Optimism; Work in Italy

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It is remarkable that when I heard of B.'s death, suited for Italy as he seemed to be, true and faithful, the feeling that came into my mind was, God is going to bless Italy—which I could not account for, nor give a reason, but there the feeling was. Not that there will not be exercises and trials: that one must expect—still rejoice in the goodness and grace of God; and so we ought.
I am not, dear brother, a pessimist, because I may say, since my conversion, I never had a thought of any good in man or myself, while fully admitting amiable and nice natural characters, as I think the Lord did. But He did not trust it: He knew that all true good was beyond and behind. I fear rather drawing the line too sharp and too hard, for there is not a good, but a moral, nature in man. Hence we are born of water as well as of the Spirit: the word is the instrument, but all good is of God. When He loved the young man, He said, "None is good save one, that is God." But I am not disheartened, though I may be cast down, because behind all there is God, One who never fails; and if He be for us, who can be against us? Only we have to know our own nothingness, and wait patiently for Him.
I was thinking lately that Christ is still waiting in patience. "Sit at my right hand, till"—and not said when. We do not know how deep and wide divine thoughts in connection with man go; but we know the Father has given us to Christ, and we shall be like Him, and brought, identified with Him, into the Father's house. Those whom the Father has given Him, at all cost He will bring back to Him, according to His own heart and purpose. It is a bright and blessed prospect. But I trust Him for blessing quand mime as to man, if we have His mind The Lord be with you in your work, and keep you near Him—the only source of good, and true self-judgment.
Deut. 26 gives the normal apprehensions of a godly soul in that book. He does not go up to Abraham, but merely a Syrian (Jacob) going down to Egypt, redemption and enjoyment of promises in the land, with personal integrity in connection with it. It is a kind of key to the book. The Lord always quotes from Deuteronomy (Matt. 4); it was the ground Israel was on, and not according to promises to Abraham. And He was the tested Man there.
March, 1880.