56. Oh Blessed Gospel Sound
Oh blessed gospel sound!
"Yet there is room"!
It tells to all around — 
"Yet there is room"!
The guilty may draw near;
Though vile, they need not fear;
With joy they now may hear — 
"Yet there is room"!
God’s love in Christ we see — 
"Yet there is room"!
Greater it could not be — 
"Yet there is room"!
His only Son He gave;
He’s willing now to save
All who in Him believe — 
"Yet there is room"!
"All things are ready, come"!
"Yet there is room"!
Christ everything hath done — 
"Yet there is room"!
The work is now complete,
"Before the mercy-seat"
A Savior you will meet — 
"Yet there is room"!
God’s house is filling fast — 
"Yet there is room"!
Some guest will be the last — 
"Yet there is room"!
Yes! soon salvation’s day
From you will pass away,
Then grace no more will say — 
"Yet there is room"!
Same meter: