Secrets of the Old Barn by Nancy Kever

Secrets of the Old Barn [Epub Ebook]

Christian fiction in the tradition of Patricia St. John.

Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 130 pages


Secrets of the Old Barn by Nancy Kever

Secrets of the Old Barn [Paperback]

Jan was filled with anger against Quang. How could he act that way? Why had he been lurking behing the old barn? Hadn't he been the one to make her fall off her bike? Her twin Julie seemed to be able to forgive and have peace in her heart but not Jan. What made the difference? The barn held many secrets stretching back more than a century, but Jan and her friends had a much more important set of lessons to learn than the barn could ever teach—secrets of the heart. …

Paperback, 130 pages

#4031, $5.95

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