Perhaps Today

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Perhaps today our Lord will come
To bear us to our much loved home;
Before the evening shadows fall
May sound the longed-for clarion call;
Then out of sorrow, tears and strife,
We’ll rise to realms of joy and life.
Perhaps today will be the last
And time shall be forever past
Our light affliction will be o’er,
Then glory! glory! evermore!
These days of toil and pain will cease
And faithful workers rest in peace.
Perhaps today mine eyes shall see
The Lamb of God who died for me.
O, nothing else will matter then,
If unto Him I’ve faithful been.
Live for that day, O soul of mine,
And joy eternal shall be thine.
Watch unto prayer, be of good cheer,
That Day of days is drawing near—
“Perhaps today!” Ah, then, redeem
The time that like a rushing stream
Glides on—Redeem, redeem the time!
Perhaps today heaven will be thine!