Notes and Comments

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 15
A correspondent suggests the following plan as a help in the study of the Bible, and though no doubt many students have already adopted it still as it may be new to some who feel a lack of method and purpose in their reading, we think it may be useful. Let a notebook be kept with headings of subjects arranged alphabetically, and when an apposite passage, illustration, or explanation is met with let it he noted down. We all know how treacherous memory is, and must all have experienced the loss of the key to passages, the meaning of which has at one time seemed quite plain to us.
Under the title of “Christ our Example” we hope to give from time to time a few extracts bearing on the subject we considered together last January and February. They were not written for this magazine, and some have already appeared in print in periodicals now discontinued, or been published with other matter in other forms; but as few of our readers are likely to have met with them, we think that the insertion of a few on the precious subjects we have already studied together will still further deepen in each of our souls the sense of the perfections of our Lord and Master. We are glad to say that we have received most interesting letters connected with the study of this subject.
We may mention that the second part of the article on Love and Hatred will appear in our next.