Now I See

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
I could see, but ne’er again
Shall I behold the verdant plain,
Jeweled with flowers of colors bright,
Bathed in a flood of golden light.
The birds, the brilliant butterflies,
These all in thought before me rise;
The shining rivulet, whose song
Comes sweetly murmuring along;
The sky, the clouds, the grass, the trees,
All waving, glancing in the breeze –
I see them pictured in my mind,
But there alone, for I am blind.
Blind, did I say? How can that be,
Since I, by faith, my Saviour see
Exalted on the throne above,
Beaming with mercy, grace and love?
A view like this is better far
Than sun, or moon, or glittering star,
Or glowing landscape, sunny skies,
Or sight so fair to mortal eyes.
I THANK my God that He has put
A veil before mine eyes, and shut
All earthly objects from my sight,
And Christ revealed in glory bright.
Henceforth my word shall ever be –
Once I was blind, but NOW I see.
This poem was written by a man whose body gradually stopped functioning over 18 years, his sight being the last thing to fall to the ravages of disease. The Lord allowed his voice to remain until he went Home.
Things New and Old, Vol. 17