Mystery of God and the Purpose Purposed Upon the Whole Earth

Table of Contents

1. Mystery of God

Mystery of God

The Bible, in its object, is a whole, which presents to us God coming forth from His essential fullness to manifest all that He is, and to bring back into the enjoyment of this fullness with Himself those who, having been made partakers of His nature, have become capable of comprehending and loving His counsels and Himself.
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 4
Eph. 1:4-13
p. 437-42
S.H. p. 287-90
John 14:1-3
J.N.D. Col. Writ.
Eph. 5:25-33
vol. 2, p. 427-33
vol. 1, p. 401-19
S.H. p. 282-87
S.H. p. 261-72
Matt. 13:35
Isa. 45:18
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 4
Matt. 12:50
p. 469-70
John 5:24
S.H. p. 307-09
John 6:28,29
Rev. 21:7
Ezek. 28:11-15
The Mystery of God and the Purpose Purposed Upon the Whole Earth
Precreation counsels purposed that God would have children with Himself in His own home, also that His Son would have a bride or helpmate.
From the foundation of the world it was destined that this world would be inhabited forever. He will not be frustrated in His purpose.
God has provided that those of His creatures whose wills are subject to the will of their Creator-Redeemer shall participate in varying capacities in the eternal sphere of happiness in heaven and on earth.
s J.N.D. Syn. vol. 2 Ezek. 28:15-19 p. 433-5
S.H. p. 294-5
Gen. 3
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 1
Gen. 6
p. 30-1 S.H. p. 22-3
Rom. 1:18-32
2 Chron. 33:1-7
J.N.D. Studies in
Acts 7:40-43
Daniel p. 8, 9, 26-44
Dan. 2, 27
Kelly. Great Prophe-
2 Cor. 4:4
cies of Daniel
John 12:31
p. 100-26
J.N.D. Col. Writ.
vol. 5, p. 49
S.H. p. 31
Baines. Revelation
p. 129-30
Rev. 10:7
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 1
p. 321-2
Deut. 32:35-43
S.H. p. 244-6
Rev. 6
cause of pride he fell, plunging himself and others into ruin. In the present creation we see his trail: the fall of man, corruption of the earth which called for a flood, the turning of man to demon-worship, idol-worship in Israel, and the use of the four world monarchies to further his schemes as the god and prince of the world, to be worshipped and obeyed.
"THE MYSTERY OF GOD" began when Lucifer was allowed to continue his wicked course unpunished. This mystery shall be finished at the sounding of the seventh trumpet when God's patience will come to an end. Then impenitent man shall discover the bitter answer, "For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live forever. If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me."
l J.N.D. Col. Writ. Dan. 9:24-26 vol. 11, p. 373-5
S.H. p. 244-5
Rev. 20
J.N.D. Col. Writ.
Dan. 9:24-26
vol. 5, p. 267-71
S.H. p. 172-75
1 Thess. 4.14-17
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 1
2 Thess. 2:7
p. 321 S.H. p. 244
Deut. 32:8
Isa. 19:23-25
J.N.D. Col. Writ.
vol. 11, p. 415-27
Isa. 18
S.H. p. 270-1
J.N.D. Col. Writ.
Dan. 12:3
vol. 5, p. 313
S.H. p. 202
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 2
Matt. 24:14
p. 50-6; 63-7
Rev. 6
S.H. p. 35-39
Col. Writ.
Dan. 9:24
vol. 30, p. 431
S.H. p. 288
vol. 11, p. 373-4
Dan. 9:27
S.H. p. 244-5
J.N.D. Studies in Dan.
p. 85-90
Matt. 2:16
increase in intensity until Satan's power is annulled.
The seven years of prophecy yet to be fulfilled, called the prophetic week, will follow the rapture of the church. The land of Israel and its people shall be the center.
Isa. 18 seems to open God's dealings again with Israel in a remnant, composed chiefly of Judah and Benjamin, who will have returned to the Land by that time. Teachers whom the Spirit of God will prepare beforehand shall appear in Jerusalem to instruct the remnant for 3½ years; after this, the nations bordering Israel shall hear the gospel of the kingdom. During these 3½ years, providential judgments shall afflict the prophetic earth to restrain transgression.
