without reading God’s Word to find out His choice. The world has a lot to offer, but God has more joy and love for you than you could ever guess, if you follow His plan.
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15).
You may read about Lot’s wife in Genesis 19.
MEMORY VERSE: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1 John 2:15

One Lost Sheep

The Bible tells us that you and I are just like sheep going astray. Did you ever see just one stray sheep? Usually all the others will follow the leader, no matter where he is heading. But recently I saw an unusual sight at the sheep farm near our house.
Two men were following a single sheep and herding it along as it ran beside the fence. They were trying to return it to the sheepfold with the others. The sheep was looking this way and that, watching for a hole in the fence as a way of escape. It was a most unhappy-looking creature; I could see fear and distrust in its face. No doubt it wanted to get through the fence, away from its rescuers and out onto the highway. It was a busy highway, and the sheep would certainly have been killed. I don't know how it had become separated from the others, but the shepherds had found it and were not going to let it go until it was safe in the fold.
Are you like that little sheep? Are you heading in every direction to get away from the Good Shepherd who loves you and gave His life for you? Isaiah 53:6 tells us, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him [Jesus] the iniquity of us all.” The Good Shepherd wants to save you, but like the sheep I saw, you may want to go where only danger awaits. Those shepherds cared for that one lost sheep, and “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Remember, Jesus, the Son of God, loves you and gave Himself for you, because He is the greatest Shepherd of all.

The Wonders of God's Creation: Ravens Are Smart

“Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God [feeds] them.” Luke 12:24
Few countries are without ravens. North America has thousands of them, even in Canada's Northwest Territories, and many are in Africa, India and countries between. They are an impressive bird with their black shiny feathers, strong, three-inch-long beaks and long claws. They have been described as “brainy, smart and wily.”
Ravens have no pleasant song, only coarse screams that can be annoying to those hearing them day after day. But they do communicate with one another in softer tones on many occasions. Their loudest calls are most annoying when half a dozen or more seem to be challenging each other to see who can be the loudest.
These birds are closely related to crows, which are only about half their size. A full-grown raven may be more than two feet long and have a wingspread of four feet. Their huge nests are built of large sticks, carefully woven together and lined with grass, bark, seaweed, moss or even rabbit fur. They use the same nests year after year and keep them in good, clean condition. These are usually built in tall trees or on an unexposed ledge of a rocky cliff.
In early summer the female lays from three to eight olive-green eggs with brown spots, and she alone incubates them, never leaving the nest until they are hatched. The male bird faithfully brings her food while she is on the nest—perhaps a small animal, young bird or a fish he has killed or found already dead.
Parents are very helpful and care for their young ones, continually bringing food to them in daylight hours and guarding them from other birds that might be foolish enough to get too close to a nest. The raven family stays together while the young ones go through a long training period.
In cold lands of the North, they stay close to herds of caribou, looking for a dead calf on which they can feast, often sharing the carcass with wolves or bears. Sometimes they will kill small, sick or injured animals, but they usually prefer something already dead or even food from a garbage dump. If those sources of food are not available, they often annoy farmers by eating wheat, barley and other grains growing in the fields.
An important and wonderful part of the Creator's works in placing so many living things on our planet is His constant watchful care over them, as the opening Bible verse says. That verse also says, “How much more are ye better than the fowls?” Yes, God's thoughts toward all the people in the world are full of love and kindness. This is repeated over and over in the Bible. Open your Bible and read John 3:16 carefully, to see how much He loves you.

Coco and Lucy "Fly the Coop"

A big gust of wind swept through the town of Skokie, Illinois. It bent the branches of the fall colored trees and snapped flags back and forth on their poles.
At a block party neighbors were enjoying an outdoor meal together. The wind tipped over cola drinks, swept plastic silverware off tables and made the neighbors hold onto their hats. But worst of all, it toppled over a large, wire birdcage holding two rare and expensive Amazon parrots. An elderly couple had brought the birds to the outdoor party.
The cage hit the ground with a clang, and the gate was jarred open. The two parrots, named Coco and Lucy, saw a chance to escape. With a couple of flaps of their wings they flew to the branches of a nearby tree.
Coco and Lucy were Amazon yellow-headed parrots. They had bright yellow heads, emerald green bodies and flaming red wings—beautiful birds! They were large too, about the size of a crow. Amazon parrots are well-known for their intelligence and talking ability.
Aurelio and Ester Moreno walked to the trunk of the tree and pleaded with the birds. With their sweetest voices they coaxed, “Coco, come down to your cage. Lucy, here is a nut just for you  ... if you want it, come and get it.”
The birds ignored the couple’s pleadings. They tried talking to the birds in Spanish, which they often spoke around the house. “Ven aquí, mis pájaros,” they said. The birds still ignored them. They were finding their newfound freedom to their liking and didn't want to return to the cage. Aurelio and Ester stayed by the tree after everyone else went home. They stayed until nightfall, when they finally gave up hope and went home.
Coco and Lucy “flew the coop” and left their owners. You might say each one of us has “flown the coop” and left our owner too. Who is our owner? “Behold, all souls are Mine,” God says in Ezekiel18:4. We belong to Him because He made us. But you and I want to make our own decisions and have left God out of our lives. Isaiah 53:6 reads, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.” We have all turned away from God our Maker.
The next morning the Morenos returned to the tree to look for their pet birds, but they were gone. The Morenos placed ads in the local newspaper, describing their special parrots and asking if anyone saw them to please call.
Three days later and several miles away, a man heard some loud squawking and went outside to investigate. He spotted the parrots in the trees. They were making so much noise he said they sounded like “little joyous children.” The man telephoned the Morenos and told them the location of the birds. Aurelio quickly drove over to try to coax the parrots to come to him.
When the parrots recognized him, they seemed to get excited and squawked even louder. Then the squawking stopped and one of the parrots said in Spanish, “Aurelio, Aurelio, hola, te amo!” In English this means, “Aurelio, Aurelio, hello, I love you.” Then the two parrots flew off and disappeared from sight.
Aurelio was upset about the loss of his parrots. People reported seeing the parrots flying with some crows, but Aurelio was never again close enough to call out to his pets.
Trouble was certainly ahead for the birds. Winter was just a few months away, and these were tropical birds. Could they survive on their own? Maybe, because they are really smart. They might find warm places to sleep and learn what to eat by watching other birds, but more than likely they would perish in the cold winter ahead.
Like the parrots, sinners who will never admit they are sinners and come to the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness will end up perishing too. Ahead of them at the end of this very short life is the outer darkness of hell.
The Morenos could only plead with the birds to return to them. They could not force the parrots to return, and God will not force you and me to return to Him either. He has made known His love, offering a free salvation and pleading with us to return, but He will not force us to accept His loving offer of sins forgiven.
Will you return to the God who loves you by trusting in His Son? He wants to give you the gift of eternal life and true freedom from the guilt and power of sin.
If you ever travel through Skokie, keep your eyes and ears open. You just might see some bright green parrots flying through the trees and maybe hear the loud, happy squawking sounds they make. I do hope these special birds learned somehow to live through the winter. More than that, I hope you take the Lord Jesus as your Saviour and know that you will have a happy home in heaven.
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).
MEMORY VERSE: “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9

The Wonders of God's Creation: Two Unusual Wonders

“Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.” Job 37:14
Near the Fiji Islands in the South Pacific Ocean there is an unusual aquatic worm that lives on the coral about six feet below the surface. Great numbers of these worms leave their coral homes only once a year.
Exactly at midnight at the last quarter of the October moon each year, they suddenly loosen themselves from the coral and rise to the surface where they make preparations for giving birth to a number of little ones. Then at eight o'clock that morning, they all drop back down to their coral homes, where they will remain another twelve months. Then they will go through the same activities at exactly the same time.
Natives of that area have long known of this cycle, and many are in their boats waiting, not only to see them, but to catch great quantities with their nets to take home or sell, for they make a tasty meal. Exactly one year later, to the very day and hour, this will take place again.
Without a calendar or clock, how do these unusual creatures of the sea know the exact moment to do this? The only correct answer is that God, their Creator, gave them this ability and has kept them in His care over the vast number of years since He created them.
Another interesting creature is a little fish that may be seen in some aquariums and that has been given a name almost bigger than itself—Phyrrilhima Filamentoes. Being so tiny, they are usually raised in glass bowls.
When the female fish lays an egg, she seems to know the bottom of the bowl is not the best place to leave it, so she attaches it with a sticky substance from her mouth onto the side of the glass bowl, about an inch and a half above the water.
Having done this, she somehow realizes the egg must be kept moist or it will dry up and die. She takes care of the problem with a quick flip of her tail every time she swims under the egg, sending a bit of water over the egg. And this is no small job, as she does this several times each minute for about four days, until the egg hatches. The baby fish slides down the glass and thereafter is taken care of in a more usual way.
Many books could be filled with wonderful accounts of how God, the Creator, has taken pleasure in all things, visible and invisible, which He has placed on the earth. All have been designed by Him and continue on in the same pattern of life that He originally gave them.
When we consider all of God’s wonderful works, as the Bible verse at the beginning tells us to do, should we not praise Him for the wonders of His creation?

