October 23: Our Feet for Him

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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OL 7:1{The figurative keeping of the feet of His saints, with the promise that when they run they shall not stumble, is a most beautiful and helpful subject. But it is quite distinct from the literal keeping for Jesus of our literal feet.
There is a certain homeliness about the idea which helps to make it very real. These very feet of ours are purchased for Christ's service by the precious drops which fell from His own torn and pierced feet upon the cross. They are to be His errand-runners. How can we let the world, the flesh, and the devil have the use of what has been purchased with such payment?
Shall the world have the use of them? Shall they carry us where the world is paramount, and the Master cannot be even named, because the mention of His Name would be so obviously out of place? I know the apparent difficulties of a subject which will at once occur in connection with this, but they all vanish when our bright banner is loyally unfurled, with its motto, "All for Jesus!" Do you honestly want your very feet to be "kept for Jesus"? Let these simple words, "Kept for Jesus," ring out next time the dancing difficulty or any other difficulty of the same kind comes up, and I know what the result will be!
Shall "the flesh" have the use of them? Shall they carry us hither and thither merely because we like to go, merely because it pleases ourselves to take this walk or pay this visit? And after all, what a failure it is!
And Thou hut left a solemn word behind Thee,
Solemn, yet fraught with blessing—would we learn
How we may gain Thy dwelling, and there find Thee?
Thou sayest, "Follow Me." Be this our great concern
And oh! how blessed thus to mark each hour
The footsteps of our Savior, and to know
That in them we are treading—then each flower
Of hope seems fairer, and each joy doth yet more brightly glow.
Oh that I always followed Him alone!
I know that I am His, for I have bowed
In peaceful faith before my Savior's throne,
And gladly there to Him my life, my all, have vowed,
And He hath pardoned me, and washed away
Each stain of guilt, and bade me quickly rise
And follow Him each moment of each day;
And He hath set a crown of life and joy before mine eyes.