J.N.D. Col. Writ. Matt. 27:1,2 vol. 30, p. 326-7
S.H. p. 218-9
Isa. 28:14-18
Dan. 9:27
Kelly. Min. Prophets
Dan. 9:27
p. 491-4
Dan. 11:40; Isa. 7:17,
J.N.D. Col. Writ.
Mark 13:14
vol. 11, p. 256
Dan. 12:7; Rev. 12:14
S.H. p. 168
J.N.D. Studies in Dan.
Rev. 12
p. 79-82; 110-1
Kelly. Rev. Exp.
p. 138-40
p. 112-28
Rev. 8-11
Mark 13:19-20
Kelly. Rev. Exp.
p. 208
Rev. 17
Rev. 17
Kelly. Rev. Exp.
p. 208-10
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 5
p. 627-8
S.H. p. 412-14
Rev. 18
covenant with hell. In the middle of the seven years of trial, the Roman prince shall sever the seven-year covenant and shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease, and because he protects idolatry, in Jerusalem, he will provoke the anger of Jehovah. Jehovah will send a desolator upon the Land, the King of the North, while hiding His believing remnant in the wilderness for 1260 days, or the last 31/2 years shortened.
Kelly. Rev. Exp. p.211-3
Rev. 13
p. 162-3
2 Thess. 2:3,4
Dan. 11:35,36
J.N.D. Studies in Dan.
p. 112-4
Rev. 13
Kelly. Rev. Exp.
p. 162-3
Rev. 11
Kelly. Rev. 3d ed.
p. 424-5
Rev. 6;11
Rev. 14:13
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 5
Rev. 17
p. 628-9
p. 606-11
Rev. 9
S.H. p. 413-14
S.H. p. 398-401
their time of power the beasts of Rome and Judea shall together delude the whole earth.
The king in Jerusalem who does according to his own will is nevertheless subject to a higher power, the prince of the Roman Empire. This king, at the last, having been worshipped as antichrist, shall be known as a false prophet, who with signs and wonders shall set up the little horn (Roman prince) as the god of the earth. The two witnesses of the true God of the earth shall have completed their testimony and shall be slain when the beast shall make war with them. It would appear that all the martyrs of the tribulation shall be raised together; this will end the first resurrection.
The ten horns which form the Roman Empire shall give their power to the beast for one hour at the time they are crowned, near the end of the week. This will precipitate the crisis, three subsequent woes. These kings, together with the beast (little horn), shall make war with the Lamb when He comes as a thief.
p. 629
Rev. 17;19
S.H. p. 413-14
Rev. 19
p. 634-5
S.H. p. 416-17
Isa. 30:32,33
Kelly. Isa.
p. 251-2
Rev. 9
Isa. 7
J.N.D. Notes and Corn.
vol. 4, p. 92-108
Dan. 11
J.N.D. Col. Writ.
vol. 5, p. 302-4
Num. 24:24
S.H. p. 195-6
Rev. 11
Kelly. Rev. 3d ed.
p. 232-4
Luke 19:38
Heb. 12:22,23
Kelly. Rev. 3d ed.
Mark 13:25
p. 350-2
J.N.D. Let. vol. 1
Rev. 16:14-16
p. 279
II Thess. 1
All shall fall, after the fall of Babylon, the power of confusion. The beast and the false prophet shall be cast alive into the lake of fire when the Lord comes out of heaven. Later it appears that the Assyrian will meet the same doom. Before Jehovah comes as the thief, the king of the North (Turkey supported by Russia) will have desolated the land of Israel while driving back the king of Egypt into his own land and taking him captive. He also shall enter and overflow many countries with horsemen, chariots, and many ships.
Isa. 28:21,22
Isa. 10:23
Isa. 13:6
J.N.D. Notes and Com.
vol. 4, p. 45
Psa. 76:12
Isa. 24
Matt. 3:12
Joel 2:1-11
Kelly. Matt.
Lev. 23:22
p. 65-7
Isa. 28:22
J.N.D. Studies in Dan.