Mysterious Mushrooms

The little dog’s name was Jack. The lady he lived with put him outside to get a little exercise. Later she went to call him to come back in the house, but instead she called her husband. “Come quick!” she said. “There’s something wrong with Jack! He can’t walk straight or sit up, and he just staggers around.”
“There’s a 24-hour animal doctor listed in the phone book. I’ll call him,” said her husband. So he did, and they took poor Jack right over.
The animal doctor said, “I know what’s wrong with Jack  ... he’s been eating mushrooms!”
Sure enough, there were many little mushrooms growing in the yard. They looked like cute, little, white umbrellas. But instead of being good to eat, the mushrooms were poisonous! Eating them had made the little dog very sick. Poor Jack had to stay in the animal hospital all night. He looked so unhappy.
The man and lady went home, and the next day the lady pulled up every one of those poisonous mushrooms. She also told her neighbor about the problem. “I know just what you are talking about,” said the neighbor. “I saw three squirrels flopping around in my yard the other day. They couldn’t even climb the trees anymore. I think those squirrels had been eating those poisonous mushrooms too.”
The man and lady thanked the Lord Jesus that none of the neighborhood children had tried to eat the mushrooms. We must not eat strange things that we find growing outside. I’m sure that the Lord Jesus is teaching us to eat only what we know is good for food. Some strange plants or fungus could cause us to become very sick. Boys and girls, you should always check with your parents before you eat anything growing wild outside and follow what they say. “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:20).
There are other unfamiliar things that you should stay away from too. Your school friends or neighborhood buddies might want you to play a video game that is violent or evil. Sometimes they watch movies that are sinful and harmful and invite you to watch them too. Learn to say, “No thanks.” Don’t be tempted to play the game or watch the movie “just this once.”
Here is a good verse to remember: “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away” (Proverbs 4:14-15).
MEMORY VERSE: “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.” Proverbs 4:14-15

One Warning Is Enough!

Jean sniffed the air again, as she had been doing all afternoon. “Honey, what do you think that strange smell is?” she asked her husband, George.
“I don't know. I've noticed it too, and I can't imagine what it is. While you put Joy to bed, I'll go down and add more wood to the furnace. It's pretty cold out tonight.”
Jean started getting the baby cleaned up and ready for bed while George went down to the basement.
It sure is warm down here for such a cold night, he thought as he checked the thermometer. Eighty-two degrees! Wow! And I haven't added more wood for quite a while. George put his hand on the wall beside the chimney. That was hot too! Suddenly his mind began connecting the heat with the smell.
Dashing upstairs he felt the chimney there, and it was even hotter there than downstairs. Glancing up, he saw that the corner of the wall and ceiling had started to turn black. What a scary feeling!
Quickly George dialed the fire department. Within a few minutes four fire trucks with their sirens wailing were on their way up the street to the house. Jean and George were bundling up the baby in warm clothes and putting on their own winter coats.
“Better get out of the house right now!” yelled a fireman as he disappeared up a ladder. “You've got a bad chimney fire, and the attic is likely already burning!”
George and Jean didn't have to be told a second time. They grabbed up baby Joy and left!
How many times have you been told about the fire of God's judgment—a fire that will never be put out, far hotter than any house fire! Are you sure you've left that fire behind? There's only one way to escape that everlasting fire, and that's to admit to the Lord Jesus that you are a sinner. He loves you and He's longing to forgive your sins. He took the punishment for sin in His own body on the cross—so we could go free! Isn't that wonderful? We never need to fear the fire of hell again if we come to Him and accept the pardon He so freely offers. But don't wait—there isn't time! Let the Lord Jesus forgive you now.
Luke 3:17 tells us, “He will thoroughly purge His floor, and will gather the wheat [those who have confessed that they are sinners and trusted the Lord Jesus to save them] into His garner; but the chaff [those who continue in sin] He will burn with fire unquenchable.”
The firemen did put the chimney fire out before there was much damage done to the house. George and Jean were so thankful for the firemen's warning and what they did to save the house. Will you listen to the warning of God's judgment for sin and accept His loving offer of forgiveness through the work of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Birds on the Move - Part 1

“The winter is past ... the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come.” Song of Solomon 2:11-12
Seasonal migrations are usual with many animals, fish, butterflies and other creatures, but none can match the wonderful migrations of billions of birds taking place all over the world twice a year—fall and spring.
It is an unforgettable experience to observe a little part of this when, in the countryside as the sun is about to set, the honking of a flock of geese overhead is heard and looking up, they are seen circling lower and lower, following the leader of their V-formation, until they drop down on a pond or swamp nearby. There they may remain just overnight, or perhaps for several days, resting and feeding before continuing their long trip from Alaska, the Yukon, or Canada's Maritime provinces. They are headed to the warmth of the southern United States or on into Mexico or even farther, where they will stay through the winter months before returning to the north the following spring.
Many millions of ducks, swans and other waterfowl make these trips over North America's flyways, and millions of other birds fly even farther than these twice yearly. It is understandable that many questions are asked. Why do they do this? How do they know where to go? Where do they get strength for such flights? How do they find their way?
Bird watchers and trained researchers take such questions seriously and have spent years of research and much money and effort, trying to find the answers. Although they still confess they understand very little concerning some of the things involved in such massive migrations, they have discovered things that are of interest, and we will borrow from what they have learned to bring some of their findings to our readers in this and following articles.
But when all is said and done, there is only One who truly knows all about them, and that is their Creator. He is the Lord God, the same Creator of the heavens and earth and all things contained therein, as the Bible tells us, “Thou, even Thou, art Lord alone; Thou hast made ... the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and Thou preservest them all” (Nehemiah 9:6).
It is claimed there are about 100 billion birds in the world, and while many make their homes in warm climates and do not migrate, a vast number do. For instance, in America alone there are an estimated 10 billion birds that fly to and from other countries. Additional billions in Europe and Asia, never seen in American countries, make their flights to other places, as well. We will consider some of these in the following issues.
(to be continued)

A Surprise From Under the Sea

Deep down under the sea something wonderful happened. A tiny speck of sand was stuck inside the oyster’s shell. Oysters don’t do much thinking, but this one used its God-given instinct and covered that speck of sand with a layer of its own nacre so it would not hurt its tender flesh. Now that speck of sand became a tiny pearl, very, very beautiful and unseen by anyone but God.
The oyster grew and the pearl also became larger as the oyster covered it with more layers of nacre. It became a pure, glistening, white gem, a secret treasure, which no one but God had ever seen. If fact, you would never know it was there if I had not told you.
Jesus told us about that secret pearl, because He has a secret too. Wait till you hear the rest of the story.
There was a pearl diver up on top of the waves in a boat. He took a deep breath and went down under and came up again with the oyster in his hand, using the last bit of breath in his lungs. Is there a pearl inside? A really good one? he wondered. Open it and see the gem!
Not long after, a merchantman came along in search of perfect pearls. Ah, there’s one! But it was very, very costly! The buyer knew at once that he could not afford such a gem. The only way he could pay for it was to sell everything he had. Would he do that? Sell everything? This would make him very poor and leave him with nothing, not even a bed to sleep on. Did he want the pearl that badly?
If he were an ordinary shopper, he would just walk away, but this merchant was a reminder to us of Jesus. He wanted us so much that He was willing to come down from the throne of God, down to having nothing—not even a place to lay His head. Nobody could go any lower than death on a cross. Did He really want us that much? Were we that valuable to Him?
Jesus knew all about us when nobody else did, and we were beautiful in His sight. He saw us grow in size, but our sins tarnished any beauty. Some gems have to be polished, but not pearls. They are beautiful just as they are. Jesus loves all of His children, wherever they are, and He doesn’t miss one. There are more of us every day, as each one is saved and cleansed by His precious blood. We are all like one very valuable pearl in His sight, and He wanted us so much He was willing to give up everything—even His life—to purchase us. What amazing love!
Do you remember that He rose from the dead the third day, and He is now living in heaven? If your sins have been cleansed in His precious blood, you are part of that very costly pearl that He paid so much for. He promises that heaven will be your home someday too.
“Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9).
MEMORY VERSE: “Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich.” 2 Corinthians 8:9


After thirty years of cold winters, our family moved to the warm weather of southern California. Dad filled our yard with potted ferns and cactus plants and placed them where no one would be hurt by the sharp prickers on the cactus plants. But there was one little plant that looked perfectly safe since you could not see any prickers. It was a cactus just as much as the others. It had thick, round, green leaves and nothing but yellow, velvet-looking polka dots all over each leaf. The velvet spots looked so soft that they seemed to welcome your gentle touch.
After you touched this little cactus, you would discover that the little velvety hairs were actually fine, sharp needles that came off on your hand no matter how lightly you touched the plant. Once they were on your hand, you couldn't see them to wipe them off, and the ones that stuck in your skin broke off when you tried to remove them and made a sore spot. When you thought you had them all removed, a sharp little pain a few days later would remind you that there was still another needle in there. People know to stay away from the regular cactus needles and their sharp points, but this little plant with its soft needles tempt many.
Dad invited all the neighborhood children to come in on Friday nights to hear Bible stories, because children everywhere need to know that God loves them. He would always warn the children NOT to touch the little cactus. He told them what would happen if they did. He used this to warn them about sins. No matter how much warning Dad gave about the little cactus, there was always someone who would reach out and touch it.
It is the same way with sins. We turn away from the obviously bad sins but reach out to the pretty “little” ones. We don't realize our danger until it is too late, and then the pain pricks us again and again.
To break the commandment, “Thou shalt not kill,” sounds much worse than to break the one that says, “Honor thy father and thy mother,” but each one is sin. The wages of sin is still death, but how happy we can be that the rest of that Bible verse says, “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). God knows how many sins each of us has. When we trust in Jesus, we learn that He was punished by God to pay for every one of those sins. Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your own Saviour and thanked Him for dying to pay to remove each of your sins? God's gift is eternal life. Won't you accept this gift right now?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Birds on the Move - Part 2

