Notes and Comments

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We are glad to say that we have had many letters from correspondents warmly approving of the proposed “Bible Conversations,” and also containing many suggestions of practical value. On the Whole the study of a Book seems to be preferred to that of a Chapter or subject. Perhaps the Epistle to the Romans might be the best Book to begin with, as it contains what all of us really need. Not a gospel sermon, but a full setting forth of the gospel to Christians; not a preaching of the gospel news, but a full teaching of it. We have necessarily as yet no practical knowledge of the length to which our Conversations will extend, but having only twelve in the year, and but a few pages (4 or 6) at our disposal each month, we could not hope at the utmost to go through more than the sixteen chapters in 1883. This being the case, we might propose a consideration of Romans 1 & 2 for the first “Conversation.” Inasmuch as the January No. requires to be got ready rather sooner than the other months, we must fix October 20 as the date by which all communications on these chapters should be sent in. We may give a few hints as to the nature of these and other matters, Initials or noms-de-plume should always accompany the letters, and be retained in all subsequent communications.
Queries, expositions, comments, original or selected, references of all sorts, parallel passages and all descriptions of notes bearing on the chapters selected are admissible.
All communications should be as brief, plain and pointed as possible and they may be shortened or omitted wholly or in part at the discretion of the Editor, all being however acknowledged at the head of each conversation, Any queries arising out of previous “Conversations” will be answered or discussed in the usual way in “Bible Queries.”
All readers of the magazine can send contributions, no class being formed. Contributions may be either occasional or monthly.
All communications for “Bible Conversations” to be addressed “B. C.” Editor of B. S., 27 Paternoster Square, E. C.
A further suggestion is in the form of a query from W, T. H. as follows:— “Is there any possibility of having a prayer meeting in connection with the “B. S.?” We could devote a specified time regularly if such could be selected and notified in the Magazine.”
In answer to this we would say that, while a fixed time might tend to formality, besides being difficult to fix so as to suit the convenience of all, we do entreat all who help in these “Conversations” to make them the subject of earnest prayer to God that He would graciously use them as a means of real blessing to our readers, that He would save them from formality and deadness, and above all that He would preserve them from containing anything contrary to His revealed truth.
We now leave the project with our readers and trust to receive by the 20th abundant material for a most instructive and helpful conversation with which to start the New Year, should we still be here to see it. One word in closing, to our more advanced Christian readers. We know there are many such who have been helped by the Student’s class in the monthly researches published in this magazine and we would therefore confidently ask their aid, counsel and practical help in this new means of presenting Scriptural truth to our readers.