Rev. 14:14-16
p. 134-5
Dan. 12
J.N.D. Notes and Corn.
vol. 4, p. 127-8
Joel 2:17
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 2
p. 638-9
S.H. p. 430-1
Joel 2:20
Joel 2:28
Kelly. Great Prophecies
of Dan. p. 199
Dan. 11:44,45
Kelly. Min. Prophets
Zech. 14:4
p. 495-6
then the neighboring nations shall come under the consumption which shall usher in the Day of the Lord.
Jehovah shall be terrible to the kings of the earth. The wheat (church and martyrs) will have been placed in the heavenly garner and the sheaves gathered to the threshing floor with discriminating judgment, one taken, and one left. The poor Jew and the stranger Gentile shall be left for blessing in the kingdom. This harvest will be at the end of the age and will reach to the 1290 days.
After repentance and supplication of the elders to "spare Thy people, 0 Jehovah," the northern army, Jehovah's rod that has emptied the Land, will be removed. The Spirit shall then be poured out upon Judah, and the kingdom set up.
While the king of the North is in Egypt, tidings from the North and East trouble him, causing him to return, but in returning, he shall come to his end.
f J.N.D. Syn. vol. 2 Isa. 27:12, 13 p. 224-5 S.H. p. 152-3
Mic. 4:12
Ezek. 20:33-38
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 2
Isa. 34
p. 559-61
Ezek. 11:10
S.H. p. 377-78
Ezek. 35:10
Kelly. Isa.
Isa. 11:14
p. 172-4
Isa. 16
Isa. 34
Isa. 14:2
Isa. 25
Ps., books 4 and 5
Isa. 40-66
Ps. 130
Ezek. 20:43;36:31
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 2
S. of Sol. 6:12
S.H. p. 166-7
Psa. 110:3
Zech. 12
J.N.D. Let. vol. 1
Isa. 29
p. 522-3
vol. 2, p. 470
Zech. 9:8
unprecedented blessing for the entire world.
The exiled remnant of Judah shall return and be followed by the ten tribes. Out of the ten tribes shall have been purged the rebels who shall remain at the border of Israel, apostates as sheaves at the floor. Edom will be the floor.
All of Israel's enemies within the Land, such as Ammon and Moab, will be expelled by Israel and will be tributary, also the Philistines and Edom will be disinherited after the winepress.
The curse removed, the Land shall flourish. Israel, returned physically to the Land, the "whole work" will need to be performed "upon Mount Zion," a moral recovery. When back in their Land, they will remember their ways and repent. His people shall be willing in the day of His power.
J.N.D. Col. writ. p. 478-9
Nah. 1:9
S.H. p. 310-11
Mic. 5:5
Isa. 10:12-14
Zeph. 3, 8
Kelly. Min. Prophets
p. 479-84
Isa. 34;63
Ezek. 38;39
Jer. 25
Rev. 13:12
J.N.D. Notes and Corn.
vol. 4, p. 92-108
Isa. 10:13-15
Isa. 10:25-34
Isa. 14:24-28
Kelly. Isa.
p. 138-9
Ezek. 35:10
Isa. 10:25
Baines. Rev.
Jer. 31:17
p. 203-5
Ezek. 20:41
Jer. 25:30-33
Ezek. 39:11
Kelly, Isa.
Isa. 29:1-8
p. 238-9
Assyrian (Russia) who shall still threaten, affliction cannot arise the second time. Jehovah shall be the Peace at the time that the Assyrian returns.
Gog (the Assyrian in its final form, the fruit of the stout heart of the King of Assyria) shall come with many people as a cloud to cover the Land, assuming invincibility, to challenge Jehovah's rights as the King in Jerusalem. This will be the second and final attack upon Jerusalem. The beast had been a popular head to be worshipped. This Assyrian (Russia) shall assume the place of absolute power on the earth. Having been "the rod" of Jehovah's anger, he shall desire world conquest, and to accomplish this he must take Jerusalem, but "Jehovah was there." He will still be Jehovah's indignation upon the apostates of Israel, the rebel nation then brought back to the border. He shall find his end on the mountains of Israel, and there will be his grave.