“Yea, the stork in the heaven [knows] her appointed times; and the turtle [turtledoves] and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming.” Jeremiah 8:7
This verse speaks very plainly of God's care over the birds and His appointment of the time of their migrations. Last week we mentioned the work of bird watchers and researchers looking into the migrations of birds throughout the world. Now, if you can, look at a globe of the world and consider the following facts about just a tiny number of the many millions of birds involved.
The greatest traveler of all is the Arctic tern that flies from the Aleutian Islands to Antarctica every fall and returns again in the spring—about 12,000 miles each way! A shorter journey is the 25-hour, 500-mile, nonstop trip of the 8-ounce ruby-throated hummingbird, flying from the United States over the Gulf of Mexico to Central America. How do you think this tiny bird can do this?
From various parts of Europe, storks make round-trip flights of 14,000 miles to Israel, the Nile River and South Africa. The young ones leave a week or two ahead of the parents, although they have never migrated before. How do they know where to go?
Swallows arrive in Southern California every March after a 6000-mile flight from Argentina, going to the same nest previously used. Orioles wintering in South America return in May to their summer homes in the eastern United States following a 2000-mile flight.
The Tennessee warbler, weighing about as much as two quarters, flies 3000 miles from Canada and the northern United States to Central and South America each fall. Some fly nonstop while others take short rests en route. Their close relatives, blackpoll warblers, raising their families in northern Canada and Alaska, join others of their kind in New England during September. Then the whole group continues another 2100 miles on a 100-hour nonstop ocean flight to South America. By contrast, bobolinks in the fall fly almost entirely overland from Canadian prairies to the pampas of Argentina—a 6000-mile trip—returning in the spring.
Golden plovers from Alaska fly over the Pacific to Hawaii—a 2000-mile trip —and after resting go on another 2000 miles south. Parent birds take off first, leaving the young ones to follow later. Never having done this before, who can explain how their little ones know the way to the Hawaiian Islands? One thing we do know is that these flights, and untold numbers of others, speak of the Creator's care over all His creation, from the smallest to the greatest. “Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world” (Acts 15:18).
Library books will give you much more information, but in the following issue we will consider some of the questions asked earlier.
(to be continued)

Agata Has Many Enemies

Dear Children,
As many of you know, we live in the country, and we set out birdseed for the many wild birds that live in our part of the country. During the cold, snowy winter, we sometimes put out scraps of food for the wolves, coyotes and foxes. And I’ve told you in other letters about Chelsea our dog and Skamper our cat. Sometimes when boys and girls visit us they ask, “Grampa, where did all these animals come from?”
Well, children, we read in Genesis chapter 1 of God’s Word, the holy Bible, that our God created all these animals and birds. Some of you grown-ups and children who read this Sunday school paper also have pets. And if you are like Gramma and me, you spend a lot of time training your pets to do what you want them to do and not do.
Many years ago when Gramma and I went to school, we had teachers to teach us, train us and also discipline us in the way that we should live. God has said in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” When a young person joins the army, the first thing they are trained in is discipline and obedience. Training is very important, not only with children and young people, but also with pets. I want to tell you about a well-trained dog named Agata.
She is a beautiful five-year-old golden retriever living in Colombia, South America. Since she was a little puppy, she has been trained to sniff out illegal drugs. The police use her in airports, bus terminals, schools or wherever drugs might be hidden. She always obeys the officer who is handling her.
Children, do you always obey your parents and schoolteachers? Remember, they are doing their very best to train you for the life you will live when you graduate from school. God’s Word gives us instruction in Ephesians 6:1: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.” When they tell you to stay away from drugs, OBEY THEM! Illegal drugs are a big part of Satan’s tools that he uses to make children and adults sin. He does that so he will have them in hell with him where he will be forever with no escape! God says so in Revelation 20:10. See if you can find it in your Bible and read it.
Agata will never touch a drug with her tongue, because she has been trained only to sniff them out. If Agata came to your school, do you think she would find any illegal drugs? I hope not! Taking illegal drugs is a very terrible sin! The drug dealers in Colombia hate Agata. Why? Because she exposes their hidden sin! In fact, the drug dealers hate her so much that they have offered a huge reward of money to anyone who will poison her. Isn’t that sad?
When the Lord Jesus was here, listen to what the people said about Him: “They cried out, saying, ‘Crucify Him, crucify Him’” (John 19:6). Why do people hate the Lord Jesus? Because He exposes their sins! And so one of the followers of the Lord Jesus sold Him to His enemies for thirty pieces of silver. Then His enemies took Him and nailed Him to a cross at a place called Calvary. And while hanging on that cross, the Lord Jesus looked down at all those people whom He loved and said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
Those wicked drug dealers cannot hide those drugs from Agata; she will find them wherever they are. And you and I cannot hide our sins from God. Hebrews 4:13 says, “All things are naked [unhidden] and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” Children, do not die without having your sins forgiven by the Lord Jesus. We can go to heaven without a lot of things, but we cannot go to heaven without having our sins forgiven. What a wonderful thing it is to know they are forgiven and to have peace with God!
You’ll be glad to know that Agata is still alive and sniffing out drugs. Her enemies haven’t been able to poison her. One of the officers who guards her says, “We take special care with her food.”
The Lord Jesus loves you and wants to forgive your sins. Then He will lovingly care for you until it’s time to live with Him in heaven.
Lots of love,
MEMORY VERSE: “All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” Hebrews 4:13

Isle Aux Morts

This island is located near the southwest corner of Newfoundland. Its name means “Island of Deaths.” It has been given this name because of the many shipwrecks that have taken place. Many brave sailors have lost their lives because of the numerous storms in this area. It is known to have more shipwrecks than any other place in the world.
The meaning of the name “Morts” is mortuary—where dead bodies are kept. That's not a pleasant name for the place where people may live. However, we all live in a world where death arrives every day. Hebrews 9:27 tells us, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour? If so, the judgment is already past for you, because the Lord Jesus took the punishment for your sins on Calvary's cross.

The Wonders of God's Creation: Birds on the Move - Part 3

“Out of the ground the Lord God formed  ... every fowl of the air.” Genesis 2:19
In the two previous issues, we considered a few facts about the migration of birds in which the question was raised, “Why do they migrate?” There are two main reasons. One reason is that those summering in the north need to move away from the soon-coming cold weather with short winter days providing very little sunshine.
Departure times from northern points usually follow close schedules. However, in some way humans cannot understand, migrating birds have been given ability by the Creator even to know about weather changes long before our weathermen, and they will advance their migration time to get away before heavy storms move in.
Then, after some six months in the sunny southlands, the birds get restless and seem to sense that the ice and snow on ponds and streams of the north are melting. Days are getting longer again, and an invigorating climate for hatching and raising their young compels them to make the return trip northward.
The second reason for their migrating is that food supplies are all-important, and somehow they instinctively know that plenty of fresh, nourishing food will be waiting for them at the other end of their journey. For instance, as though anticipating the arrival of hungry birds from the south, aphids, caterpillars, mosquitoes, grubs, flies and other insects of the north make their appearance just in time for the travelers to benefit by this nourishing food, and there is plenty of it to last a long time! The same is true of new plant life emerging, providing additional food and nesting materials.
But after the summer months in the north, the appetites of the growing bird families pretty well deplete this abundance of food. In contrast, southern lands have benefited by the birds' absence, and new supplies will be awaiting their return in the fall.
Incidentally, in the Arctic areas there has been a general warming of the atmosphere in the past 60 or 70 years, resulting in many birds now migrating there for summer months that did not go there before. Who told them about the improved climate? And how did they find the way there?
The answers explained above may well be accurate, but the source of the implanting of these actions in the heads and wings of so many varieties of birds can only come from the Creator, of whom the Bible says, “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth” (2 Chronicles 16:9). Also, “In whose hand is the soul [breath] of every living thing” (Job 12:10).
(to be continued)

Huddled Together

They really shouldn’t have gone. Winter in the northern California wilderness without wearing heavy coats and boots isn’t a good time to go for a family outing in the woods. But Fred Dominguez just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to continue the annual family hike. He headed out with his three children—Chris, Alexis and Josh.
About 3:00 p.m. on that December day, they parked their pickup truck and began hiking into the deep woods. But soon they were wandering around and getting hopelessly confused. They decided to head back. But was it to the left a little way? No, maybe it’s just a little farther straight ahead past that fallen log. Wow!  ... It sure is getting dark. Maybe we should just call for help. Uh-oh, I guess we should have realized there wouldn’t be any cell phone service way out here.
Fred didn’t realize a big winter storm was coming, one that was going to dump two feet of snow on their heads. Cotton T-shirts, sweatshirts or thin, cotton socks and comfortable shoes are good for riding around in a heated pickup truck but not too suitable for riding out a winter blizzard.
The mess the four family members were in reminds me of how those who know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour can really get themselves into trouble by being just as thoughtless. Heading off each day without spending time in God’s Word and taking it with us through the day is a sure way to get cold, very cold, in our souls. Psalm 1:1-2 gives some very helpful instruction: “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law doth he meditate day and night.”
They certainly started out carelessly, but what Fred and 18-year-old Chris did next sure made sense. Wandering around a forest in freezing temperatures as snow begins to fall is bad enough, but in the dark it would be very foolish. They gathered as many fallen branches as they could find and made a small lean-to shelter. Then they crawled inside out of the wind and falling snow and huddled together for warmth.
Believers in the Lord Jesus need shelter too. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous [runs] into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10). We can travel along with our strong tower, the Lord Jesus Christ. He can shelter us from those bitter winds that would make us turn cold in our faith in Him.
The family made it through that first night huddled together for warmth. The next day they found a concrete culvert under an old logging road where they could have some protection and wait for rescuers. They spent the second cold night in the culvert, but the next day no rescuers came.
Word had reached their town of Pleasant that the pickup had been found at the edge of the huge forest. All fifteen employees where Fred worked were given the day off to search for the family. But even two more days of searching, guided by the sheriff, brought no happy result.
Back in the culvert Fred had torn his sweatshirt into strips to wrap his children’s feet. Somehow Alexis had lost her shoe, and the cold was threatening to freeze her foot. Staying close together, they put their feet on each other’s stomachs to warm them up. They hadn’t eaten anything in three days, but they sang hymns to keep up their courage.
This family wasn’t really alone in this difficult situation. Each one knew the Lord Jesus as Saviour and knew He loved them and had not abandoned them. Fred and his children had the Lord’s promise, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). But for those of you who have not accepted Him as your very own Saviour, it would have been a frightening and hopeless situation, knowing you could be facing death. You can have the Lord Jesus as your Saviour and strong tower if you will admit to Him that you are a sinner and need Him to cleanse you from your sins. “Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18).
During a break in the clouds, a rescue helicopter took off and circled the area where the searchers struggled through the woods. It swung out about a mile and a half beyond the search parties, banked and made a final turn to head back for the day. The clouds were closing in and snow was beginning to fall again.
Hundreds of feet below in the culvert, Alexis heard the helicopter and excitedly told her dad. He raced out of the culvert, stumbling over rocks and through deeply drifted snow, yelling as he frantically waved his arms.
High above, the pilot saw a bit of movement and glanced over in Fred’s direction. Then it wasn’t long before Alexis and Josh were being bundled into the warm helicopter, while Fred and Chris had promises that the rescuers would be back for them in minutes.
What did Fred have to say? “When the helicopter turned around, man, I was just praising God and saying, ‘Thank-you, Lord! Thank-you, Lord!’ because I knew we had made it!”
How good that they thanked the Lord Jesus first and then thanked the rescuers. Fred said that he would go back out in the forest again, but next time he would go prepared. Let’s go prepared too with God’s Word and prayer. His love flowing through His Word will keep us toasty warm in a bitterly cold world of sin.
MEMORY VERSE: “Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” 1 Peter 3:18

