Praying and Working

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
“We will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the Word."-
Acts 6: 4.
THE veil is rent, thou now may'st enter in;
No flaming sword of cherub bars thy way;
He who without the camp once bore thy sin,
Appears within the holiest "to-day,"
And intercedes for all who come by Him to pray.
His blood is sprinkled on the mercy-seat,
His blood is sprinkled, too, before the throne;
Where'er ascend the clouds of incense sweet,
The work of reconciliation all is done;
He lives our great High Priest, who did for sin atone.
Head of the Church,-behold His glorious face,
His members all accepted in their Head;
In Him all fullness dwells of truth and grace
To meet His people's ever-varying need:
Draw nigh by Him to God without one pang of dread.
Prayer is the breath of faith in God's own ears,
Prayer is the open mouth He waits to fill;
Prayer is the voice our heavenly Father hears,
That brings down blessings from His holy hill;
Wisdom to learn, and strength to do His gracious will.
First pray; then work. No work can e'er succeed
That prayerless wit and will to do combine;
All prayerless strength is but a broken reed,
A withered branch that 's severed from the vine:
No fruits, or works of such, shall heaven recorded shine.
Faith always prays, and praying works by love;
God's chronicles record the power of prayer;
His heroes, servants, martyrs, from above
Drew all the sap that made their lives so fair:
There is your full supply, if you like fruitwould bear.
“Praying and working"-life words, full of light,
Prayer without ceasing leads to ceaseless toil;
Not toil that wearies, for His yoke is light
Who feeds the lamp He trims with golden oil;
And His dear workman's strength renews with heavenly spoil.
[Written originally on the fly-leaf of a work called, Praying and Working; a most strengthening and encouraging testimony to the faithfulness of God in hearing and answering prayer, and supplying all the need of those who wait on Him.]