Notes and Fragments

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We have now arrived at the close of the first six months of the Bible Student, and can unitedly praise God for the blessing He has given us thus far. The Bible Class, which forms the nucleus of our subscribers, has grown to a large number of regular contributors, and we are very thankful for the numerous testimonies as to help received from the monthly Bible researches. We sincerely trust that our friends will continue to work steadily on, and if any month the subject does not appear of particular interest to them, still diligently to work it out, at any rate for the good of others. One danger in Bible search is alone to be guarded against, and that is, of mere familiarity with the letter, without acquiring acquaintance with Him of whom it all speaks. “Christ and the Scriptures” must ever go together; the written word cannot be rightly held or understood apart from the living Word. And now a word about next year, should the Lord still tarry. We have felt so greatly cramped in space, notwithstanding close printing, that we have resolved to make the magazine 40 pages of the present large size, the price being raised to two pence. We trust none of our readers will grudge the extra penny, which the publishers are obliged to charge, owing not only to the size, but the number of tables and amount of small printing, which renders it so very much more costly than the “Young Believer.” Our desire is to make the magazine more comprehensive, so as better to meet the wants of Bible students generally. The contents will be arranged under leading heads, and the new matter will include a variety of papers on Biblical History, antiquities, &c., a series of papers distinguishing the meaning of most important Greek New Testament words when rendered by the same word in English, analyzes of various books in the Old Testament (like Y. B. vol. 1), papers unfolding the spiritual meaning of the various names of Christ, and others on various subjects. Two or three pages will be devoted each month to short notes and jottings, which we invite our correspondents to send us from their Bible margins; with each note will be given the sender’s initials for future reference. The Bible Queries too, will be thrown more open for discussion, the answers given being by no means considered final, further solutions and suggestions being invited, thus ensuring, we trust, a fuller light on the questions raised. Owing to the larger amount of work that this will involve, and the fact that we shall have to go to press earlier, we shall be compelled to make the 3rd instead of the 10th the last date for questions to be answered the following month. We trust confidently to the efforts of our present subscribers to make the enlarged magazine widely known, and the publishers will be glad to send specimens of the first number for free distribution to any applicant. We earnestly ask, too, for real prayer to God that, in this responsible and arduous work, no error may be allowed to creep into the pages of this magazine, but that He will deign to make it an increased channel of blessing to others for His glory.