The Wonders of God's Creation: Birds on the Move - Part 4

“By them [springs of water] shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches.” Psalm 104:12
Two questions were asked in an earlier issue about migrating birds: Where do they get strength for such flights and how do they find their way?
For any bird, whether a small hummingbird or a large goose, to fly non-stop over a wide ocean certainly takes a great deal of strength and could not be done if the Creator did not give them a terrific hunger long before such a trip takes place. Eating great quantities of extra food provides an unusual layer of fat (sometimes doubling their weight), which becomes all the “fuel” needed for strength while traveling. Isn't this a wonderful provision of the One who always has them in His care?
The question, “How do they find their way?” remains unanswered, although research continues. But all the scientists can do is make some guesses—one of which is that the birds are guided by the sun. But this raises a new question: How are they able to find their way when fog or clouds hide the sun? Another guess is that when flying at night they are guided by the moon and stars. But again, what do they do when these are not visible?
Still another guess is that their routes are learned from the parents. But then we ask, What about those that fly away and leave their young ones to follow later? Also, some birds have been carried from one side of the Atlantic Ocean to the other side and raised there until released at migration time. How do these find an entirely new route to the same destination as their former companions? Similar tests have been made by taking certain eggs to distant countries and hatching and releasing them at the migratory period. These birds find their way without difficulty.
It must be admitted that wonderful controls are at work in the heads of these birds, and the most dedicated researcher may never come up with a true explanation. We know the real answer lies with the Lord God who gives them these abilities and implants needed guidance and wisdom in their heads, so that they adjust to any unusual circumstance. Certainly, these migrations are indeed one of the outstanding wonders of God's creation.
Another very special wonder is that He invites every person to live in heaven when life here on earth is finished. The Lord said when He was here, “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:2-3). This is His promise to everyone who comes to Him as a helpless sinner and accepts Him as his or her personal Saviour. Have you answered His invitation?

Steve and His Bible

It was a sad time for Mrs. Wilson when her husband died, but she knew the Lord Jesus as her Saviour and that she could depend on His help. She asked Him for the wisdom needed to raise her family of six girls and one boy. It was her heart’s prayer that they would all grow up to love and serve the Lord Jesus.
One by one, each of the girls accepted the Lord Jesus as Saviour and Friend, but Steve would not listen. He wanted his own way and finally left home to get away from his mother and his mother’s God.
Just before Steve left home, his mother bought him a little Bible. She wrote his name in the front and gave it to him, lovingly urging him to read it every day and to accept the Lord Jesus as his Saviour. Steve said nothing but put the Bible in his suitcase and left.
Sometime later Mrs. Wilson received a letter from Steve, saying that he had gotten a job on a small ship and would soon be leaving port. Then anxious months went by, and she heard nothing more.
About a year later, she heard from another sailor that Steve’s ship had gone down, and everyone on board had been lost. “Did you know a Steve Wilson?” the frantic mother asked him.
“Steve Wilson? Sure, I knew him. He was a rebel  ... always in trouble.”
Poor Mrs. Wilson. She had loved her willful son and had prayed for him daily, but now he had no doubt drowned and was lost forever. But our God both hears and answers prayer. “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear” (Isaiah 59:1). God had not forsaken this poor mother.
Two years passed—sad years for Mrs. Wilson that were filled with many tears. Then one day a sailor came knocking at her door. Always interested in their stories of the sea, she sat and listened to this sailor while he told of his adventures.
“Once,” the young sailor said, “another sailor and I escaped from a shipwreck and were able to swim together to a small island. Inside his shirt he had tucked a little book his mother had given him. It had been completely soaked with salt water, but he dried it out the best he could and spent all his time reading it. He cried about his sins and life and prayed a lot. He told me that before he left home his mother had prayed and pleaded with him to believe in Jesus as his Saviour. There on that island he told Jesus that he was a hopeless sinner and trusted Him for salvation. Just before he died he gave me this book and said, ‘Here, Josh. Take this and read it, and I hope it will be used by God to save your soul, as it has saved mine.’ Then he squeezed my hand and died in peace.”
With a trembling hand, Mrs. Wilson reached for the book, and there inside the front cover were the words, “Steven Wilson, with much love from your mother.” The writing was faded from the saltwater, but it was still readable. How her heart rejoiced to know that Steven was saved from his sins, and she would certainly meet him in heaven. Now the tears in her eyes were tears of joy!
“He that [goes] forth and [weeps], bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” (Psalm 126:6).
MEMORY VERSE: “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1

Grow a Garden in Your Heart

Ask your heavenly Father
To help prepare the ground,
He will plow and soften it,
And till it all around,
Then you must plant the holy seed
That's found in God's true Word,
He will keep it safe from blight,
And every hurtful bird,
But you must water it with prayer,
And pull out all the weeds,
Sweet thoughts of Christ will fertilize
All those living seeds,
You'll be the happy reaper soon,
Of baskets full of peace,
And love and joy and kindness.
Your fruit will never cease.

The Wonders of God's Creation: The World's Largest Snakes

“As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:14-15
Of the world’s more than 2,500 kinds of snakes, the largest are anacondas and boa constrictors, living in the swamps and tropical forests of South and Central America, and pythons found in southeastern Asia, Africa and India.
The twelve-foot boa constrictor is smaller than the thirty- to forty-foot anaconda and python. All kill their prey by coiling around the animal’s body and constricting it to death, then swallowing it whole. They do not actually “eat” their food, but draw their hinged mouths over it, and their fangs then pull it into their bodies an inch or two at a time. After a big meal, the snake may not eat again for three or four months.
The long, flat head of these snakes has no ears. Vibrations and a keen sense of smell, received partially through a flicking tongue, make them aware of what is nearby. They never stop growing, although their skins do. Twice a year a new skin replaces the tight old one, which is rubbed off—a startling thing to come upon lying on the ground.
Anacondas and boas give birth to live babies, but pythons lay eggs that are incubated by the mother coiling around them. Either way, as many as six dozen babies, as long as two feet at birth, immediately know how to squeeze small victims to death.
The boas spend a great deal of time in water, often with only a small part of their heads showing, waiting for animals to come near. At other times they climb trees to rob birds’ nests or stretch out on a low limb to dart down and catch animals passing below. Pythons have similar habits, sometimes tangling with tigers or other big animals. Once they get their coils around their prey, they are almost sure to win these battles. But these victims are too large to eat, and these contests only happen when, for some reason, they attack one another.
These reptiles have a place and purpose in God’s creation, but most people find them repulsive, especially when remembering that in the Bible Satan is called “that old serpent, which is the Devil” (Revelation 20:2).
When the Israelites spoke against God in the wilderness (Numbers 21:4-9), He sent fiery serpents among them and many died. But the Lord did provide a way of escape. He told Moses to place a brass serpent on a pole, and any who simply looked on it were healed. This is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ who later died for sinners on Calvary’s cross, with the wonderful promise that “whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (See our opening verse.)
Have you confessed that you are a sinner and looked in faith to Jesus to save you?

Clean, Outside and Inside

It’s important to be clean on the outside. That’s what people around you see. But it’s far more important to be clean on the inside. That’s where the Lord looks. The Lord told the prophet Samuel, “The Lord [sees] not as man [sees]; for man [looks] on the outward appearance, but the Lord [looks] on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). The following story that happened to me may help explain this point.
A front-end loader is a machine that is really helpful when heavy loads must be lifted and carried to new locations. I worked at a company that built front-end loaders. Several years ago, we were running some tests on the hydraulic system of one of these loaders. Another employee was in the driver’s seat operating the controls, while I was on the ground reading the oil pressure gauges and writing down the information. The pressure gauges were temporarily in place, using extra hoses that we had found in the test lab. We didn’t know it, but the hose ends had not been installed correctly on the hoses. This was a serious problem.
Our lives are sometimes like that. We may have a physical illness that we don’t know about. With an illness, it is important to find out what it is as soon as possible, and then a remedy will be more helpful. Besides physical health, you and I also have spiritual health, and God’s Word faithfully warns us that each of us has the disease called sin. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
How serious is this disease called sin? Is there a remedy for it? The Bible tells us that sin is very serious! It also tells us that there is a wonderful remedy for it that will not cost us anything! “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Perhaps you have never thought about how serious sin is, just as I didn’t realize those hose connections on the hydraulic system were a serious problem.
You may guess what happened next. As I was reading the gauges, the pressure inside those hoses was becoming greater and greater, until suddenly that bad hose connection blew apart and sprayed oil right in my face! The oil was being pumped at a rate of thirty gallons per minute—that’s the same as a gallon of oil every two seconds! It took me several seconds to realize my danger, and I ended up being soaked with hydraulic oil from head to foot.
At home you may keep a supply of clean rags for emergencies. My helper quickly handed me a large supply of rags so that I could try to get cleaned up. I was thankful for this help, and I was able to wipe off much of the oil, but I was not anywhere close to being fully clean. The rags became filthy with oil, so I needed something better to get cleaned up from my bath of oil.
Let us remember what God tells us about our sin condition. “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). This verse tells us that we cannot clean ourselves from sin. We must have God’s remedy: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). He invites you right now to trust in Him as your very own Saviour and be fully clean on the inside.
My story had a happy ending. I was able to go home and take a shower with soap and hot water and get clean on the outside. My clothes, however, were beyond help—they had to be thrown away.
There may be things in your life that should be “thrown away”—those sins that are an offense to God. Our message today is that there can be a happy ending to your story as well. The Lord Jesus is calling you! Will you accept His offer of cleansing? Be like the blind man, who when the Lord called him, “casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus” (Mark 10:50).
MEMORY VERSE: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Hamburger Buns

