Privileged Tongues.

SUPPOSE an angel were entrusted with the gospel message, oh! how gladly would the mighty servant of God cast aside his shining robes, leave the golden courts above, and wing his flight to this sorrow and sin-stricken world. Fresh from the glory and its joys, how he could describe to us the marvels and the gladness of heaven! With what language would he teach us their happiness, whose spirits, absent from the body, are now present with the Lord! But, fellow Christians, no angel’s lips can tell of grace as yours, no pure spirit can tell of glory as yours, for what eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man at any time conceived, God hath revealed to us by His Spirit.
It is for you, the privileged tongues of saved men, to cry aloud in the ears of your fellow sinners what God’s grace is. It is for on, saved by grace, to say, “Come, and I will tell you what God hath done for my soul;” to proclaim what angels never can speak of as men can, the saving virtues of the precious blood of Christ.