Natasha's Blackboard Testimony

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IN A remote Russian village, there lives a little eleven-year old Christian girl named Natasha. Her parents taught her to believe in the Lord Jesus and she found Him to be real in her own life.
One day a new teacher came to her school. The teacher was a communist and was determined to put an end to Natasha’s faith. The battle began between the aggressive Communist teacher and little Natasha.
The teacher tried mockery, reasoning, friendship, and even trickery to get Natasha to give up her faith in God, but she got nowhere. At the end of one school day, the teacher ended the class with a lecture on atheism and wrote with large letters on the blackboard: GOD DOES NOT EXIST!
The next morning, when the teacher came into the classroom, she looked at the blackboard. The words had been changed slightly to read: GOD EXISTS! The teacher quickly erased it.
From that moment on the Communist teacher gave up her fruitless efforts to convert Natasha to atheism. Little Natasha, who had changed the blackboard, had held her ground, witnessed her faith to her fellow classmates, and won a victory over the Communist teacher.
Today in that far off Russian village little Natasha is serving the Lord Jesus Christ. She does not have much to look forward to in this life, for a Christian youth in Russia faces much trial and persecution — perhaps death. She knows this. But it is a price she is willing to pay for her Saviour. There are many such children in Russia who are serving the Lord in a quiet way.
May the story of Natasha encourage boys and girls who love the Lord Jesus to seek to be faithful to Him as their Saviour.
“Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” Rev. 2:10.
He sees all the future
Understands all the past,
And knows how much longer
The journey will last.
For our comfort He’ll care
Every step of the road,
Till His glory we share
In the house of our God.