28. Oh, What a Savior Is Jesus the Lord

Oh, what a Savior is Jesus the Lord!
Well may His name by His saints be adored!
He has redeemed them from hell by His blood,
Saved them forever and brought them to God.
Jesus the Savior is mighty to save,
Jesus hath triumphed o’er death and the grave.
Now in the glory He waits to impart
Peace to the conscience, and joy to the heart;
Waits to be gracious, to pardon and heal
All who their sin and their wretchedness feel.
Thousands have fled to His spear-piercèd side:
Welcome they all have been, none are denied;
Weary and laden, they all have been blest,
Joyfully now in the Savior they rest.
Come, then, poor sinner, no longer delay,
Come to the Savior, come now while you may;
So shall your peace be eternally sure,
So shall your happiness ever endure!