I have just returned from the thrift store of a large bakery. This is where the bakery's day-old bread, hot dog and hamburger buns, cookies, sweet rolls, pies and doughnuts are sold at prices much less than their original price. There is often a “bargain table” where certain items are even cheaper. And sometimes there is a “bonus table” that offers certain items free when you buy over a given dollar amount.
The hamburger buns I wanted did not have a price on them. I carried them to the checkout counter and the cashier told me what the bargain price was. Seeing an opportunity to tell her the news of God’s love in giving the Lord Jesus to die for sinners, I asked, “Do you know what is a better bargain than the price of these buns?”
She replied, “If you could get them free.”
When I asked the cashier if she knew about salvation, the free forgiveness of sins, she said, “I go to church. My reply to her was that God forgives those who go to church just as freely as He does those who don't go to church. In the little time it takes to pay for one item it was not possible to tell her that even the worst sinners are also freely forgiven when they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
Belonging to a church or going to Sunday school and meeting is not the way sins are forgiven. The Bible says, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5). It is the work the Lord Jesus did for us on the cross in full payment for our sins that makes it possible for God to forgive big sinners and little sinners. It is only the precious blood of the Lord Jesus that can wash away our sins. “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Pretty but Deadly!

“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid ... for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9
The sea anemone, living on the bottom of the ocean in many places, is not a plant but an unusual sea animal. It can move slowly, but it usually anchors itself to a rock. Its “flowers,” though pretty, are equipped with tiny poisonous threads that wrap around a fish that swims close to it. After the fish is paralyzed, the tentacles slowly drag the fish into a hidden mouth, which means the end of the fish.
But there are a few fish that are not bothered by the anemone and can swim around its tentacles. These fish eat the particles falling from the anemone's mouth, as well as catching other little fish that come close before the anemone's tentacles can paralyze them.
One of these immune to the poison is the little clown fish, a very pretty bit of bright-red marine life decorated with a few bold white stripes. When not eating, it often snuggles down for a rest on the colorful petal-like tentacles of the sea anemone, which don't affect it.
Another fish that is immune to the sea anemone's poison is the damselfish, but it is a favorite food of some large fish. When pursued, the damselfish will dash into the “petals” of the anemone. It has been known to even dive through the anemone's mouth into its stomach without any harm and soon finds its way back out. No one can explain how it can do this without being killed, but it is an amazing example of the Creator's ways with what He has created. The Bible says of the Creator, “All things are possible unto Thee” (Mark 14:36).
One more sea creature with no fear of the sea anemone is the anemone shrimp. It lives right inside the anemone’s many tentacles. Sooner or later a large fish, spotting it there but wise enough to stay out of reach of the anemone itself, will stop and open its mouth wide. The shrimp promptly swims out and picks parasites off its teeth that the fish can't otherwise get rid of. When that tasty job is finished, the fish swims away and the shrimp returns to its strange home.
Sea anemones, although very beautiful, cause the death of many fish. It reminds us of the temptations that Satan puts in the pathway of everyone, young or old. He is “as a roaring lion, [walking] about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
If the Lord Jesus is our Saviour and we put on “the whole armor of God” (Ephesians 6:11), He is our protector and will keep us in His ways. Satan will not be able to harm us. Another Bible verse tells us to “trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

Good Fish and Bad Fish

Did you know that fish lay thousands of eggs? And those eggs hatch into tiny fish and grow into big fish that will also lay thousands of eggs. You would think a lake would soon be so crowded with fish that you could hardly move a boat around in the water. However, God knows that many kinds of fish are good for food.
Here is a parable that Jesus told about fishing for food in the Sea of Galilee long ago. This was not rod-and-line fishing, but the fishermen were using a great fishing net, big enough to hold all kinds of fish. The fishermen spread it out in the sea, and I suppose they had weights to keep the lower edge down while they pulled the net full of fish to shore. It was a good catch that day, heavy with flopping fish that did not like being pulled onto shore.
Every fisherman knows that some fish are worthless for food, and a net will bring in all kinds—good and bad. The good ones must be gathered into containers for the fisherman to sell or use for himself, and the bad ones are either thrown away or perhaps used for fertilizer.
So the fishermen sat down on the shore to do the sorting—good ones put here and bad ones go over there. Maybe they made some mistakes, as we all do, but this is one of God’s parables, and He never makes even the smallest mistake! Jesus told us the meaning of this parable, and here it is.
A time is coming when God will be in charge of sorting those people who have loved and trusted in His Son Jesus from those who have refused His offer of love and salvation. His angels will do the sorting. They are God’s obedient servants, and they do not make mistakes. They will separate the wicked from the just. The wicked will be cast into the furnace of fire, where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.
You may ask, “Did Jesus really say that?” Yes, He certainly did. You may find it in Matthew 13:50. The wicked and the just are mixed together in this wide world right now, but the day is coming soon when God’s wisdom will do the sorting. He knows all about each one of us and He looks right into our hearts.
God says, “There is none that doeth good, no, not one” (Romans 3:12). So is there hope for any of us? I know I’m a sinner, so what can I do? I can listen and obey God’s Word that says, “By Him all that believe are justified from all things” (Acts 13:39). A bad fish can’t be changed into a good one, but God can give a sinner a new life that never sinned. He can give you this wonderful everlasting life, because He gave His Son to die for you. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).
Jesus said that hell is a very real place, but Jesus Himself is the way to the Father’s home in heaven. Will you come to Him for that wonderful everlasting life that He is waiting to give you?
You may read this parable that Jesus told and His explanation in Matthew 13:47-51.
MEMORY VERSE: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36

Ready or Not?

Cathie sat in her usual seat at the weekly Gospel meeting. The speaker was talking about two Bible verses: “Prepare to meet thy God,” (Amos 4:12) and, “Behold, now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). He said that you could accept Jesus as your own personal Saviour right there as you sat in your seat. Eight-year-old Cathie had heard God's plan of salvation many times before, but tonight the words “prepare” and “now is the time” kept ringing in her ears.
After the meeting, Cathie and her family went home as usual for a good night's sleep after the bedtime Bible story and prayers.
The bright sunshine and the noisy crows woke Cathie early the next morning. She jumped out of bed and ran to Mommy and Daddy's room like she usually did. But they were not there! Their bed was made up as if it had never been slept in. Where were they? Cathie's first thought was, Oh no, maybe the Lord Jesus came last night and took them to heaven and left me behind!
Then she ran to her brothers' room, but it was empty too. Has Jesus come already?
Was it too late for Cathie? No wonder those words “prepare” and “now is the time” had kept ringing in her ears! God's Word should be listened to and obeyed. Had, she waited too long? She began to cry and cry and call for Mommy and Daddy.
But wait ... wasn't that Mommy's voice she heard? Quickly she ran to another room and, yes, there were Mommy, Daddy, and her three brothers.
What a relief! Cathie knew there was still time to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as her own Saviour before it would be too late forever.
Cathie didn't wait any longer. She told the Lord Jesus she was a sinner and that she wanted Him to take away her sins. Now she knows that when Jesus comes, He will take her home to heaven to be with Him too. She won't be left behind! “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9).
If Jesus came today to take all believers to heaven, would you be left behind?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Turkeys - Wild and Tame

“Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich?” Job 39:13
Wild turkeys are large game birds of North America related to pheasants. The sight of a big turkey displaying its beautifully feathered body, particularly when out in the wild, is something a person is not likely to forget.
Except for one all-white variety, brownish-red is the prominent color for many of them, blending with blue, tan, brown and orange—and a little white trimming. These colors are best seen when a male is trying to win a female companion. He fans out his massive tail feathers to display his beauty. Then he adds to this display soft gurgles and an occasional loud gobble, which is so loud it can often be heard a mile away. Male turkeys are called toms, females are called hens, and chicks are called poults.
The wild turkey of North America lives as far south as Mexico. At one time many lived as far north as Maine and southern Ontario. The Indians found them an important source of food, and they were a favorite bird of the pioneer hunters. By the end of the nineteenth century, the wild turkey had been hunted almost to extinction in much of its original range. Today it has been re-established in much of its original range. In every place they are a favorite fall game bird for many hunters. However, turkeys have amazing eyesight and are very stealthy.
Over the years, raising domestic turkeys has become a tremendously big business—at times just a few in a farmer's backyard or hundreds and even thousands raised on large turkey farms. This contributes to an immense market for corn and other grains for these always-hungry birds as they are fattened up for year-round markets.
Most of us look forward to Thanksgiving Day and the roast turkey dinner that represents a big part of it, along with other tasty foods. After a prayer of thanksgiving to the real provider, the Lord Jesus, the delicious dark and white meat is enjoyed, along with stuffing and tasty vegetables and a piece of pumpkin pie for dessert. Yum, yum!
The beginning Bible verse is one of many in which the Lord was causing Job to realize that his pride was wrong, in spite of his boasting. When the Lord finished, Job replied, “I have heard of Thee ... mine eye seeth Thee: wherefore I abhor [am disgusted with] myself, and repent” (Job 42:5-6).
It is good for each of us also to be humbled when we think not only of the Lord's wondrous creation, but also of His great love for us. He invites us to trust in Him and His finished work on Calvary's cross and to accept Him as our Lord and Saviour. Nothing is more important! What about you? Is He your Lord and Saviour?

