Ruby's Dream

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Ruby Williams had a dream-a dream she held in her heart through years of farm and field work, cropping cotton and picking peaches. She kept that dream through the long years of share cropping, domestic work and the care of fourteen children to feed and clothe.
After eighty-four years, free at last to pursue her dream, what did she long for? An easier life? A better home? Comfort?
No, thank you! The dream of her life was to learn to read. And her dream came true, thanks to a literacy program where she lived. What did she want to read? Thrilling fiction-mysteries-lurid tabloid tales? No!
“I want to read my Bible,” she said.
She added, “Sometimes I pick up my Bible and read and read and read. I sure do! Glory hallelujah! Thank God!”
Wise Ruby Williams! Nothing in the whole world can give her the joy and satisfaction that she finds reading that wonderful Book and learning more and more of the Lord Jesus Christ, her Savior. She can read of His life on earth, His death and resurrection, His coming again to take all who are His to that home He has prepared in the Father’s house, and she can know that it is all hers to enjoy forever. Glory hallelujah indeed!