Ministry on the Epistle to the Ephesians [Paperback]

Ministry on the Epistle to the Ephesians by John Nelson Darby
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Kivar Paperback
Page Size:
4" x 6" x .5"
416 pages

About This Product

This is actually The Collected Writings of J. N. Darby, Volume 27 and consequently contains more than material on Ephesians. However, JND's ministry on Ephesians was so particularly valued that it was published separately for many years and is now made available again in this manner.

Table of Contents

1.       Galatians

2.       2.Ephesians, Notes on the Epistle to the

3.       Ephesians, Substance of a Reading on

4.       Ephesians, Comparison of the Epistles to the Romans and the

5.       Ephesians, Colossians and Peter: Comparison of Epistles

6.       Ephesians 1: What God Is to Us in Christ

7.       Ephesians 1:15-23 and 3:14-21, The Prayers in

8.       Ephesians 1: Not of the World

9.       Ephesians 1:4-14: Elect of God, Holy and Beloved

10.   Ephesians 1:9

11.   Ephesians 3:16-21: The Power That Works in Us

12.   Ephesians 4: Grace and Government

13.   Ephesians 4, Thoughts on

14.   Ephesians 4:1-16: Growing Up in Christ

15.   Ephesians 4-5: The Christian Walk

16.   Ephesians 5:22-30: Christ Loved the Church

17.   Ephesians 6:10-18: Conflict in Heavenly Places

18.   Philippians, Brief Notes on the Epistle to the

19.   Philippians 1: The Book of Experience

20.   Philippians 2, Thoughts on

21.   Philippians 2: The Effect of Christ Down Here

22.   Philippians 3: The Effect of Christ in Glory

23.   Philippians 4, Thoughts on

24.   Philippians 4:8: The Superiority of Christ Over Circumstances

25.   Colossians, Notes on the Epistle to the

26.   Colossians, Notes on the Beginning of

27.   Colossians 1: Reconciliation

28.   Colossians 2: All in Christ and Christ All

29.   Colossians 2:20; Colossians 3:1: Dead With Christ, Risen With Christ

30.   Thessalonians, Notes on the Epistles to the

31.   1 Thessalonians; Acts 1:11: I Will Come Again

32.   1 and 2 Timothy, Notes on

33.   1 Timothy 1, Notes of a Discourse on

34.   1 Timothy 2:6: Propitiation and Substitution

35.   1 Timothy 5:17: On Rule

36.   2 Timothy 2: Fragmentary Remarks

37.   Titus 2:11-14, Notes of Lecture on

38.   Hebrews, Notes From Lectures on

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