As these threatening armies gather around Jerusalem, Israel shall be brought very low, so as to speak out of the dust.
Isa. 4:5
Isa. 59:19
Luke 18:1-8
Ps. 91
Hab. 3:1-11
Ezek. 38:18
Isa. 10:33,34
Isa. 66
J.N.D. Col. Writ.
Rev. 14:20
vol. 10, p. 581-98
Isa. 63:1-6
S.H. p. 370-80
Isa. 14:26
Kelly. Min. Prophets
p. 482-7
Ps. 130
Zech. 12:9-14
Isa. 14:32
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 2
p. 326-7
S.H. p. 221-2
Matt. 25
Isa. 32:1-8
Jer. 31:31-34
Although the cloud and pillar of fire shall guard them day and night, the threat of the "flood" to cover the Land shall be all but overwhelming. Israel shall there learn to trust Jehovah. All other props shall be removed, and Israel shall stand alone against the Assyrian. Thereupon fury shall rise in Jehovah's face. He shall lop the bough with terror. Fire, pestilence, and brimstone shall be as nothing in the winepress as the blood flows to the horses' bridles. This is the PURPOSE PURPOSED UPON THE WHOLE EARTH: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.
Jehovah shall show to His people His wounds. This will be the Day of Atonement. After deep repentance in afflicting their souls, Israel shall own Jesus as Jehovah, and Zion will be founded. The result shall be full blessing for earth as all internal enemies shall have been driven from the Land and in due process shall be judged as either sheep or goats in sessional judgment. Thus righteousness shall reign.
J.N.D. Col. Writ. vol. 11, P. 419-27;
Ezek. 39:29
S.H. p. 273-8
Gen. 15
Ezek. 47;48
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 2
2 Sam. 23:4 Isa. 65
p. 170-6
p. 115-19
Kelly. Rev. p. 411
Rev. 20
Isa. 11:9
Isa. 49
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 2
Isa. 11;65 Isa. 33:24
p. 353-4
S.H. p. 239-40
Kelly. Rev. Exp.
Rev. 20:7-9
p. 236-7
Rev. 20:10
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 5
p. 636-7
S.H. p. 418-19
Isa. 24:21-23
Kelly. Rev. Exp.
Rev. 20:11
p. 237-8
J.N.D. Col. Writ.
vol. 10, p. 581-98
Ps. 8
S.H. p. 370-80
being poured out under the new covenant. The Land promised to Abraham shall then be apportioned to the twelve tribes. Long shall be the benign and just reign of the worthy, righteous Jehovah to test man without a tempter, as Satan shall lie bound for 1000 years. During the millennium the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters that cover the sea. The bent of the creatures shall be changed, sickness and death shall flee.
When Satan shall again be loosed toward the close of the millennium, he shall go out to deceive the nations in the extremities of the earth, and multitudes shall meet judgment by fire from heaven as they rise up against the beloved city. Satan and his hosts, including demons, shall be cast into the lake of fire at the great white throne judgment of all the dead, who from Adam on have died in their sins.
l l Isa. 34:8 J.N.D. Col. Writ. vol. 10, p. 562-3
Rev. 20:11
S.H. p. 357-9
Rev. 20:14
1 Cor. 15:24-28
II Pet. 3
Rev. 21:3
J.N.D. Syn. vol. 4
p. 303-4
Rev. 21:2
S.H. p. 198-9
Eph. 1:10
Eph. 3:21
or good, woe or joy, turbulence or tranquility? This will be resolved on this earth and within the land of Israel by the settling of the controversy of Zion. The issues will be finalized by the putting away of all of the forces of evil forever, into the lake of fire, at the great white throne.
God having been fully revealed in His ways of justice, righteousness, wisdom, patience, and love through Jehovah, and death having been destroyed, the kingdom will be delivered up to God the Father that God may be All in All. Righteousness will then dwell forever in a new heaven and a new earth which shall mingle in communion.
Jehovah will remain a Man forever with His bride, who for one thousand years will have reigned with Him through the dispensation of the fullness of times. "Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."
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