Joy Can Be Yours

There are lots of things in life to give us joy. Birthdays are usually lots of fun, and special holidays from school are a real treat too. Now can you think of something else that is better than all other happy events and that gives us joy that will last forever? What about the verse that says, “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:10)? That is a very special joy, and we’ll talk more about it a little later. But first I’d like to tell you about something that gave us joy last winter.
It was such a snowy winter where we live, and the snow kept piling up and got deeper and deeper. We noticed that the birds were no longer coming to our bird feeder. We decided that most of them must have migrated to a warmer climate where food was more plentiful. But there were usually some birds that stayed in our area through the winter months. Every day we would look for them, but there were not any to be seen.
Then one day something remarkable happened. We finally saw a bird at our feeder, eating seeds for a long time. She seemed to be almost starved! After eating for quite a while, the bird would fold up her wings and just rest on the perch, looking at herself in the glass that separated her from the storehouse of seeds.
The hungry bird continued to come to the feeder for several days. At night she would fly to a nearby tree to sleep and then come back to the feeder early the next morning for breakfast. We named the bird “Joy,” because it was so much fun to watch her enjoying the seeds in the feeder.
Then one night there was a heavy snowstorm, and the feeder was covered with snow. We thought we had better bundle up and get out there to clean the snow off the feeder. But before we had a chance to do so, Joy appeared and found a spot where there were a few available seeds. We noticed her wings flapping quite often, which probably cleared enough snow away for her to be able to reach more seeds. That brave, little bird, which looked so lonely, seemed to have found a good place to stay, and she gave us joy with her daily company.
Have each of you boys and girls given the angels of God that joy that Luke 15:10 tells us about? If you have repented of your sins, you have not only given God’s angels joy, you yourself will also have everlasting joy that begins here in this world and will continue when you live in heaven with the Lord Jesus. Boys and girls, if you have not repented of your sins, you don’t have that joy, but it can be yours today.
The word “repent” means to change your mind and feel sorry about your sins. The Lord Jesus loves you very much, and if you will tell Him that you know you are a sinner and you want Him to wash your sins away, He will gladly remove every single sin and give you that joy and happiness that He promises. “Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he” (Proverbs 16:20). And if you trust in the Lord Jesus, it gives Him great joy too.
MEMORY VERSE: “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:10

Stop for Red Lights!

Mr. Peters lived in New York City. Usually when he was driving around town, traffic was so heavy that he did not bother to check if the traffic lights were red or green before he crossed an intersection. He just pushed his way through the crowd of cars and taxis along with everyone else.
One day Mr. Peters was driving in the suburbs with Mr. Grant, a friend. Mr. Peters was talking excitedly to Mr. Grant, telling him a story. Mr. Grant suddenly interrupted, “Hey,” he shouted, “you just went through a red light!”
Mr. Peters looked in his rearview mirror. Sure enough, he had just driven right through a red light. Rather embarrassed, he apologized to Mr. Grant, “I’m so sorry  ... this is the first time I’ve ever done that! I don’t ever remember going through a red light before!”
It was true that Mr. Peters did not remember, since he hardly ever noticed what color the traffic lights were. Then he went on with the story he had been telling.
Suddenly Mr. Grant broke in again. “Uh—you just went through another red light!”
Horrified, Mr. Peters looked back again. Yes, he certainly had driven right through another red light! He shook his head. “I can hardly believe this,” he said seriously. “The first time I’ve ever gone through a red light, and now I’ve done it twice in one day!”
Mr. Peters was mistaken. He had gone through many red lights, but he did not realize it because he never paid attention to them. Going through red lights is sin—it’s illegal. God says, “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord [carefully examines] the hearts” (Proverbs 21:2).
Sometimes we need someone to point out our mistakes, especially sinful ones. We like to think that others have made worse mistakes and that they are the ones who need the help. We need to remember that God looks at each of us differently than how we see each other. He sees and knows all about you and me and our sins and says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). He also says, “[How] shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy [God’s] Word” (Psalm 119:9). The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus Christ died and shed His blood to wash away sins. He is patiently waiting in love for all who will turn to Him in faith and accept Him as their Saviour.
Are your sins washed away?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Glaciers and Icebergs - Part 1

“He [God] saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain.” Job 37:6
A glacier is formed by vast amounts of snow turning into ice as more layers of snow press down on the top or sides of a mountain. As this goes on year after year, a long, deep mass of ice builds up and a glacier is formed. Eventually the great weight of ice begins to slowly move downward, pushing ice, soil and loose rocks ahead of it like a giant bulldozer. Though it doesn't appear to be moving, it is actually moving very slowly, perhaps only a few inches a day.
A glacier may cover so much area that its lower end could be melting in a warmer part of the land, changing into a stream or lake. But most often a glacier moves toward the ocean where great chunks break off and float out into the water. These huge floating chunks, many of which weigh thousands of tons, are called icebergs.
These masses of glacial ice are often beautiful to look down on from a nearby hillside. People are sometimes tempted to climb up a glacier. But that should never be done without a guide's help, for there are often hidden holes (crevasses) where an inexperienced person might fall through, causing serious injury or even death. Huge caves are often formed too, but these are also dangerous to explore without a guide's help. What most frequently happens to glaciers, adding to their beauty, is that as the force behind keeps them moving, they break into innumerable chunks of ice—pretty to look at, but dangerous to climb on.
The greatest number of Alaskan glaciers end their journey in the North Pacific ocean, where warmer salt water splashes against them, breaking off chunks, large and small. This is an example of the wisdom of the Creator, using the melting of glacial ice to add fresh water to keep the oceans of the world from becoming too salty.
The Lord God, Creator of all things, invites each of us to spend eternity with Him in heaven where even more wonderful things will be seen. How can we get there? The Bible tells us, “He [Jesus] is able also to save them to the uttermost [forever] that come unto God by Him” (Hebrews 7:25). Have you done this? Have you confessed to Him that you are a sinner and accepted His payment on the cross for your sins? If you have not yet done this, will you do it today?
In the next issue we will consider the place icebergs have in the Creator's plans.
(to be continued)

The Friendly Stork

Many years ago, a little boy named Conrad lived in a village in far-off Norway. His father had died, and so he and his mother lived alone. They were very kind to a stork that had built its nest near their house every summer for many years. They fed it and petted it, so that it got to know them. When Conrad whistled for it, the stork would come to eat from his hand. Each spring they eagerly watched for the stork to return to its nest, and it seemed equally glad to see them.
When Conrad grew up, he went to sea, hoping to earn enough money to be able to take care of his mother in her old age. Near the coast of Africa pirates attacked the ship he was on. He and the other sailors were put in chains and were soon sold as slaves.
As the months passed and Conrad’s mother did not hear from her son, she gave up all hope of seeing him alive again. She assumed he had drowned, and she mourned for him. Things around her held little interest for the poor, lonely mother. But for Conrad’s sake, she welcomed the stork the next spring and fed it till it flew away to the sunny south that fall.
One day as Conrad, now a slave, worked hard under cruel conditions, a stork came flying close to him and circled around him. This brought to his mind the memory of home and his mother and their yearly visitor. He whistled to the stork just as he used to call his pet stork at home.
To his great surprise, the stork came at once to him as if to be fed. He lifted up his heart to God and with tears gave thanks for the arrival of his pet. Day after day he fed the bird with what little he could spare from his own meager food rations.
When it came time for the stork to fly north again, Conrad was sad. Would it fly once again to his mother’s home? Was the nest still there? Was his mother there to welcome and feed the bird? Then it occurred to him that the stork might help him gain his freedom. He managed to write a short message on a scrap of paper, telling where he was and that he was being held as a slave. He tied the paper firmly around the bird’s leg.
Spring came again to Norway and with it came the stork. His mother’s eyes lit up when she saw the stork, and she welcomed it once again as an old friend. While feeding it, she noticed the piece of paper tied to its leg. Can you imagine her joy when she found that it was a note from her son?
The news spread quickly that Conrad was alive. The king of Norway sent a ship, one that the pirates wouldn’t dare attack, to rescue Conrad from his slavery. Ships traveled slowly in those days, but Conrad was finally freed from his slavery and was safely returned to his mother and home.
We can cry to the Lord Jesus for His help to free us from the slavery of sin and the evil of our hearts. Prayer is the white-winged bird that can carry our message right up to the Father’s house in heaven. And an answer comes to us: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, [you] shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Long, long ago God knew our need to be freed from the slavery of sin. He sent His beloved Son, Christ Jesus, down here to rescue us by giving up His own life for all who want to be set free. “Christ Jesus  ... gave Himself a ransom for all” (1 Timothy 2:5-6).
MEMORY VERSE: “There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all.” 1 Timothy 2:5-6

The Ring

One day six-year-old Matthew asked his mother, “Where did God come from?”
“It is really hard to understand,” she answered, “but maybe this will help.” She took off her wedding ring, handed it to him and asked, “Where does this ring begin and where does it end?”
Matthew turned the ring over and over in his hands and finally answered, “There isn't any starting place or stopping place.”
Then his mother explained, “It is exactly the same way with God—there was no beginning to God, and there will be no end to God. He always has been living, and He always will be living.”
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:1-3).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Glaciers and Icebergs - Part 2

“[The Lord God] gathereth the waters of the sea together as a heap; He layeth up the depth in storehouses.” Psalm 33:7
Last week we took a look at glaciers originating on Alaskan mountainsides and their long, slow journeys to ocean waters. Now let's look at what happens to icebergs that are formed that way. Incidentally, the part of an iceberg under water is almost ten times larger than what is seen above the water.
Some icebergs are quite flat on top, making a suitable place for seals to climb up and rest. Birds also appreciate them as places to rest. Skilled hunters, spotting game on icebergs, silently paddle their kayaks near enough to get shots at them. Sometimes they are particularly pleased to discover a polar bear asleep on one.
The icebergs most often referred to in books and magazines are the huge ones found in Arctic Ocean waters above Newfoundland. Many of these icebergs are carried by ocean currents and winds into the shipping lanes of the Atlantic Ocean. It was one of these that was hit in the dark many years ago by the “unsinkable” ship named Titanic. The Titanic sank and many people drowned. In past years, many other ships have crashed into icebergs in the darkness or fog. Today these iceberg areas are patrolled by boats with radar and radios, which warn ships to keep far away from them.
These larger icebergs are most frequently huge chunks of ice that have broken away from the thick icecaps of the North Atlantic Ocean. Some have been measured and found to be as much as three miles wide and 1600 feet thick, weighing thousands of tons.
In former days of fishing, it was quite common for sailors to pull alongside these great icebergs to chip off enough ice to fill their storage tanks with good, clean drinking water, since icebergs have no salt in them. It is estimated that an iceberg one half mile long, one half mile wide and 500 feet thick, holds frozen water worth millions of dollars, if it could be towed to one of the hot, water-scarce countries near the equator. So far, there are too many problems to attempt this.
Our opening Bible verse reminds us that glaciers, icebergs and other waters are all included in God's creation and are also included when the Bible says, “For [God’s] pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11).
But the Creator has far more pleasure in a higher form of His creation. We are told in Psalm 149:4, “The Lord taketh pleasure in His people.” Who are His people? Those who love Him and trust in Him as their Saviour.
Does He take pleasure in you? He does, if you are one of “His people.”

Ryan's Friend

Ryan sat on the front steps of his house petting Lady his dog, thinking sadly of how she was the only friend he had. Since moving from the city, he had never really made friends with any of the boys at school. It was then that he noticed some boys about his age running down the street.
In a few minutes a boy he recognized, named Kevin, came running by. Seeing Ryan sitting on the steps, he stopped and called, “Hi, Ryan. How come you're staying at home on a day off school?”
Ryan didn't answer, but he did walk down to where Kevin was standing. Boy, I'd sure like to have him for a friend, Ryan thought. Kevin was smart and popular.
“Why don't you come with us? Scott, Chuck, Todd and me are goin' out to Cairn Creek.  It'll be fun.”
“Wait and I'll ask my mom,” he answered excitedly. Ryan was overjoyed when she said, “Yes.” Then she added, “Ryan, I know that you want to make friends here, but don't forget you have a `Friend that sticketh closer than a brother' (Proverbs 18:24). Don't do anything that would not please Him.”
Kevin and Ryan had to hurry to catch up to the others, who seemed a little surprised to see Ryan. But since he came with Kevin, they did not say anything.
The morning passed quickly because they were having fun. About lunchtime Scott said, “Hey, you guys, it's time to make that raid for our lunch.”
“Let's send Ryan,” said Chuck. They all liked that idea, so Ryan was told to go to Mr. Wilson's orchard and pick ten apples.
Ryan asked, “Hey, did he say we could have the apples?”
“How could he when he doesn't even know?” laughed Chuck.
“Do you think old Wilson would give anything away?” sneered Todd. “Just go and pick them.”
“Not me,” said Ryan firmly.
“Don't be afraid. We'll be your lookouts,” said Scott.
Ryan was silent for a moment. He belonged to the Lord Jesus and knew that stealing was wrong, and yet he did want friends. But Jesus was the best Friend he could ever have, and so he silently prayed, “Lord Jesus, help me.”
“I'm not goin',” he said flatly. “That's stealing, and I'm not stealing for anyone. I belong to Jesus.”
“Aw, c'mon,” said Kevin, “he'll never miss a few apples.”
Ryan shook his head. “Those apples don't belong to us. If we take some, it's stealing—just like stealing money. I wouldn't take Mr. Wilson's money, would you?”
Ryan turned and headed back to the road. He felt sad at losing his new friends, but then he thought of Jesus, the “Friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” The Lord Jesus wouldn't leave him!
He hadn't reached the road when he heard someone running up behind him. “Hey, Ry, wait up.” It was Kevin calling him.
“Ry, what you say is right,” he puffed. “I never thought about it like that. It didn't seem wrong to take apples, but I know it's not right to steal!”
Kevin and Ryan became good friends. But better than that, Kevin soon learned about Jesus and His love and accepted Him as his Saviour. After that, the two boys helped each other to do what was right and pleasing to the Lord Jesus.
How happy the Lord must have been to see this loyalty in His young believer! And what a reward Ryan got in winning Kevin, not only as his friend, but also to the Lord Jesus.
May this story help each one of us always to remember, “Thou God seest me” (Genesis 16:13). “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25).
MEMORY VERSE: “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Proverbs 29:25

The Sparrows' Rescue

A kind old man was walking down the street one day long ago when he met a boy carrying a cage full of sparrows. The old man stopped the boy and asked him what he was going to do with those sparrows.
The boy answered the old man’s question, “I’m gonna take ‘em home and feed ‘em to my cat.”
The old man asked the boy, “What would you charge me for that cage full of birds?”
“Ten bucks,” the boy answered flippantly.
Ten dollars was a lot of money in those days, but the man reached into his knapsack, brought out ten dollars and gave it to the boy.
The boy looked at the old man as though he were out of his mind, then quickly dropped the cage, grabbed the money and started running. He probably thought the old man might change his mind.
Now, what do you think the old man did with the cage full of sparrows? He took them to a meadow outside the city, opened the cage and let them all fly away to freedom. Instead of a cruel death, those sparrows were given life, freedom and peace! What an exchange!
Have you been set free from your sins and the punishment you deserve for them? Have you met Jesus the Saviour of sinners who loves you and wants to set you free, or are you still locked up in Satan’s cage? Jesus says, “[You] are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:31). He paid far more than ten dollars to set you free! He paid with His own life’s blood on Calvary’s cross when He died for you and me. Come to Him! Trust Him!
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).

The Wonders of God's Creation: What Goes on in a Compost Pile?

“He looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven.” Job 28:24
In the last few years we have all been learning ways to recycle various items instead of throwing them away. Even plant material can be recycled. Here is one way.
Many children help their parents make compost piles by dumping grass clippings, weeds, rotten garden vegetables and spoiled fruit in one spot to which manure, lime and occasionally soil and ashes may be added. These piles are turned over and stirred up occasionally, until it becomes a rich mixture of decayed organic matter that, when spaded into a garden, provides the finest kind of enriched soil.
How does this all happen? If you were to dig your hand into a compost pile, you would find it is very warm and moist. This is the result of all the plant material decaying because of certain types of tiny worm-like creatures and organisms doing their job. The most active of all are billions of bacteria that work inside the pile. These are the main producers of the heat. They not only silently change everything to fertilizer but also destroy many harmful insects that are attracted to this banquet.
Other helpers, quite visible, include beetles, worms, millipedes, and sow bugs that work near the surface, making tiny tunnels that allow air to reach the materials and make them decay faster. Many of these helpers have short lives, and soon their bodies become part of the compost too.
Just think—all these helpers almost seem to appear from nowhere. Where do they come from? Well, this is just another wonder of God's creation. He has designed each one to do its part without any training or instruction. Usually in a few weeks' time, the compost has become a crumbly, loamy substance which, when spaded into a garden, enriches the soil and will produce excellent fruits, vegetables and flowers.
To see some of these active producers of compost, just take a shovel full of the decomposing mixture out of the center of the pile when it is about ready for use, spread it on a white cloth or newspaper, and look at it through a strong microscope. You won't be able to see all of them, but what you find will help you grasp how wonderful the Creator's ways are, even in such a thing as a lowly compost pile.
The Bible verse at the beginning reminds us that nothing is hidden from God, no matter how small or where it may be. Another verse asks, “Doth not He see my ways, and count all my steps?” (Job 31:4). The answer is, Yes, He does indeed see the ways of every one of us, and He wants our lives to show obedience to His Word, the Bible, and to be pleasing to Him. Does your way of life please Him?

Who Shut the Door?

Maybe you have heard the story of Noah and the boatload of animals. The whole story is so wonderful and so different from the picture book tales that you see in bookstores.
You have probably heard that Noah built an ark. He built it exactly the shape and size that God had planned. It was not painted red and blue or yellow and green, but it was covered all over with black tar to make it waterproof. It was more important for this very special boat to be waterproof than to be pretty.
The ark had one door—a front door. There was no back door. And here’s a puzzle for you to think about as we tell you this story. Who shut the door?
It is not hard to picture the door wide open and large enough for a pair of elephants to go through. So it was certainly big enough for anybody who wanted to go in, not just to explore but to stay. There was no sign that said “No Trespassing,” and there was no cashier to take money. The open door was an invitation to “COME IN!”
Why would anyone want to go into the ark? Because God had Noah build it to save people from a big flood that He was going to send as punishment for their sinfulness. He has provided a different kind of ark for you and me. Our sinfulness deserves punishment too, but God sent His Son Jesus to bear the punishment for sin on the cross as the substitute for anyone who will accept Him as his or her very own Saviour. Jesus said, “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved” (John 10:9).
All the animals went inside the ark, and there was food for them inside too. Then Noah and all his family went in, eight of them, but the door wasn’t closed yet. It stayed open for seven more days, with the opportunity for all the people to come into the ark and be safe from the coming flood.
Wasn’t it kind of God to keep the door open for seven more days? Noah had warned the people that God said He was going to send a flood, and anyone outside of the ark would be drowned. God kept the door open for any who might accept the opportunity to go in and be safe from the coming judgment. But nobody else went in  ... they didn’t believe God.
God has given us a warning of coming judgment for our sins. Just as He had Noah build the ark as a place of safety from the flood, He sent His Son Jesus into the world to make a place of safety for sinners from the coming judgment for their sins. The door of salvation is open right now, waiting for you to come in. God does not tell us how long it will remain open—maybe just seven more days or maybe seven more minutes! When it’s God’s time, He will shut the door and leave you outside if you do not come in now while it is still open.
Who shut the door of the ark? God did. The Bible doesn’t tell us that the door was ever opened again until after the flood was over. When God shuts a door, it remains shut until He opens it.
Then it rained for forty days, and the water bubbled up from underground too. There never was such a flood before and never has been since. Even the mountains were covered with water. When God sends judgment, there is no way out!
The ark was not built like most boats, with a pointed prow at the front. It just floated safely—the higher the water, the higher it floated. No leaks and no drips. It was three floors high, and Noah and his family probably lived on the third floor, because there was a window for them up there, just as God had planned.
After a whole year, they felt the ark resting on a mountaintop. There were two ravens in the ark, and Noah sent one of them out, but it flew away and never came back. Then Noah sent out a dove, but it flew back again because the floodwaters were still too high—the ark was the only place it could rest. Noah took the dove inside the ark again.
Then a week later he sent the dove out again, and this time it came back with an olive leaf in its beak! That was a good sign that the trees were beginning to leaf out again. Maybe you’ve seen a picture of a dove with a leaf in its beak, and now you know the story.
A third time Noah sent the dove out, and this time it found a place to live in the fresh green trees and did not come back again. Then Noah removed the covering of the ark and looked and saw that the ground was dry. Very good news! It is always good news when you trust what God says. Now the eight people inside and all the animals were free to come out of the ark and live on the clean earth.
God is giving you an opportunity to be washed clean from all your sins through the death of Jesus. Have you accepted His loving offer to be saved from the punishment you deserve? Have you come through His open door? If not, He warns, “These shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal” (Matthew 25:46).
MEMORY VERSE: “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9

How Many Words in John 3:16?

There are just twenty-five words in John 3:16 in the King James Version of the Bible. The middle word is “Son.” Then there are two sets of twelve words on either side of the word “Son.”
The twelve words on the left side tell us what God did to provide salvation from sin—”For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten  ... ”, and the twelve words on the right side tell us the only way we can have the benefit of it—”That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Clever Baboon

“Every three years  ... came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.” 2 Chronicles 9:21
King Solomon apparently had a zoo near his palace, and apes were one of the animals he kept. We do not know what species of apes they were, but quite possibly they included baboons.
There are several kinds of baboons in South Africa. Most of them have dog-like faces, but some are called “pig face” because they resemble a pig. Baboons weigh about fifty pounds, and all have large canine teeth and cheek pouches in which they can store food. They are noisy and quarrelsome animals and sometimes viciously attack humans.
A visitor in South Africa recounted walking in the jungle. When he was some distance from the village, he suddenly found a group of baboons surrounding him, causing him to fear for his life. Fortunately, a car appeared on the seldom-used road, and the baboons quickly left.
The members of this ape family live in communities and have a highly developed social system. They have a dominant leader with all others taking their places in a well-defined “pecking order.”
Making frequent raids on farmers' crops, they are serious pests. In one area farmers kept such close watch with their guns that the baboons discontinued coming into the orchards. Yet the trees continued to be stripped of fruit, much to the dismay of the farmers. Finally they discovered what was taking place. A group of baboons was found forming a line concealed in brush. After making sure he was not being watched, the leader would silently approach a tree, pick some fruit and hurry with it to the first baboon in line. The fruit was then passed from animal to animal and placed in a pile at the far end of the line. Then they all had a feast. However, they seemed to know that this little game might be interrupted, so as the first of the fruit reached them, each baboon took a bite and stored it in his cheek pouch without eating it. They seemed to sense that if they were chased away they would at least have one meal.
This animal also has a characteristic that puzzles researchers. In periods of drought when other animals are dying of thirst, baboons somehow find water and survive.
Like every animal of God's creation, the baboon has been given instincts that enable it to flourish in harsh environments. The psalmist said, “I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Thy wonders of old.... Thou art the God that doest wonders” (Psalm 77:11,14).
We are responsible to recognize the wonders of God in creation. But it is much more important to know Him as the Saviour God who gave His Son “to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10). Do you know His Son Jesus as your very own Lord and Saviour?

Sergeant Tibbs

Sergeant Tibbs took up his position by the window and watched as Danny, his little master, walked down the driveway to the school bus. He would be sitting there again when Danny walked back up the driveway after school. He liked Danny because he often petted him or scratched his ears.
Sarge, as he was called, led a good life for a cat. When he wasn't sitting on somebody's lap having his ears scratched or being petted, he was out hunting chipmunks or birds in the fields and woods all around his home. One day, however, his easy cat life had a sudden interruption! That was the day he had to go to the veterinarian.
Danny was assigned the job of holding Sarge in the car while they drove to the vet's office. When the car door closed, Sarge became uneasy and wanted to get down, but Danny held onto him. Then when the car started to move, Sarge suddenly clawed his way off Danny's lap and dove under the seat. He stayed there for the whole ten-mile ride. Poor Sarge was terrified! When they pulled into the parking lot and one of the car doors was opened, Sarge shot out and ran away before anyone could catch him.
The cat had never been to the vet's office before, so the whole neighborhood was new to him. And there were dogs around that he certainly would not want to meet. Sarge only wanted to go home, and poor Danny loved his cat and wanted him back.
You and I are like Sarge. Our sins have separated us from God, and so we are lost from God. But the Bible also tells us that God loves you and me and wants us back. He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, purposely to find and save us. “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
Danny was so sad. His parents drove around and asked people if they had seen a black and white cat, but no one had. Danny finally gave up hope of ever seeing his cat again.
One night three or four days later when the family got home and got out of the car, Danny heard a cat meowing. He was sure it couldn't be his cat, but out of the bushes came a much thinner Sergeant Tibbs! How he found his way back home is hard to say. We know that God has given some animals the ability to find their way, and some have traveled even greater distances than ten miles. You may be sure that both Danny and his cat were delighted to be together again.
The Lord Jesus wants to take you home to heaven where He is. He says in John 14:2, “In My Father's house are many mansions.... I go to prepare a place for you.” How can we be sure we are going to heaven to be with Him? We certainly can't go there with our sins, and we can't get rid of them by ourselves. The answer is in John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” Each of us needs to come to the Lord Jesus and let Him wash our sins away. It isn't hard to come to Him, even though we can't see Him. Just bow your head and tell Him you are a sinner and want to be saved from your sins and the punishment you deserve. He promises to cleanse you from every sin, and He will be so glad to have you back! “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:10).
MEMORY VERSE: “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10

Unwelcome Guests

It’s not very often you have to say to a guest that they aren’t welcome and you are forced to chase them away. However, we have had to do that very thing.
We heard strange knocks on our front door recently. We looked out the door window into the eyes of a very naughty squirrel that was clinging to our door decoration of corncobs! When we began to open the door to chase him away, he scampered off very fast.
That will be the end of the squirrel, we thought. But it wasn’t long before the strange knocks were heard again. You might have already guessed that the same bold squirrel was back, and we chased him away for the second time.
Then a little later we heard a BIG noise at the front door. When we checked this time, off ran the bushy-tailed, four-legged thief with a whole corncob in its mouth! We opened the door to check the decoration and noticed that two cobs were missing! Then later that day all the cobs were gone, and only the bow that tied them together remained!
The Lord Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart today. He’s not knocking as a thief; He’s knocking because He loves you. He says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup [eat] with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). He also says in John 10:9-10, “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Have you opened your heart’s door and let the Lord Jesus in?
The squirrel thief was a little amusing to us because we have used this same corncob decoration for a few years without a problem. But one thing we were sure of—that squirrel had a good meal that day with lots of corn to hide away for later.

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Cleanup Committee

“There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen.” Job 28:7
You would not want a vulture or a condor as a pet. Their featherless heads and necks, often covered with warts or loose-hanging skin, and large, hooked beaks make them rather unattractive. The largest is the South American condor, which is about four feet long with a multi-colored head, topped with a crown of loose skin called a carbuncle. The California condor is almost as large.
Although clumsy on the ground, condors (which are large vultures) have a graceful, soaring flight, hundreds or even thousands of feet in the air. South American condors, living high in the Andes Mountains, may fly as high as 20,000 feet. Rising on thermals (air currents), they soar in broad circles, often for hours without flapping their great wings. They have been provided with a keen sense of smell and the keenest eyesight of any creature and can spot a dead animal from as high as 5,000 feet. Something amazing happens when they find a dead animal. Although only one or two of these birds may be seen in the sky, when one drops down to feed on a carcass, others quickly appear in the sky, also dropping down to squabble over the dead animal.
We can see why the Creator designed them as He did. Their heads and long necks have no feathers so they can easily reach into the dead animal's body. The sharp hook on the end of their beaks helps tear off pieces of flesh. Their tongues, lined with “teeth” that point inward, move the food into their gullets. When several condors are present, a carcass is stripped to the skeleton in minutes. Frequently these birds eat so much they have difficulty becoming airborne again.
California condors are rare because many of the large animals they eat have been killed by man and so are scarce. These birds also have a slow rate of reproduction. They do not breed until they are six years old and lay only one egg every two years.
Although unattractive, vultures and condors are an important part of God's creation, and He has provided them with the features so necessary for life. They are helpful because they eat dead creatures that otherwise might decay and spread disease.
While vultures are suitably occupied in their way of life, they make us think of foolish people whose appetites are for the “dead things” of the world and who have not obeyed the important Bible verse, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world” (1 John 2:15).
God's Word points to the right things to occupy us. A wise person who proved this said, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart” (Jeremiah 15:16). Are you a wise or foolish person?